<p><SPAN name="link2H_4_0016" id="link2H_4_0016"></SPAN></p>
<h2> 15. ZAEMON’S SUMMONS </h2>
<p>Since the days when man was first created upon the earth by Gods who
looked down and did their work from another place, there have always been
areas of the land ill-adapted for his maintenance, but none more so than
that part of Atlantis which lies over against the savage continents of
Europe and Africa. The common people avoid it, because of a superstition
which says that the spirits of the evil dead stalk about there in broad
daylight, and slay all those that the more open dangers of the place might
otherwise spare. And so it has happened often that the criminals who might
have fled there from justice, have returned of their own free will, and
voluntarily given themselves up to the tormentors, rather than face its
fabulous terrors.</p>
<p>To the educated, many of these legends are known to be mythical; but
withal there are enough disquietudes remaining to make life very arduous
and stocked with peril. Everywhere the mountains keep their contents on
the boil; earth tremors are every day’s experience; gushes of unseen evil
vapours steal upon one with such cunningness and speed, that it is often
hard to flee in time before one is choked and killed; poisons well up into
the rivers, yet leave their colour unchanged; great cracks split across
the ground reaching down to the fires beneath, and the waters gush into
these, and are shot forth again with devastating explosion; and always may
be expected great outpourings of boiling mud or molten rock.</p>
<p>Yet with all this, there are great sombre forests in these lands, with
trees whose age is unimaginable, and fires amongst the herbage are rare.
All beneath the trees is water, and the air is full of warm steam and
wetness. For a man to live in that constant hot damp is very mortifying to
the strength. But strength is wanted, and cunning also beyond the
ordinary, for these dangerous lands are the abode of the lizards, which of
all beasts grow to the most enormous size and are the most fearsome to
deal with.</p>
<p>There are countless families and species of these lizards, and with some
of them a man can contend with prospect of success. But there are others
whose hugeness no human force can battle against. One I saw, as it came up
out of a lake after gaining its day’s food, that made the wet land shake
and pulse as it trod. It could have taken Phorenice’s mammoth into its
belly,* and even a mammoth in full charge could not have harmed it. Great
horny plates covered its head and body, and on the ridge of its back and
tail and limbs were spines that tore great slivers from the black trees as
it passed amongst them.</p>
<p>* TRANSLATOR’S NOTE: Professor Reeder of the Wyoming State University has
recently unearthed the skeleton of a Brontosaurus, 130 ft. in length,
which would have weighed 50 tons when alive. It was 35 ft. in height at
the hips, and 25 ft. at the shoulder, and 40 people could be seated with
comfort within its ribs. Its thigh bone was 8 ft. long. The fossils of a
whole series of these colossal lizards have been found.</p>
<p>Now and again these monsters would get caught in some vast fissuring of
the ground, but not often. Their speed of foot was great, and their
sagacity keen. They seemed to know when the worst boilings of the
mountains might be expected, and then they found safety in the deeper
lakes, or buried themselves in wallows of the mud. Moreover, they were
more kindly constituted than man to withstand one great danger of these
regions, in that the heat of the water did them no harm. Indeed, they will
lie peacefully in pools where sudden steam-bursts are making the water
leap into boiling fountains, and I have seen one run quickly across a flow
of molten rock which threatened to cut it off, and not be so much as
singed in the transit.</p>
<p>In the midst of such neighbours, then, was my new life thrown, and
existence became perilous and hard to me from the outset. I came near to
knowing what Fear was, and indeed only a fervent trust in the most High
Gods, and a firm belief that my life was always under Their fostering
care, prevented me from gaining that horrid knowledge. For long enough,
till I learned somewhat of the ways of this steaming, sweltering land, I
was in as miserable a case as even Phorenice could have wished to see me.
My clothes rotted from my back with the constant wetness, till I went as
naked as a savage from Europe; my limbs were racked with agues, and I
could find no herbs to make drugs for their relief; for days together I
could find no better food than tree-grubs and leaves; and often when I did
kill beasts, knowing little of their qualities, I ate those that gave me
pain and sickness.</p>
<p>But as man is born to make himself adaptable to his surroundings, so as
the months dragged on did I learn the limitation of this new life of mine,
and gather some knowledge of its resources. As example: I found a great
black tree, with a hollow core, and a hole into its middle near the roots.
Here I harboured, till one night some monstrous lizard, whose sheer weight
made the tree rock like a sapling, endeavoured to suck me forth as a bird
picks a worm from a hollow log. I escaped by the will of the Gods—I
could as much have done harm to a mountain as injure that horny tongue
with my weapons—but I gave myself warning that this chance must not
happen again.</p>
<p>So I cut myself a ladder of footholes on the inside of the trunk till I
had reached a point ten man-heights from the ground, and there cut other
notches, and with tree branches made a floor on which I might rest. Later,
for luxury, I carved me arrow-slit windows in the walls of my chamber, and
even carried up sand for a hearth, so that I might cook my victual up
there instead of lighting a fire in all the dangers of the open below.</p>
<p>By degrees, too, I began to find how the large-scaled fish of the rivers
and the lesser turtles might be more readily captured, and so my ribs
threatened less to start through their proper covering of skin as the days
went on. But the lack of salads and gruels I could never overcome. All the
green meat was tainted so powerfully with the taste of tars that never
could I force my palate to accept it. And of course, too, there remained
the peril of the greater lizards and the other dangers native to the
<p>But as the months began to mount into years, and the brute part of my
nature became more satisfied, there came other longings which it was less
easy to provide for. From the ivory of a river horse’s tooth I had
endeavoured to carve me a representative of Nais as last I had seen her.
But, though my fingers might be loving, and my will good, my art was of
the dullest, and the result—though I tried time and time again—was
always clumsy and pitiful. Still, in my eyes it carried some suggestion of
the original—a curve here, an outline there, and it made my old love
glow anew within me as I sat and ate it with my eyes. Yet it did little to
satisfy my longings for the woman I had lost; rather it whetted my
cravings to be with her again, or at least to have some knowledge of her
<p>Other men of the Priests’ Clan have come out and made an abode in these
Dangerous Lands, and by mortifying the flesh, have gained an intimacy with
the Higher Mysteries which has carried them far past what mere human
learning and repetition could teach. Indeed, here and there one, who from
some cause and another has returned to the abodes of men, has carried with
him a knowledge that has brought him the reputation amongst the vulgar for
the workings of magic and miracles, which—since all arts must be
allowed which aid so holy a cause—have added very materially to the
ardour with which these common people pursue the cult of the Gods. But for
myself I could not free my mind to the necessary clearness for following
these abstruse studies. During that voyage home from Yucatan I had
communed with them with growing insight; but now my mind was not my own.
Nais had a lien upon it, and refused to be ousted; and, in truth, her
sweet trespass was my chief solace.</p>
<p>But at last my longing could no further be denied. Through one of the
arrow-slit windows of my tree-house I could see far away a great mountain
top whitened with perpetual snow, which our Lord the Sun dyed with blood
every night of His setting. Night after night I used to watch that ruddy
light with wide straining eyes. Night after night I used to remember that
in days agone when I was entering upon the priesthood, it had been my duty
to adore our great Lord as He rose for His day behind the snows of that
very mountain. And always the thought followed on these musings, that from
that distant crest I could see across the continent to the Sacred Mount,
which had the city below it where I had buried my love alive.</p>
<p>So at last I gave way and set out, and a perilous journey I made of it. In
the heavy mists, which hung always on the lower ground, my way lay blind
before me, and I was constantly losing it. Indeed, to say that I traversed
three times the direct distance is setting a low estimate. Throughout all
those swamps the great lizards hunted, and as the country was new to me I
did not know places of harbour, and a hundred times was within an ace of
being spied and devoured at a mouthful. But the High Gods still desired me
for Their own purposes, and blinded the great beasts’ eyes when I slunk to
cover as they passed. Twice rivers of scalding water roared boiling across
my path, and I had to delay till I could collect enough black timber from
the forests to build rafts that would give me dry ferriage.</p>
<p>It will be seen then that my journey was in a way infinitely tedious, but
to me, after all those years of waiting, the time passed on winged feet. I
had been separated from my love till I could bear the strain no longer;
let me but see from a distance the place where she lay, and feast my eyes
upon it for a while, and then I could go back to my abode in the tree and
there remain patiently awaiting the will of the Gods.</p>
<p>The air grew more chilly as I began to come out above the region of trees,
on to that higher ground which glares down on the rest of the world, and I
made buskins and a coat of woven grasses to protect my body from the cold,
which began to blow upon me keenly. And later on, where the snow lay
eternally, and was blown into gullies, and frozen into solid banks and
bergs of ice, I had hard work to make any progress amongst its perilous
mazes, and was moreover so numbed by the chill, that my natural strength
was vastly weakened. Overhead, too, following me up with forbidding
swoops, and occasionally coming so close that I had to threaten it with my
weapons, was one of those huge man-eating birds which live by pulling down
and carrying off any creature that their instincts tell them is weakly,
and likely soon to die.</p>
<p>But the lure ahead of me was strong enough to make these difficulties seem
small, and though the air of the mountain agreed with me ill, causing
sickness and panting, I pressed on with what speed I could muster towards
the elusive summit. Time after time I thought the next spurt would surely
bring me out to the view for which my soul yearned, but always there
seemed another bank of snow and ice yet to be climbed. But at last I
reached the crest, and gave thanks to the most High Gods for Their
protection and favour.</p>
<p>Far, far away I could see the Sacred Mountain with its ring of fires
burning pale under the day, and although the splendid city which nestled
at its foot could not be seen from where I stood, I knew its position and
I knew its plan, and my soul went out to that throne of granite in the
square before the royal pyramid, where once, years before, I had buried my
love. Had Phorenice left the tomb unviolated?</p>
<p>I stood there leaning on my spear, filling my eye with the prospect,
warming even to the smoke of mountains that I recognised as old
acquaintances. Gods! how my love burned within me for this woman. My whole
being seemed gone out to meet her, and to leave room for nothing beside.
For long enough a voice seemed dimly to be calling me, but I gave it no
regard. I had come out to that hoary mountain top for communion with Nais
alone, and I wanted none others to interrupt.</p>
<p>But at length the voice calling my name grew too loud to be neglected, and
I pulled myself out of my sweet musing with a start to think that here,
for the first time since parting with Tob and his company, I should see
another human fellow-being. I gripped my weapon and asked who called. The
reply came clearly from up the slopes of mountain, and I saw a man coming
towards me over the snows. He was old and feeble. His body was bent, and
his hair and beard were white as the ground on which he trod, and
presently I recognised him as Zaemon. He was coming towards me with
incredible speed for a man of his years and feebleness, but he carried in
his hand the glowing Symbol of our Lord the Sun, and holy strength from
this would add largely to his powers.</p>
<p>He came close to me and made the sign of the Seven, which I returned to
him, with its completion, with due form and ceremony. And then he saluted
me in the manner prescribed as messenger appointed by the High Council of
the Priests seated before the Ark of the Mysteries, and I made humble
obeisance before him.</p>
<p>“In all things I will obey the orders that you put before me,” I said.</p>
<p>“Such is your duty, my brother. The command is, that you return
immediately to the Sacred Mountain, so that if human means may still
prevail, you, as the most skilful general Atlantis owns within her
borders, may still save the country from final wreck and punishment. The
woman Phorenice persists in her infamies. The poor land groans under her
heel. And now she has laid siege to our Sacred Mountain itself, and swears
that not one soul shall be left alive in all Atlantis who does not bend
humbly to her will.”</p>
<p>“It is a command and I obey it. But let me ask of another matter that is
intimate to both of us. What of Nais?”</p>
<p>“Nais rests where you left her, untouched. Phorenice knows by her arts—she
has stolen nearly all the ancient knowledge now—that still you live,
and she keeps Nais unharmed beneath the granite throne in the hopes that
some time she may use her as a weapon against you. Little she knows the
sternness of our Priests’ creed, my brother. Why, even I, that am the
girl’s father, would sacrifice her blithely, if her death or ruin might do
a tittle of good to Atlantis.”</p>
<p>“You go beyond me with your devotion.”</p>
<p>The old man leaned forward at me, with glowering brow. “What!”</p>
<p>“Or my old blind adherence to the ancient dogma has been sapped and
weakened by events. You must buy my full obedience, Zaemon, if you want
it. Promise me Nais—and your arts I know can snatch her—and I
will be true servant to the High Council of the Priest, and will die in
the last ditch if need be for the carrying out of order. But let me see
Nais given over to the fury of that wanton woman, and I shall have no
inwards left, except to take my vengeance, and to see Atlantis piled up in
ruins as her funeral-stone.”</p>
<p>Zaemon looked at me bitterly. “And you are the man the High Council
thought to trust as they would trust one of themselves? Truly we are in an
age of weak men and faithless now. But, my lord—nay, I must call you
brother still: we cannot be too nice in our choosing to-day—you are
the best there is, and we must have you. We little thought you would ask a
price for your generalship, having once taken oath on the walls of the Ark
of the Mysteries itself that always, come what might, you would be a
servant of the High Council of the Clan without fee and without hope of
advancement. But this is the age of broken vows, and you are going no more
than trim with the fashion. Indeed, brother, perhaps I should thank you
for being no more greedy in your demands.”</p>
<p>“You may spare me your taunts. You, by self-denial and profound search
into the highest of the higher Mysteries, have made yourself something
wiser than human; I have preserved my humanity, and with it its powers and
frailties; and it seems that each of us has his proper uses, or you would
not be come now here to me. Rather you would have done the generalling
<p>“You make a warm defence, my brother. But I have no leisure now to stand
before you with argument. Come to the Sacred Mountain, fight me this
wanton, upstart Empress, and by my beard you shall have your Nais as you
left her as a reward.”</p>
<p>“It is a command of the High Council which shall be obeyed. I will come
with my brother now, as soon as he is rested.”</p>
<p>“Nay,” said the old man, “I have no tiredness, and as for coming with me,
there you will not be able. But follow at what pace you may.”</p>
<p>He turned and set off down the snowy slopes of the mountain and I
followed; but gradually he distanced me; and so he kept on, with speed
always increasing, till presently he passed out of my sight round the spur
of an ice-cliff, and I found myself alone on the mountain side. Yes, truly
alone. For his footmarks in the snow from being deep, grew shallower, and
less noticeable, so that I had to stoop to see them. And presently they
vanished entirely, and the great mountain’s flank lay before me trackless,
and untrodden by the foot of man since time began.</p>
<p>I was not shaken by any great amazement. Though it was beyond my poor art
to compass this thing myself, having occupied my mind in exile more with
memories of Nais than in study of those uppermost recesses of the Higher
Mysteries in which Zaemon was so prodigiously wise, still I had some
inkling of his powers.</p>
<p>Zaemon I knew would be back again in his dwelling on the Sacred Mountain,
shaken and breathless, even before I had found an end to his tracks in the
snow, and it behoved me to join him there in the quickest possible time. I
had his promise now for my reward, and I knew that he would carry it into
effect. Beforetime I had made an error. I had valued Atlantis most, and
Nais, my private love, as only second. But now it was in my mind to be
honest with others even as with myself. Though all the world were hanging
on my choice, I could but love my Nais most, and serve her first and
foremost of all.</p>
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