<p>We make a little dance.</p>
<p>Willie Jewetts dance in the tenth century chateau.</p>
<p>Soultz Alsace dance on the Boulevard Raspail</p>
<p>Spanish French dance on the rue de la Boetie</p>
<p>Russian Flemish dance on the docks.</p>
<p>Bread eating is a game understand me.</p>
<p>We laugh to please. Japanese.</p>
<p>And then to seize. Blocks.</p>
<p>Can you remember what you said yesterday.</p>
<p class="center heading-space">And now we come to a picture.</p>
<p>A little boy was playing marbles with soldiers, he was
rolling the balls and knocking down the soldiers.</p>
<p>Then came a presidential election.</p>
<p>What did he do. He met boys of every nationality and
they played together.</p>
<p>Did they like it.</p>
<p>In the middle of the presidential election they had a
<p>A policeman stopped them.</p>
<p>What can a policeman do, they said.</p>
<p>What is older than that.</p>
<p>Any baby can look at a list.</p>
<p>This is the way they won Texas</p>
<p>Let us go to the right.</p>
<p>It is wonderful how boys can fill.</p>
<p><SPAN class="pagenum" name="Page_417" title="417"> </SPAN>
Water swells.</p>
<p>We swell water.</p>
<p>To be lapped and bloated.</p>
<p>With urgency and not necessity and not idiocy.</p>
<p>All men are intelligent.</p>
<p>Please beg a boy.</p>
<p>Then they all danced.</p>
<p>How can a little Pole be a baby rusher.</p>
<p class="small-capped-heading">PART II.</p>
<p>Readings in missions.</p>
<p>Who can neglect papers.</p>
<p>When boys make a bonfire they do not burn daily papers.</p>
<p>It was pleasing to have some mutton.</p>
<p>Suppose a presidential election comes every fourth year.</p>
<p>Startling, start, startles jump again.</p>
<p>Jump for a feather.</p>
<p>A feather burns.</p>
<p>Indians burn have burned burns.</p>
<p>A boy grows dark.</p>
<p>He can really read better better than another.</p>
<p>I cannot decline a celebration.</p>
<p>Do you remember the Fourth of July.</p>
<p>And do you.</p>
<p>Read readily and so tell them what I say.</p>
<p>Jump to the word of command.</p>
<p>Jump where</p>
<p>In there</p>
<p>Not eating beans or butter.</p>
<p>Not eating hair.</p>
<p>Not eating a little</p>
<p>When the presidential election is earnest we are only a
<p>A year is so far in May.</p>
<p>Can you love any September.</p>
<p>The little boy was tall.</p>
<p><SPAN class="pagenum" name="Page_418" title="418"> </SPAN>
Dear me.</p>
<p>I have asked a lady to burn wood.</p>
<p>The boy touches the wall.</p>
<p>The boy is tall.</p>
<p>I am thinking that the way to have an election is this.
You meet in the street. You meet. You have the
<p>That is why horses are of no use.</p>
<p>We do resist horses when we are not afraid of them.</p>
<p>Can one expect to be a victory.</p>
<p>Three long thousands.</p>
<p>Expect to be met.</p>
<p>The boy is satisfied to be steady.</p>
<p>Study me.</p>
<p>Why can't we have a presidential election.</p>
<p class="small-capped-heading">LAST PART</p>
<p>The boy grows up and has a presidential election.</p>
<p>The president is elected.</p>
<p>Why do the words presidential election remind you of
<p>They remind us that the boy who was in the street is not
necessarily a poor boy.</p>
<p>Nor was he a poor boy then.</p>
<p class="small-capped-heading">EPILOGUE</p>
<p>Veils and veils and lying down.</p>
<p>Lying down in shoes.</p>
<p>Shoes when they are new have black on the bottom.</p>
<p>We saw today what we will never see again a bride's
veil and a nun's veil.</p>
<p>Who can expect an election.</p>
<p>A boy who is the son of another has a memory of permission.</p>
<p>By permission we mean print.</p>
<p>By print. Solution.</p>
<p><SPAN class="pagenum" name="Page_419" title="419"> </SPAN>
Settle on another in your seats.</p>
<p>Kisses do not make a king.</p>
<p>Nor noises a mother.</p>
<p>Benedictions come before presidents.</p>
<p>Words mean more.</p>
<p>I speak now of a man who is not a bother.</p>
<p>How can he not bother.</p>
<p>He is elected by me.</p>
<p>When this you see remember me.</p>
<p class="small-capped-heading">FINIS.</p>
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