<SPAN name="forest"></SPAN>
<h3> In a Forest<br/> </h3>
<p class="poem">
Silver birch and dusky pine,<br/>
Reaching up to find the light<br/>
From the forest's gloomy night,<br/>
From the thicket where entwine<br/>
Stunted shrub and creeping vine,<br/>
From the damp where witch-fire glows<br/>
And the poison fungus grows,<br/>
High you lift your heads, O trees,<br/>
To the kisses of the breeze,<br/>
To the far-off sapphire sky,<br/>
To the clouds that pass you by,<br/>
To the sun that shines on high.<br/></p>
<p class="poem">
From the dusk of earthly night<br/>
Strive, O soul, to reach the light.<br/></p>
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