<p>Another important use to which electricity
is put at Niagara Falls is the manufacture of
a new product, called calcium carbide. Like
carborundum and aluminum, this product
could not have been produced in commercial
quantities in advance of a means for producing
electricity in enormous volume.</p>
<p>Calcium carbide is a compound of calcium
and carbon. Calcium is a white metal not
found in the natural state, but exists chiefly
as a carbonate of lime, which is ordinary limestone,
including the various forms of marble.
As a pure metal it is hard to obtain and very
hard to maintain, as it readily oxidizes when
in contact with the air. The symbol for calcium
carbide is CaC<sub>2</sub>, which means that a
molecule of this carbide is compounded of one
atom of calcium and two atoms of carbon.
Ca stands for calcium and C for carbon. When
the symbol has no figure following it, it means
that one atom only enters into the compound;
but if a figure follows, it means that as many
atoms enter in as the figure represents.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_229" id="Page_229"></SPAN></span></p>
<p>The process of manufacturing calcium carbide
is as follows: Ordinary lime before it is
slacked is ground to a fine powder; then it is
mixed with powdered coke or carbon in the
proper quantities, so that when a chemical
union takes place the proportion will be as before
stated, one atom of calcium to two of carbon.
As is well known, lime is procured by
exposing ordinary limestone to a red heat for
some hours together. The heat disengages the
carbon dioxide, leaving only a combination of
calcium and oxygen, which is common lime.</p>
<p>The mixture of ground lime and coke is put
into a crucible that surrounds the arc of an
electric light of enormous dimensions; the carbon
conductors amounting to an area of one
square foot or more. In order to cause the carbon
to unite with the calcium a very intense
heat is required, such a heat as can be obtained
only in the arc of an electric light. When the
enormous current is turned on (amounting to
over 3000 horse-power) the mixture is melted,
and after an exposure to this intense heat for
a given length of time the oxygen of the unslacked
lime is thrown off and the carbon
unites with the calcium, which remains in the
proportions of one atom of calcium to two of
carbon, as before stated. This, it will be noted,
is purely a heat process, and an intense one at
that. No electrolytic action being required,
the alternating current is used without trans<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_230" id="Page_230"></SPAN></span>formation
to the direct current, as is necessary
in the manufacture of bleaching-powder and
aluminum, both of which are electrolytic processes.</p>
<p>When the operation is completed the current
is turned off and the compound allowed
to cool. In cooling it assumes a slate color,
which is slightly iridescent when exposed to
light. It also crystallizes to a certain extent.</p>
<p>The value of this new product consists in
its ability to evolve Acetylene gas in large
quantities. A molecule of acetylene gas is
composed of two atoms of carbon to two of
hydrogen. To evolve the gas it is necessary
only to pour water upon the calcium carbide,
when a union takes place between the carbon
of the carbide and the hydrogen of the water
in the proportions above stated. If there is
water enough the whole of the carbon will pass
off with the gas, leaving a residuum of slacked
<p>The value of acetylene gas lies in its very
intense illuminating power. This is due to
the fact that the gas is very rich in carbon as
compared with other illuminating gases. It
burns with a pure white light when properly
mixed with air or oxygen, but if there is a lack
of air it burns with a smoky flame. In this
case the carbon is not all consumed and escapes
into the air in the form of soot or smoke,
but when burned with the proper mixture of<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_231" id="Page_231"></SPAN></span>
oxygen or common air it becomes one of the
most brilliant of illuminants. Acetylene, like
most other gases, becomes explosive when
mixed with air in certain proportions. Whether
it is more dangerous to handle than ordinary
illuminating gases the writer is not prepared
to say, as he has not had the opportunity to
make a thorough comparison between it and
other gases from an experimental standpoint.</p>
<p>Experiment, after all, is the only sure road
to absolute knowledge. Theories are beautiful
in books and lectures, but they often fail in
the laboratory.</p>
<p>Acetylene is now being introduced as an
illuminating gas for domestic and other purposes.
Several methods of handling it have
been proposed. One is to condense it into
strong metal cylinders and deliver it in that
form; another is to erect generators at convenient
places and generate the gas as it is
used. A very ingenious contrivance has been
invented for regulating the generation of the
gas. A certain amount of the calcium carbide
is placed in a gas-tight vessel containing
water. As soon as the water comes in contact
with the carbide the evolution of the gas begins.
When the pressure on the inside of the
vessel has reached a certain degree it is made,
through mechanical contrivances, to lift the
carbide out of the water and thus stop the
evolution of the gas. When the pressure is<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_232" id="Page_232"></SPAN></span>
relieved through the consumption of the gas
at the burners it allows the carbide to drop
into the water, when the evolution of the gas
begins again.</p>
<p>Of course there is the same objection to this
mode of lighting that attends all open burners;
it is constantly discharging into the air the
products of combustion, chiefly carbon dioxide,
which is poisonous to animal life. As has
been explained in some of the chapters on
heat, in Volume II, the illuminating property
of any gas is determined by the number of
carbon particles that are contained in it, which
become heated to incandescence as soon as
they come in contact with the oxygen of the
air, and remain so, for a brief period, during
their passage between the two extremes of the
flame. While acetylene equals electricity in
its illuminating properties, the latter still
stands without a rival when considered from
a sanitary standpoint, as the use of electricity
does not in any degree vitiate the air in a room
where it is used.</p>
<p>We have now given somewhat in detail the
following processes that are carried on at
Niagara Falls through the agency of electricity,
viz.: The reduction of aluminum from
its oxide alumina; the production of the new
and useful compound called carborundum;
the formation of calcium carbide used for the
production of acetylene gas, and a large chem<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_233" id="Page_233"></SPAN></span>ical
works, where bleaching-powder is made.
In addition to these works, there is an establishment
for the production of sodium from
caustic potash, which is one of the products
arising from the decomposition of salt in the
bleaching-powder works. There is also another
establishment for the production of phosphorus
made from the bones and shells obtained
from the phosphate beds that abound
in some of the southern states, on the coast of
the Atlantic Ocean. There is in process of
construction a plant for the purpose of manufacturing
chlorate of potash by an electrical
process. In addition to these establishments
mentioned, the electricity is furnished for
power purposes to the Niagara Electric Light
Company; to the electric railway between
Niagara and Buffalo; to the Niagara Falls
Railway, on the opposite side of the river; to
the Niagara Power and Conduit Company of
Buffalo, and the Niagara Development Company.
This is only a small beginning of the
uses to which electricity will be put as an
agent for the development of heat, light and
power as well as for the production of all substances
where electrolysis is the chief factor.
Sixteen companies or more are now using electricity
from the Niagara power-house,—the
whole amounting to about 35,000 horse-power.</p>
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