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<h2 id="id00897" style="margin-top: 4em">ON THE ANTISEPTIC PRINCIPLE OF THE PRACTICE OF SURGERY (1867)</h2>
<p id="id00898" style="margin-top: 2em">In the course of an extended investigation into the nature of
inflammation, and the healthy and morbid conditions of the blood
in relation to it, I arrived several years ago at the conclusion
that the essential cause of suppuration in wounds is
decomposition brought about by the influence of the atmosphere
upon blood or serum retained within them, and, in the case of
contused wounds, upon portions of tissue destroyed by the
violence of the injury.</p>
<p id="id00899">To prevent the occurrence of suppuration with all its attendant
risks was an object manifestly desirable, but till lately
apparently unattainable, since it seemed hopeless to attempt to
exclude the oxygen which was universally regarded as the agent by
which putrefaction was effected. But when it had been shown by
the researches of Pasteur that the septic properties of the
atmosphere depended not on the oxygen, or any gaseous
constituent, but on minute organisms suspended in it, which owed
their energy to their vitality, it occurred to me that
decomposition in the injured part might be avoided without
excluding the air, by applying as a dressing some material
capable of destroying the life of the floating particles. Upon
this principle I have based a practice of which I will now
attempt to give a short account.</p>
<p id="id00900">The material which I have employed is carbolic or phenic acid, a
volatile organic compound, which appears to exercise a peculiarly
destructive influence upon low forms of life, and hence is the
most powerful antiseptic with which we are at present acquainted.</p>
<p id="id00901">The first class of cases to which I applied it was that of
compound fractures, in which the effects of decomposition in the
injured part were especially striking and pernicious. The results
have been such as to establish conclusively the great principle
that all local inflammatory mischief and general febrile
disturbances which follow severe injuries are due to the
irritating and poisonous influence of decomposing blood or
sloughs. For these evils are entirely avoided by the antiseptic
treatment, so that limbs which would otherwise be unhesitatingly
condemned to amputation may be retained, with confidence of the
best results.</p>
<p id="id00902">In conducting the treatment, the first object must be the
destruction of any septic germs which may have been introduced
into the wounds, either at the moment of the accident or during
the time which has since elapsed. This is done by introducing the
acid of full strength into all accessible recesses of the wound
by means of a piece of rag held in dressing forceps and dipped
into the liquid. This I did not venture to do in the
earlier cases; but experience has shown that the compound which
carbolic acid forms with the blood, and also any portions of
tissue killed by its caustic action, including even parts of the
bone, are disposed of by absorption and organisation, provided
they are afterwards kept from decomposing. We are thus enabled to
employ the antiseptic treatment efficiently at a period after the
occurrence of the injury at which it would otherwise probably
fail. Thus I have now under my care, in Glasgow Infirmary, a boy
who was admitted with compound fracture of the leg as late as
eight and one-half hours after the accident, in whom,
nevertheless, all local and constitutional disturbance was
avoided by means of carbolic acid, and the bones were soundly
united five weeks after his admission.</p>
<p id="id00903">The next object to be kept in view is to guard effectually
against the spreading of decomposition into the wound along the
stream of blood and serum which oozes out during the first few
days after the accident, when the acid originally applied has
been washed out or dissipated by absorption and evaporation. This
part of the treatment has been greatly improved during the past
few weeks. The method which I have hitherto published (see Lancet
for Mar. 16th, 23rd, 30th, and April 27th of the present year)
consisted in the application of a piece of lint dipped in the
acid, overlapping the sound skin to some extent and covered with
a tin cap, which was daily raised in order to touch the surface
of the lint with the antiseptic. This method certainly succeeded
well with wounds of moderate size; and indeed I may say that in
all the many cases of this kind which have been so treated by
myself or my house-surgeons, not a single failure has occurred.
When, however, the wound is very large, the flow of blood and
serum is so profuse, especially during the first twenty-four
hours, that the antiseptic application cannot prevent the spread
of decomposition into the interior unless it overlaps the sound
skin for a very considerable distance, and this was inadmissible
by the method described above, on account of the extensive
sloughing of the surface of the cutis which it would involve.
This difficulty has, however, been overcome by employing a paste
composed of common whiting (carbonate of lime), mixed with a
solution of one part of carbolic acid in four parts of boiled
linseed oil so as to form a firm putty. This application contains
the acid in too dilute a form to excoriate the skin, which it may
be made to cover to any extent that may be thought desirable,
while its substance serves as a reservoir of the antiseptic
material. So long as any discharge continues, the paste should be
changed daily, and, in order to prevent the chance of mischief
occurring during the process, a piece of rag dipped in the
solution of carbolic acid in oil is put on next the skin, and
maintained there permanently, care being taken to avoid raising
it along with the putty. This rag is always kept in an antiseptic
condition from contact with the paste above it, and destroys any
germs which may fall upon it during the short time that should
alone be allowed to pass in the changing of the dressing. The
putty should be in a layer about a quarter of an inch thick, and
may be advantageously applied rolled out between two pieces of
thin calico, which maintain it in the form of a continuous sheet,
which may be wrapped in a moment round the whole circumference of
a limb if this be thought desirable, while the putty is prevented
by the calico from sticking to the rag which is next the
When all discharge has ceased, the use of the paste is discontinued, but
the original rag is left adhering to the skin till healing by
scabbing is supposed to be complete. I have at present in the
hospital a man with severe compound fracture of both bones of the
left leg, caused by direct violence, who, after the cessation of
the sanibus discharge under the use of the paste, without a drop
of pus appearing, has been treated for the last two weeks exactly
as if the fracture was a simple one. During this time the rag,
adhering by means of a crust of inspissated blood collected
beneath it, has continued perfectly dry, and it will be left
untouched till the usual period for removing the splints in a
simple fracture, when we may fairly expect to find a sound
cicatrix beneath it. We cannot, however, always calculate on so
perfect a result as this. More or less pus may appear after the
lapse of the first week, and the larger the wound, the more
likely this is to happen. And here I would desire earnestly to
enforce the necessity of persevering with the antiseptic
application in spite of the appearance of suppuration, so long as
other symptoms are favorable. The surgeon is extremely apt to
suppose that any suppuration is an indication that the antiseptic
treatment has failed, and that poulticing or water dressing
should be resorted to. But such a course would in many cases
sacrifice a limb or a life. I cannot, however, expect my
professional brethren to follow my advice blindly in such a
matter, and therefore I feel it necessary to place before them,
as shortly as I can, some pathological principles intimately
connected, not only with the point we are immediately
considering, but with the whole subject of this paper. If a
perfectly healthy granulating sore be well washed and covered
with a plate of clean metal, such as block tin, fitting its
surface pretty accurately, and overlapping the surrounding skin
an inch or so in every direction and retained in position by
adhesive plaster and a bandage, it will be found, on removing it
after twenty-four or forty-eight hours, that little or nothing
that can be called pus is present, merely a little transparent
fluid, while at the same time there is an entire absence of the
unpleasant odour invariably perceived when water dressing is
changed. Here the clean metallic surface presents no recesses
like those of porous lint for the septic germs to develope in,
the fluid exuding from the surface of the granulations has flowed
away undecomposed, and the result is the absence of suppuration.
This simple experiment illustrates the important fact that
granulations have no inherent tendency to form pus, but do so
only when subjected to preternatural stimulus. Further, it shows
that the mere contact of a foreign body does not of itself
stimulate granulations to suppurate; whereas the presence of
decomposing organic matter does. These truths are even more
strikingly exemplified by the fact that I have elsewhere recorded
(Lancet, March 23rd, 1867), that a piece of dead bone free from
decomposition may not only fail to induce the granulations around
it to suppurate, but may actually be absorbed by them; whereas a
bit of dead bone soaked with putrid pus infallibly induces
suppuration in its vicinity.</p>
<p id="id00904">Another instructive experiment is, to dress a granulating sore
with some of the putty above described, overlapping the sound
skin extensively; when we find, in the course of twenty-four
hours, that pus has been produced by the sore, although the
application has been perfectly antiseptic; and, indeed, the
larger the amount of carbolic acid in the paste, the greater is
the quantity of pus formed, provided we avoid such a proportion
as would act as a caustic. The carbolic acid, though it prevents
decomposition, induces suppuration—obviously by acting as a
chemical stimulus; and we may safely infer that putrescent
organic materials (which we know to be chemically acrid) operate
in the same way.</p>
<p id="id00905">In so far, then, carbolic acid and decomposing substances are
alike; viz., that they induce suppuration by chemical
stimulation, as distinguished from what may be termed simple
inflammatory suppuration, such as that in which ordinary
abscesses originate—where the pus appears to be formed in
consequence of an excited action of the nerves, independently of
any other stimulus. There is, however, this enormous difference
between the effects of carbolic acid and those of decomposition;
viz., that carbolic acid stimulates only the surface to which it
is at first applied, and every drop of discharge that forms
weakens the stimulant by diluting it; but decomposition is a
self-propagating and self-aggravating poison, and, if it occur at
the surface of a severely injured limb, it will spread into all
its recesses so far as any extravasated blood or shreds of dead
tissue may extend, and lying in those recesses, it will become
from hour to hour more acrid, till it requires the energy of a
caustic sufficient to destroy the vitality of any tissues
naturally weak from inferior vascular supply, or weakened by the
injury they sustained in the accident.</p>
<p id="id00906">Hence it is easy to understand how, when a wound is very large,
the crust beneath the rag may prove here and there insufficient
to protect the raw surface from the stimulating influence of the
carbolic acid in the putty; and the result will be first the
conversion of the tissues so acted on into granulations, and
subsequently the formation of more or less pus. This, however,
will be merely superficial, and will not interfere with the
absorption and organisation of extravasated blood or dead tissues
in the interior. But, on the other hand, should decomposition set
in before the internal parts have become securely consolidated,
the most disastrous results may ensue.</p>
<p id="id00907">I left behind me in Glasgow a boy, thirteen years of age, who,
between three and four weeks previously, met with a most severe
injury to the left arm, which he got entangled in a machine at a
fair. There was a wound six inches long and three inches broad,
and the skin was very extensively undermined beyond its limits,
while the soft parts were generally so much lacerated that a pair
of dressing forceps introduced at the wound and pushed directly
inwards appeared beneath the skin at the opposite aspect of the
limb. From this wound several tags of muscle were hanging, and
among them was One consisting of about three inches of the
triceps in almost Its entire thickness; while the lower fragment
of the bone, which was broken high up, was protruding four inches
and a half, stripped of muscle, the skin being tucked in under
it. Without the assistance of the antiseptic treatment, I should
certainly have thought of nothing else but amputation at the
shoulder-joint; but, as the radial pulse could be felt and the
fingers had sensation, I did not hesitate to try to save the limb
and adopted the plan of treatment above described, wrapping the
arm from the shoulder to below the elbow in the antiseptic
application, the whole interior of the wound, together with the
protruding bone, having previously been freely treated with
strong carbolic acid. About the tenth day, the discharge, which
up to that time had been only sanious and serous, showed a slight
admixture of slimy pus; and this increased till (a few days
before I left) it amounted to about three drachms in twenty-four
hours. But the boy continued as he had been after the second day,
free from unfavorable symptoms, with pulse, tongue, appetite, and
sleep natural and strength increasing, while the limb remained as
it had been from the first, free from swelling, redness, or pain.
I. therefore, persevered with the antiseptic dressing; and,
before I left, the discharge was already somewhat less, while the
bone was becoming firm. I think it likely that, in that boy's
case, I should have found merely a superficial sore had I taken
off all the dressings at the end of the three weeks; though,
considering the extent of the injury, I thought it prudent to let
the month expire before disturbing the rag next the skin. But I
feel sure that, if I had resorted to ordinary dressing when the
pus first appeared, the progress of the case would have been
exceedingly different.</p>
<p id="id00908">The next class of cases to which I have applied the antiseptic
treatment is that of abscesses. Here also the results have been
extremely satisfactory, and in beautiful harmony with the
pathological principles indicated above. The pyogenic membrane,
like the granulations of a sore, which it resembles in nature,
forms pus, not from any inherent disposition to do so, but only
because it is subjected to some preternatural stimulation. In an
ordinary abscess, whether acute or chronic, before it is opened
the stimulus which maintains the suppuration is derived from the
presence of pus pent up within the cavity. When a free opening is
made in the ordinary way, this stimulus is got rid of, but the
atmosphere gaining access to the contents, the potent stimulus of
decomposition comes into operation, and pus is generated in
greater abundance than before. But when the evacuation is
effected on the antiseptic principle, the pyogenic membrane,
freed from the influence of the former stimulus without the
substitution of a new one, ceases to suppurate (like the
granulations of a sore under metallic dressing), furnishing
merely a trifling amount of clear serum, and, whether the opening
be dependent or not, rapidly contracts and coalesces. At the same
time any constitutional symptoms previously occasioned by the
accumulation of the matter are got rid of without the slightest
risk of the irritative fever or hectic hitherto so justly dreaded
in dealing with large abscesses.</p>
<p id="id00909">In order that the treatment may be satisfactory, the abscess must
be seen before it is opened. Then, except in very rare and
peculiar cases [3], there are no septic organisms in the contents,
so that it is needless to introduce carbolic acid into the
interior. Indeed, such a procedure would be objectionable, as it
would stimulate the pyogenic membrane to unnecessary suppuration.
All that is requisite is to guard against the introduction of
living atmospheric germs from without, at the same time that free
opportunity is afforded for the escape of the discharge from
<p id="id00910">I have so lately given elsewhere a detailed account of the method
by which this is effected (Lancet, July 27th, 1867), that I shall
not enter into it at present further than to say that the means
employed are the same as those described above for the
superficial dressing of compound fractures; viz., a piece of rag
dipped into the solution of carbolic add in oil to serve as an
antiseptic curtain, under cover of which the abscess is evacuated
by free incision, and the antiseptic paste to guard against
decomposition occurring in the stream of pus that flows out
beneath it; the dressing being changed daily until the sinus is
<p id="id00911">The most remarkable results of this practice in a pathological
point of view have been afforded by cases where the formation of
pus depended on disease of bone. Here the abscesses, instead of
forming exceptions to the general class in the obstinacy of the
suppuration, have resembled the rest in yielding in a few days
only a trifling discharge, and frequently the production of pus
has ceased from the moment of the evacuation of the original
contents. Hence it appears that caries, when no longer labouring
as heretofore under the irritation of decomposing matter, ceases
to be an opprobrium of surgery, and recovers like other
inflammatory affections. In the publication before alluded to, I
have mentioned the case of a middle-aged man with a psoas abscess
depending in diseased bone, in whom the sinus finally closed
after months of patient perseverance with the antiseptic
treatment. Since that article was written I have had another
instance of abscess equally gratifying, but the differing in the
circumstance that the disease and the recovery were more rapid in
their course. The patient was a blacksmith, who had suffered four
and a half months before I saw him from symptoms of ulceration of
cartilage in the left elbow. These had latterly increased in
severity so as to deprive him entirely of his night's rest and of
appetite. I found the region of the elbow greatly swollen, and on
careful examination found a fluctuating point at the outer aspect
of the articulation. I opened it on the antiseptic principle, the
incision evidently penetrating to the joint, giving exit to a few
drachms of pus. The medical gentleman under whose care he was
(Dr. Macgregor, of Glasgow) supervised the daily dressing with
the carbolic acid paste till the patient went to spend two or
three weeks at the coast, when his wife was entrusted with it.
Just two months after I opened the abscess, he called to show me
the limb, stating that the discharge had been, for at least two
weeks, as little as it was then, a trifling moisture upon the
paste, such as might be accounted for by the little sore caused
by the incision. On applying a probe guarded with an antiseptic
rag, I found that the sinus was soundly closed, while the limb
was free from swelling or tenderness; and, although he had not
attempted to exercise it much, the joint could already be moved
through a considerable angle. Here the antiseptic principle had
effected the restoration of a joint, which, on any other known
system of treatment, must have been excised.</p>
<p id="id00912">Ordinary contused wounds are, of course, amenable to the same
treatment as compound fractures, which are a complicated variety
of them. I will content myself with mentioning a single instance
of this class of cases. In April last, a volunteer was
discharging a rifle when it burst, and blew back the thumb with
its metacarpal bone, so that it could be bent back as on a hinge
at the trapezial joint, which had evidently been opened, while
all the soft parts between the metacarpal bones of the thumb and
forefinger were torn through. I need not insist before my present
audience on the ugly character of such an injury. My house-
surgeon, Mr. Hector Cameron, applied carbolic acid to the whole
raw surface, and completed the dressing as if for compound
fracture. The hand remained free from pain, redness or swelling,
and with the exception of a shallow groove, all the wound
consolidated without a drop of matter, so that if it had been a
clean cut, it would have been regarded as a good example of
primary union. The small granulating surface soon healed, and at
present a linear cicatrix alone tells of the injury he has
sustained, while his thumb has all its movements and his hand a
fine grasp.</p>
<p id="id00913">If the severest forms of contused and lacerated wounds heal thus
kindly under the antiseptic treatment, it is obvious that its
application to simple incised wounds must be merely a matter of
detail. I have devoted a good deal of attention to this class,
but I have not as yet pleased myself altogether with any of the
methods I have employed. I am, however, prepared to go so far as
to say that a solution of carbolic acid in twenty parts of water,
while a mild and cleanly application, may be relied on for
destroying any septic germs that may fall upon the wound during
the performance of an operation; and also that, for preventing
the subsequent introduction of others, the paste above described,
applied as for compound fractures, gives excellent results. Thus
I have had a case of strangulated inguinal hernia in which it was
necessary to take away half a pound of thickened omentum, heal
without any deep-seated suppuration or any tenderness of the sac
or any fever; and amputations, including one immediately below
the knee, have remained absolutely free from constitutional
<p id="id00914">Further, I have found that when the antiseptic treatment is
efficiently conducted, ligatures may be safely cut short and left
to be disposed of by absorption or otherwise. Should this
particular branch of the subject yield all that it promises,
should it turn out on further trial that when the knot is applied
on the antiseptic principle, we may calculate as securely as if
it were absent on the occurrence of healing without any deep-
seated suppuration, the deligation of main arteries in their
continuity will be deprived of the two dangers that now attend
it, viz., those of secondary haemorrhage and an unhealthy state
of the wound. Further, it seems not unlikely that the present
objection to tying an artery in the immediate vicinity of a large
branch may be done away with; and that even the innominate, which
has lately been the subject of an ingenious experiment by one of
the Dublin surgeons, on account of its well-known fatality under
the ligature for secondary haemorrhage, may cease to have this
unhappy character when the tissues in the vicinity of the thread,
instead of becoming softened through the influence of an
irritating decomposing substance, are left at liberty to
consolidate firmly near an unoffending though foreign body.</p>
<p id="id00915">It would carry me far beyond the limited time which, by the rules
of the Association, is alone at my disposal, were I to enter into
the various applications of the antiseptic principle in the
several special departments of surgery.</p>
<p id="id00916">There is, however, one point more that I cannot but advert to,
viz., the influence of this mode of treatment upon the general
healthiness of an hospital. Previously to its introduction the
two large wards in which most of my cases of accident and of
operation are treated were among the unhealthiest in the whole
surgical division of the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, in consequence
apparently of those wards being unfavorably placed with reference
to the supply of fresh air; and I have felt ashamed when
recording the results of my practice, to have so often to allude
to hospital gangrene or pyaemia. It was interesting, though
melancholy, to observe that whenever all or nearly all the beds
contained cases with open sores, these grievous complications
were pretty sure to show themselves; so that I came to welcome
simple fractures, though in themselves of little interest either
for myself or the students, because their presence diminished the
proportion of open sores among the patients. But since the
antiseptic treatment has been brought into full operation, and
wounds and abscesses no longer poison the atmosphere with putrid
exhalations, my wards, though in other respects under precisely
the same circumstances as before, have completely changed their
character; so that during the last nine months not a single
instance of pysemia, hospital gangrene, or erysipelas has
occurred in them.</p>
<p id="id00917">As there appears to be no doubt regarding the cause of this
change, the importance of the fact can hardly be exaggerated.</p>
[Footnote 1: The addition of a few drops of water
to a considerable quantity of the acid, induces it to assume
permanently the liquid form.] <br/><br/>
[Footnote 2: In order to prevent evaporation of the acid,
which passes readily through any organic tissue, such as oiled
silk or gutta percha, it is well to cover the paste with a sheet
of block tin. or tinfoil strengthened with adhesive plaster. The
tin sheet lead used for lining tea chests will also answer the
purpose, and may be obtained from any wholesale grocer.]
[Footnote 3: As an instance of one of these
exceptional cases, I may mention that of an abscess in the
vicinity of the colon, and afterwords proved by post-mortem
examination to have once communicated with it. Here the pus was
extremely offensive when evacuated, and exhibited vibros under
the microscope.]<br/><br/>
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