<h2 class='c007'>IX</h2>
<p class='c013'>Questions and Answers: Business Pointers by Darius Ogden Mills</p>
<p class='drop-capa0_25_0_675 c014'>“WHAT is your idea, Mr. Mills,<SPAN name='r2' /><SPAN href='#f2' class='c019'><sup>[2]</sup></SPAN> of a
successful life?” “If a bootblack
does all the good he possibly
can for his fellow-men, his life has been
just as successful as that of the millionaire
who helps thousands.”</p>
<div class='footnote c020' id='f2'>
<p class='c018'><span class='label'><SPAN href='#r2'>2</SPAN>. </span>Mr. Mills was born in Western New York in 1825.
He has been a leading financier for fifty years, in California,
and in New York. He is connected with the
management of eighteen important business and philanthropic
corporations in New York City.</p>
<h3 class='c015'>WORK</h3>
<p class='c016'>“What, Mr. Mills, do you consider the key-note
of success?”</p>
<p class='c011'>“Work,” he replied, quickly and emphatically.
“Work develops all the good there is in
a man; idleness all the evil. Work sharpens all
<span class='pageno' id='Page_140'>140</span>his faculties and makes him thrifty; idleness
makes him lazy and a spendthrift. Work surrounds
a man with those whose habits are industrious
and honest; in such society a weak
man develops strength, and a strong man is
made stronger. Idleness, on the other hand, is
apt to throw a man into the company of men
whose object in life is usually the pursuit of unwholesome
and demoralizing diversions.”</p>
<h3 class='c015'>SELF-DEPENDENCE</h3>
<p class='c016'>“To what formative influence do you attribute
your material success, Mr. Mills?” I
<p class='c011'>“I was taught very early that I would have
to depend entirely upon myself; that my future
lay in my own hands. I had that for a start,
and it was a good one. I didn’t waste any
time thinking about succession to wealth, which
so often acts as a drag upon young men. Many
persons waste the best years of their lives waiting
for dead men’s shoes; and, when they get
them, find them entirely too big to wear gracefully,
simply because they have not developed
themselves to wear them.</p>
<p class='c011'>“As a rule, the small inheritance, which, to
a boy, would seem large, has a tendency to
<span class='pageno' id='Page_141'>141</span>lessen his efforts, and is a great damage to him
in the way of acquiring the habits necessary
to success.”</p>
<h3 class='c015'>HABIT OF THRIFT</h3>
<p class='c016'>“No one can acquire a fortune unless he
makes a start; and the habit of thrift, which he
learns in saving his first hundred dollars, is of
inestimable value later on. It is not the money,
but the habit which counts.</p>
<p class='c011'>“There is no one so helpless as a man who
is ‘broke,’ no matter how capable he may be,
and there is no habit so detrimental to his reputation
among business men as that of borrowing
small sums of money. This cannot be too
emphatically impressed upon young men.”</p>
<h3 class='c015'>EXPENSIVE HABITS—SMOKING</h3>
<p class='c016'>“Another thing is that none but the
wealthy, and very few of them, can afford the
indulgence of expensive habits; how much less
then can a man with only a few dollars in his
pocket? More young men are ruined by the
expense of smoking than in any other way.
The money thus laid out would make them independent,
in many cases, or at least would
give them a good start. A young man should
<span class='pageno' id='Page_142'>142</span>be warned by the melancholy example of those
who have been ruined by smoke, and avoid it.”</p>
<p class='c016'>“What marked traits, Mr. Mills, have the
influential men with whom you have been associated,
possessed, which most impressed you?”</p>
<p class='c011'>“A habit of thinking and acting for themselves.
No end of people are ruined by taking
the advice of others. This may answer temporarily,
but in the long run it is sure to be disastrous.
Any man who hasn’t ability to judge
for himself would better get a comfortable
clerkship somewhere, letting some one of more
ambition and ability do the thinking necessary
to run the business.”</p>
<p class='c016'>“Are the opportunities for making money
as numerous to-day as they were when you
started in business?”</p>
<p class='c011'>“Yes, the progress of science and invention
has increased the opportunities a thousandfold,
and a man can find them wherever he seeks
them in the United States in particular. It has
<span class='pageno' id='Page_143'>143</span>caused the field of employment of labor of all
kinds to expand enormously, thus creating opportunities
which never existed before. It is
no longer necessary for a man to go to foreign
countries or distant parts of his own country
to make money. Opportunities come to him
in every quarter. There is hardly a point in
the country so obscure that it has not felt the
revolutionizing influence of commercial enterprise.
Probably railroads and electricity are
the chief instruments in this respect. Other industries
follow closely in their wake.”</p>
<p class='c016'>“In what part of the country do you think
the best chances for young men may be
<p class='c011'>“The best place for a young man to make
money is the town in which he was born and
educated. There he learns all about everybody,
and everybody learns about him. This is to
his advantage if he bears a good character, and
to the advantage of his towns-people if he bears
a bad one. While a young man is growing up,
he unconsciously absorbs a vast deal of knowledge
of people and affairs, which would be
<span class='pageno' id='Page_144'>144</span>equal to money if he only has the judgment to
avail himself of it. A knowledge of men is the
prime secret of business success. Upon reflection,
how absurd it is for a man to leave a town
where he knows everything and everybody, and
go to some distant point where he doesn’t know
anything about anybody or anything, and expect
to begin on an equal footing with the people
there who are thoroughly acquainted.”</p>
<h3 class='c015'>THE BOTTOM OF THE LADDER</h3>
<p class='c016'>“What lesson, Mr. Mills, do you consider
it most needful for young men to learn?”</p>
<p class='c011'>“The lesson of humility;—not in the sense
of being servile or undignified, but in that of
paying due respect to men who are their superiors
in the way of experience, knowledge
and position. Such a lesson is akin to that of
discipline. Members of the royal families of
Europe are put in subordinate positions in the
navies or armies of their respective countries,
in order that they may receive the training
necessary to qualify them to take command.
They must first know how to obey, if they
would control others.</p>
<p class='c011'>“In this country, it is customary for the
sons of the presidents of great railroads, or
<span class='pageno' id='Page_145'>145</span>other companies, to begin at the bottom of the
ladder and work their way up step by step, just
the same as any other boy in the employ of the
corporation. This course has become imperatively
necessary in the United States, where each
great business has become a profession in itself.
Most of the big machine shops number among
their employees, scions of old families who
carry dinner pails, and work with files or lathes,
the same as anyone else. Such shoulder-to-shoulder
experience is invaluable to a man who
is destined to command, because he not only
masters the trade technically, but learns all
about the men he works with and qualifies himself
to grapple with labor questions which may
<p class='c011'>“There is no end of conspicuous examples
of the wisdom of this system in America. There
are also many instances of disaster to great industrial
concerns due to the inexperience or the
lack of tact of men placed suddenly in control.”</p>
<h3 class='c015'>THE BENEFICENT USE OF CAPITAL</h3>
<p class='c016'>Upon this point, Mr. Mills said:—“A man
can, in the accumulation of a fortune, be just as
great a benefactor of mankind as in the distribution
of it. In organizing a great industry,
<span class='pageno' id='Page_146'>146</span>one opens up fields of employment for a multitude
of people who might otherwise be practically
helpless, giving them not only a chance
to earn a living for themselves and their families,
but also to lay by a competency for old
age. All honest, sober men, if they have half a
chance, can do that; but only a small percentage
can ever become rich. Now the rich man, having
acquired his wealth, knows better how to
manage it than those under him would, and
having actual possession, he has the power to
hold the community of his employees and their
interests together, and prevent disintegration,
which means disaster so much oftener to the
employee than to the employer.”</p>
<p class='c016'>“What is the responsibility of wealth, Mr.
<p class='c011'>“A man must learn not to think too much of
money. It should be considered as a means
and not an end; and the love for it should never
be permitted to so warp a man’s mind as to
destroy his interest in progressive ideas. Making
money is an education, and the wide experience
thus acquired teaches a man discrimination
<span class='pageno' id='Page_147'>147</span>in both men and projects, where money
is under consideration. Very few men who
make their own money use it carelessly. Most
good projects that fail owe their failure to bad
business management, rather than to lack of intrinsic
merit. An inventor may have a very
good thing, and plenty of capital may be enlisted
but if a man not acquainted with the
peculiar line, or one who is not a good salesman
or financier be employed as manager, the
result is disastrous. A man should spend his
money in a way that tends to advance the best
interests of society in the country he lives in,
or in his own neighborhood at least. There is
only one thing that is a greater harm to the
community than a rich spendthrift, and that is
a miser.”</p>
<p class='c016'>“How did you happen to establish the system
of hotels which bears your name, Mr.
<p class='c011'>“I had been looking around for several years
to find something to do that would be for the
good of the community. My mind was largely
on other matters, but it occurred to me that the
hotel project was the best, and I immediately
<span class='pageno' id='Page_148'>148</span>went to work at it. My purpose was to do the
work on so large a scale that it would be appreciated
and spread all over the country; for as
the sources of education extend, we find more
and more need of assisting men who have a
disposition for decency and good citizenship.
<i>The mechanic is well paid, and the man who
has learned to labor is much more independent
than he who is prepared for a profession or a
scientific career, or other objects in life that call
for higher education.</i> Clerks commencing at
small salaries need good surroundings and
economy to give themselves a start. Such are
the men for whom the hotels were established.”</p>
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