<SPAN name="startofbook"></SPAN>
<div class="tp">
<p class="center noin pad">L. W. ROGERS</p>
<p class="center noin">
<span class="sm">LOS ANGELES</span><br/>
<span class="sm">1917</span></p>
<p class="center noin sm">
L. W. Rogers<br/>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_5" id="Page_5">[5]</SPAN></span></p>
<p>To comprehend the significance of great world
changes, before Time has fully done his work, is
difficult. While mighty events are still in their
formative period the future is obscure. But our inability
to outline the future cannot blind us to the
unmistakable trend of the evolutionary forces at
work. One thing that is clear is that our boasted
Christian civilization is the theater in which has been
staged the most un-Christian war of recorded history
and in which human atrocity has reached a point that
leaves us vaguely groping for a rational explanation
of it. Another obvious fact is that the more than
twenty nations involved have been forced into
measures and methods before unknown and which
wholly transform the recognized function and powers
of governments. With these startling facts of religious
and political significance before us thoughtful
people are beginning to ask if we are not upon the
threshold of a complete breaking down of modern
civilization and the birth of a new order of things, in
which direct government by the people throughout
the entire world will be coincident with the rise of a
universal religion based on the brotherhood of man.</p>
<p>In such a time any contribution to current literature
that will help to clear the ground of misconceptions
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_6" id="Page_6">[6]</SPAN></span>and to bring to the attention of those interested
in such things, that set of fundamental natural truths
known as theosophy, may perhaps be helpful.
Whether or not the world is about to recast its ethical
code there can at least be no doubt that it is eagerly
seeking reliable evidence that we live after bodily
death and that it will welcome a hypothesis of immortality
that is inherently reasonable and therefore satisfies
the intellect as well as the heart. Those who
are dissatisfied with the old answers to the riddle of
existence and demand that Faith and Reason shall
walk hand in hand, may find in the following pages
some explanation of the puzzling things in life—an
explanation that disregards neither the intuitions of
religion nor the facts of science.</p>
<p>Of course no pretension is made of fully covering
the ground. The book is a student's presentation of
some of the phases of theosophy as he understands
them. They are presented with no authority whatever,
and are merely an attempt to discuss in simple
language some of the fundamental truths about the
human being. No claim is made to originality but
it is hoped that by putting the old truths in a somewhat
different way, with new illustrations and arguments,
they may perhaps be seen from a new viewpoint.
The intention has been to present elementary
theosophy simply and clearly and in the language
familiar to the ordinary newspaper reader. All technical
terms and expressions have been avoided and
the reader will not find a single foreign word in the
<p class="ralign">
L. W. R.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_7" id="Page_7">[7]</SPAN></span></p>
<table summary="Table of Contents">
<tr> <td>I.</td> <td class="smcap">Theosophy</td>
<td align="right"><SPAN href="#Page_9">9</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr> <td>II.</td> <td class="smcap">The Immanence of God</td>
<td align="right"><SPAN href="#Page_15">15</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr> <td>III.</td> <td class="smcap">The Evolution of the Soul</td>
<td align="right"><SPAN href="#Page_23">23</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr> <td>IV.</td> <td class="smcap">Life After Bodily Death</td>
<td align="right"><SPAN href="#Page_29">29</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr> <td>V.</td> <td class="smcap">The Evolutionary Field</td>
<td align="right"><SPAN href="#Page_43">43</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr> <td>VI.</td> <td class="smcap">The Mechanism of Consciousness</td>
<td align="right"><SPAN href="#Page_49">49</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr> <td>VII.</td> <td class="smcap">Death</td>
<td align="right"><SPAN href="#Page_59">59</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr> <td>VIII.</td> <td class="smcap">The Astral World</td>
<td align="right"><SPAN href="#Page_69">69</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr> <td>IX.</td> <td class="smcap">Rebirth: Its Reasonableness</td>
<td align="right"><SPAN href="#Page_103">103</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr> <td>X.</td> <td class="smcap">Rebirth: Its Justice</td>
<td align="right"><SPAN href="#Page_135">135</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr> <td>XI.</td> <td class="smcap">Rebirth: Its Necessity</td>
<td align="right"><SPAN href="#Page_153">153</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr> <td>XII.</td> <td class="smcap">Why We do not Remember</td>
<td align="right"><SPAN href="#Page_167">167</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr> <td>XIII.</td> <td class="smcap">Vicarious Atonement</td>
<td align="right"><SPAN href="#Page_181">181</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr> <td>XIV.</td> <td class="smcap">The Forces We Generate</td>
<td align="right"><SPAN href="#Page_187">187</SPAN></td></tr>
<tr> <td>XV.</td> <td class="smcap">Superphysical Evolution</td>
<td align="right"><SPAN href="#Page_205">205</SPAN></td></tr>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_8" id="Page_8">[8]</SPAN></span><br/>
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_9" id="Page_9">[9]</SPAN></span></p>
<h2><span class="norm">CHAPTER I.</span><br/> THEOSOPHY</h2>
<p>Rediscovery is one of the methods of progress.
Very much that we believe to be original with us at
the time of its discovery or invention proves in time
to have been known to earlier civilizations. The
elevator, or lift, is a very modern invention and we
supposed it to be a natural development of our civilization,
with its intensive characteristics, until an antiquarian
startled us with the announcement that it was
used in Rome over two thousand years ago; not, of
course, as we use it, but for the same purpose, and
involving the same principles. A half century ago
our scientific men were enthusiastic over the truths
of evolution that were being discovered and placed
before western civilization. But as we learn more
and more of the thought and intellectual life of the
Orient it becomes clear that the idea of evolution permeated
that part of the world centuries ago. Even
the most recent and startling scientific discoveries
occasionally serve to prove that what we supposed to
be the fantastic beliefs of the ancients were really
truths of nature that we were not yet able to comprehend!
The transmutation of metals is an example.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_10" id="Page_10">[10]</SPAN></span>
We have already gone far enough in that direction to
show that the alchemists of old were not the foolish
and superstitious people we supposed them to be.
We have given far too little credit to past civilizations
and we are coming to understand now that we have
rated them too low. Our modesty must necessarily
increase as it becomes clearer that much of our supposed
contribution to the world's progress is not invention
but rediscovery. We are beginning to see
that it is not safe to put aside without careful examination
an idea or a belief that was current in the
world thousands of years ago. Like the supposed
folly of the alchemists it may contain profound
truths of nature that have thus far been foreign to
our modes of thinking.</p>
<p>Theosophy is both very old and very new—very
old because the principles it contains were known and
taught in the oldest civilizations, and very new because
it includes the latest investigations of the
present day. It is sometimes said by those who desire
to speak lightly of it that it is a philosophy borrowed
from the Buddhists, or at least from the Orient.
That is, of course, an erroneous view. It is true that
the Buddhists hold some beliefs in common with
theosophists. It is also true that Methodists hold
some beliefs in common with Unitarians, but that does
not show that Unitarianism was borrowed from Wesley!
When different people study the same facts of
nature they are likely to arrive at substantially the
same conclusions. Theosophy is based upon certain
truths of nature. Those who study those truths and<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_11" id="Page_11">[11]</SPAN></span>
formulate a belief from them must reasonably be expected
to resemble theosophists in their views.
Buddhism is not unique in resembling theosophy.
In the same list may be placed the Vedanta philosophy,
the Cabala of the Jews, the teachings of
the Christian Gnostics, and the philosophy of the
Stoics. The more general charge must also be denied;
theosophy is not something transplanted from the
Orient. It belongs to the race, as the earth does, and
cannot be localized, even to a continent. As it is
taught today in Europe and America it is probably
unknown to the masses of the Orient, for the great
general truths it embodies have here the special application
and peculiar emphasis required by a totally
different civilization. But that theosophical principles
were earlier known and more widely accepted
in the Orient is quite true. That fact can in no possible
way lessen their value to us. Precisely the same
thing is true of the principles of mathematics. The
science of mathematics reached European civilization
directly from the Arabs, but we do not foolishly decline
to make use of the knowledge on that account.</p>
<p>The literal meaning of the word theosophy is
self-evident—knowledge of God. It has three aspects,
determined by the different ways in which the human
being acquires knowledge—through the study of concrete
facts, by the study of the relationship of the
individual consciousness to its source, and through the
use of reasoning faculties in constructing a logical
explanation of life and its purpose. In one aspect it
is, therefore, a science. It deals with the tangible,<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_12" id="Page_12">[12]</SPAN></span>
with the facts and phenomena of the material scientist
and makes its appeal to the evidence of the physical
senses. In another aspect it is a religion. It deals
with the relationship between the source of all consciousness
and its multiplicity of individual expressions;
with the complex relationships that arise between
these personalities; with the duties and obligations
which thus come into existence; with the evolution
of the individual consciousness and its ultimate
translation to higher spheres. In its other aspect it is
a philosophy of life. It deals with man, his origin,
his evolution, his destiny. It seeks to explain the universe
and to throw a flood of light upon the problem
of existence that will enable those who study its wisdom
to go forward in their evolution rapidly, safely
and comfortably, instead of blundering onward in the
darkness of ignorance, reaping as they go the painful
harvests of misdirected energy.</p>
<p>While theosophy is distinctly a science and a
philosophy it is not, in the same full sense, a religion.
It has its distinctive religious aspect, it is true, but
when we speak of a religion we usually have in mind
a certain set of religious dogmas and a church that
propagates them. Theosophy is a universal thing like
mathematics—a body of natural truths applicable to
all phases of life. It sees all religions as equally important,
as peculiarly adapted to the varying civilizations
in which they are found, and it presents a synthesis
of the fundamental principles upon which all
of them rest.</p>
<p>From all of this it will be seen that there is a vast<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_13" id="Page_13">[13]</SPAN></span>
difference between theosophy and theology. Theosophy
declares the immortality of man but not as a
religious belief. It appeals to the scientific facts in
relation to the nature of consciousness. It knows no
such word as "faith," as it is ordinarily used. Its
faith arises from the constancy of natural law, the
balance and sanity of nature, and the harmonious adjustment
of the universe. Theosophy is very ancient
in that it is the great fund of ancient wisdom about
man and his earth, that has come down through countless
centuries, reaching far back into prehistoric times.
But added to that hoary wisdom are the up-to-date
facts that have been acquired by its most successful
students, who have evolved their consciousness to
levels transcending the physical senses—facts which,
however, do not derive their authority from the method
of their discovery but from their inherent reasonableness.
A detailed discussion of such methods of consciousness
and the proper value to be placed upon
such investigations rightly belongs to another chapter.
It is enough now to warn the reader against
the error of confusing the pronouncements of pseudo
psychism with the work of the psychic scientists who
have already done much toward placing a scientific
foundation beneath the universal hope of immortality.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_14" id="Page_14">[14]</SPAN></span><br/>
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_15" id="Page_15">[15]</SPAN></span></p>
<h2><span class="norm">CHAPTER II.</span><br/> THE IMMANENCE OF GOD</h2>
<p>The antagonism between scientific and religious
thought was the cause of the greatest controversy in
the intellectual world in the nineteenth century. If
the early teaching of the Christian Church had not
been lost the conflict could not have arisen. The
Gnostic philosophers, who were the intellect and heart
of the church, had a knowledge of nature so true that
it could not possibly come into collision with any
fact of science. But unfortunately they were enormously
outnumbered by the ignorant and the authority
passed wholly into their hands. It was inevitable
that misunderstanding should follow. The gross
materialization of the early teaching, the superstition,
the bigotry and the persecution of the Middle Ages
was a perfectly natural result. That perverted,
materialistic view has come down to us, and even now
gives trend to the religious thought of Western civilization.
Of that degradation of the early teaching
the Encyclopedia Britannica says:</p>
<div class="blockquot"><p>The conception of God as wholly external to
man, a purely mechanical theory of creation, is
throughout Christendom regarded as false to the
teaching of the New Testament as also to Christian
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_16" id="Page_16">[16]</SPAN></span></p>
<p>It is, indeed, false to the teaching of the Christ but
if it is so regarded "throughout Christendom" it is
only on the part of its scholars; most certainly not
by the masses of the people. The popular conception
is undeniably that the relationship between God
and man is identical with that between an inventor
and an animated machine. It is an absolutely anthropomorphic
view of the Supreme Being and thinks of
God as being apart from man in precisely the same
sense that a father is apart from his son. It may be
an exalted, idealized conception of the relationship of
father and son but it is nevertheless just that relationship,
and along that line runs practically all the
teaching and preaching of those who speak officially
in modern religious interpretation. Emerson sought
to counteract that popular misconception but he was
regarded as a heretic by all but an infinitesimal portion
of the church.</p>
<p>The idea of the immanence of God is as different
from the popular conception as noontide is different
from midnight. It is so radically different that one
who accepts that ancient belief must put aside his old
ideas of what man is and raise him in dignity and
potential power to a level that will, at first, seem
actually startling; for it means, in its uttermost significance
that God and man are but two phases of
the one eternal life and consciousness that constitute
our universe! The idea of the immanence of God is
that He <em>is</em> the universe; that the solar system is an
emanation of the Supreme Being as clouds are an
emanation of the sea, and that the relationship between<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_17" id="Page_17">[17]</SPAN></span>
God and man is not merely that of father and son
but also that of ocean and raindrop. This conception
makes man <em>a part of</em> God, having potentially
within him all the attributes and powers of the
Supreme Being. It is the idea that nothing exists
except God and that humanity is one portion of Him,
and one phase of His being, as clouds are one expression
of the waters that constitute the sea. The immanence
of God is a conception of the universe that puts
science and religion into perfect harmony with each
other because miraculous creation disappears and evolutionary
creation takes its place.</p>
<p>Although the anthropomorphic idea of God has
such widespread dominion in Occidental thought the
immanence of God is plainly taught and repeatedly
emphasized in the Christian scriptures. "For in Him
we live, and move, and have our being," is certainly
very explicit and admits of no anthropomorphic interpretation.
It could not be said that a son lives
and moves in his father. The declaration presents
the relationship of a lesser consciousness within a
greater, and constituting a part of it. The essentially
divine nature of man is made clear in the declaration
in Genesis that he is an image of God. To say that
the likeness is on the material side would, of course,
be absurd. In divine essence, in latent power, in potential
spirituality, man is an image of God, because
he is a part of Him. The same idea is more directly
put in the Psalms with the assertion, "ye are gods."<SPAN name="FNanchor_A_1" id="FNanchor_A_1"></SPAN><SPAN href="#Footnote_A_1" class="fnanchor">[A]</SPAN><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_18" id="Page_18">[18]</SPAN></span>
If the idea of the immanence of God is sound man, as
a literal fragment of the consciousness of the Supreme
Being, is an embryo god, destined to ultimately evolve
his latent powers into perfect expression.</p>
<p>The oneness of life was explicitly asserted by Jesus
in his teaching. Emerson's teaching of the immanence
of God is unmistakable in both his prose and
poetry. "There is no bar or wall," he says, "in the
soul where man, the effect, ceases and God, the Cause,
begins." Still more explicitly he puts it:</p>
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">The realms of being to no other bow;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Not only all are Thine, but all are Thou.<br/></span></div>
<p>The statement is as complete as it is emphatic.
"Not only all are Thine, <em>but all are thou</em>." It's an
unqualified assertion that humanity is a part of God,
as leaves are part of a tree—not something a tree has
created in the sense that a man creates a machine
but something that is an emanation of the tree, and
is a living part of it. Thus only has God made man.
Humanity is a growth, a development, an emanation,
an evolutionary expression of the Supreme Being.</p>
<p>It is upon the unity of all life that theosophy bases
its declaration of universal brotherhood, regarding
it as a fact in nature. The immanence of God gives
a scientific basis of morality. The theosophical conception
is that men are separated in form but are
united in the one consciousness which is the life base
of the universe. Their relationship to each other is
somewhat like that of the fingers to each other—they
are separate individuals on the form side but<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_19" id="Page_19">[19]</SPAN></span>
they are united in the one consciousness that animates
the hand. If we imagine each finger to possess a consciousness
of its own, which is limited to itself and
cannot pass beyond to the hand, we shall have a fair
analogy of the unity and identity of interests of all
living things. Under such circumstances an injury
to one finger would not appear to the others as an
injury to them, but if the finger consciousness could
be extended to the hand the reality of the injury to
all would be apparent. Likewise an injury to any
human being is literally an injury to the race. The
race does not recognize the truth of it just because,
and only because, of the limitation of consciousness.
Lowell put the fact clearly when he said:</p>
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">He's true to God who's true to man;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Wherever wrong is done<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To the humblest and weakest<br/></span>
<span class="i0">'Neath the all-beholding sun,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">That wrong is also done to us;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And they are slaves most base<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Whose love of right is for themselves,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And not for all the race.<br/></span></div>
<p>He's true to God who's true to man because they
are one life; because they are but different expressions
of the one eternal consciousness; because they
are as inseparable as the light and warmth of the
sun. It follows that being true to man is fidelity to
<p>The popular idea is that people should be moral
because that sort of conduct is pleasing to the Supreme
Being and that He will, in the life beyond physical<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_20" id="Page_20">[20]</SPAN></span>
existence, in some way punish those who have broken
the moral laws. It is belief in an external authority
that threatens punishment as a deterrent to law breaking,
as a state devises penalties commensurate with
offenses. But the immanence of God represents a
condition in which not punishments, but consequences,
automatically follow all violations of natural law.
Under such a state of affairs it would require no
penalties, but only knowledge, to insure right conduct,
for it would be perceived that there is no possible
escape from the consequences of an evil act.</p>
<p>It is not difficult to see the relative value of the
two systems of thought when put to a practical test
in human affairs. Imagine an unscrupulous man of
great mental capacity who is amassing an enormous
fortune through sharp practices that enable him to
acquire the earnings of others while he safely keeps
just within the limits of the law. We can point out
to him that while he is not violating the law, and
cannot therefore be prosecuted, he is nevertheless inflicting
injury upon others and consequently public
opinion will condemn him. But such a man usually
cares nothing at all for public opinion and he sees no
good reason why he should not continue in his injurious
work. But if he can be made to understand
that all life is one and that we are so knit together in
consciousness that an injury to another must ultimately
react upon the person who inflicts it; if he
once clearly understands that to enslave another is
to put chains upon himself, that to maim another is to
strike himself, he will require neither the fear of an<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_21" id="Page_21">[21]</SPAN></span>
exterior hell nor the threat of legal penalties to induce
him to follow a moral course. He would see that his
own larger and true self-interest could be served only
when his conduct was in harmony with the welfare
of all. It is but a simple statement of the truth to say
that the immanence of God furnishes a scientific basis
of morality.</p>
<div class="footnotes">
<div class="footnote">
<p><SPAN name="Footnote_A_1" id="Footnote_A_1"></SPAN><SPAN href="#FNanchor_A_1"><span class="label">[A]</span></SPAN> Psalms LXXXII—6.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_22" id="Page_22">[22]</SPAN></span><br/>
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_23" id="Page_23">[23]</SPAN></span></p>
<h2><span class="norm">CHAPTER III.</span><br/> THE EVOLUTION OF THE SOUL</h2>
<p>If we accept the idea of the immanence of God we
shall be forced to abandon belief in a miraculous instantaneous
creation of man and the earth on which
he exists. The old, absurd, unscientific, impossible
idea that the race came from an original human pair
must be replaced by the hypothesis of the evolution
of the soul.</p>
<p>It was about the fact of evolution that the great
storm of controversy raged between scientists and
theologians in the middle of the nineteenth century,
and later. The evolutionary truths were not at first
well understood. They seemed to question or deny the
existence of God. Deep within humanity is intuitive religious
belief. It is a natural faith that transcends all
facts, like the faith of a child in its mother. Because evolution
was contrary to all preconceived ideas of the earth's
inception it seemed at first to shatter faith and destroy
hope, and against fact and reason itself rose the protest
of intuition with spiritual intensity. People felt
more than they reasoned and cried out that science
was about to destroy the belief in God. But time has
proved that they had merely misinterpreted the mean<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_24" id="Page_24">[24]</SPAN></span>ing
of evolution. Further understanding has shown
that, instead of destroying the belief in God, evolution
has given us a new and better understanding of the
whole matter and has placed the hope of immortality
on firmer ground than it previously occupied.</p>
<p>Evolution is an established and generally accepted
fact. No educated person now thinks of questioning
it. It is settled beyond dispute that all things in the
physical world have become what they are through a
long, slow, gradual evolution and that organisms the
most perfect in form and most complex in function
have evolved from simpler ones. The age of miracle
has passed and belief in miracle has passed so far as
its relation to the material world is concerned. It
is no longer necessary to have a belief in an anthropomorphic
God, performing feats in defiance of natural
law, in order to account for that which exists. Science
has reduced the cosmos to comprehension and shown
that, given nebulous physical matter, we can understand
how the earth came into existence.</p>
<p>But why should we stop with the application of
the laws of evolution to material things? Only the
outright materialist, who asserts that life is a product
of matter, can logically do so, and so great an authority
in the scientific world as Sir Oliver Lodge has
asserted that there is no longer any such thing as
scientific materialism.<SPAN name="FNanchor_B_2" id="FNanchor_B_2"></SPAN><SPAN href="#Footnote_B_2" class="fnanchor">[B]</SPAN> Those who accept the idea
of the existence of the soul at all must necessarily
accept the idea of the evolution of the soul. How<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_25" id="Page_25">[25]</SPAN></span>
can consciousness possibly escape the laws that
evolve the media for the expression of consciousness?
There must be the evolution of mind as certainly as
there is evolution of matter. The material and the
spiritual, form and life, are inseparable. Indeed,
scientific progress has now brought us to the point
where matter, as such, practically disappears and we
are face to face with the fact that matter is really but
a manifestation of force. How, then, is it longer possible
to speak of the soul and not accept the evolution
of the soul? Psychology is no less a science than
physiology. The phenomena of consciousness are as
definitely studied as physical phenomena, and it is
no more difficult to account for a myriad souls than
to account for a million suns and their planets. The
scientists who have taken the position that the universe
has a spiritual side as well as a material side
are among the most eminent and distinguished of the
modern world. If evolution has produced the starry
heavens from the material side it has likewise evolved
the human souls of our world and others from the
spiritual side. It is no more difficult to understand
the one than the other.</p>
<p>From the scientific viewpoint the old popular belief
in the creation of the earth and the race by an act
suddenly accomplished is, of course, preposterous. If
we could know nothing back of the present moment
and were called upon to account for the world as we
see it—with its cities, its ships and railways, its cultivated
fields and parks—many people who still believe
in instantaneous creation of the soul would<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_26" id="Page_26">[26]</SPAN></span>
save themselves much mental exertion by declaring
that God had made it all as it stands for the use and
entertainment of man. But we know that it is utterly
absurd to think of the world leaping into existence instantaneously—nothing
existing one day and all trains
running on time between ready-made cities the next,
carrying ready-made people about. It sounds ridiculous
only because we are putting it in material terms,
but in very truth it is less ludicrous than thinking of
the instantaneous creation of the creators of cities
and railways.</p>
<p>The idea that we are a sudden creation is only
possible because of the very vague ideas of what
human souls are. The chief difficulty with the popular
notion that a human soul is as new as the body it
inhabits is that it is a vague and indefinite conception
of life, and the moment we begin to think seriously
about it the weakness of the idea becomes apparent.
Such a notion has no relationship to the processes of
reasoning. How can one reason with a man who
believes it possible for a soul to spring into existence
from the void? What is the use in reasoning about
the "whys and wherefores" when it settles the whole
matter to say: "God did it"?</p>
<p>One thing that prevents us from believing not only
that millions of souls were created in the twinkling
of an eye, but also that the world as it now is was
likewise suddenly created, is that we happen to know
quite definitely the history of the world a little way
into the past, and that history affirms that the earth<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_27" id="Page_27">[27]</SPAN></span>
and all life on it is the product of slow evolutionary
<p>The evolution of the soul places the realm of religion
on a scientific basis. Not only the origin of
the soul but its development and its destiny at once
appear in a new light. The mind is instinctively impressed
with the dignity of the idea of the evolution
of the soul, which, with its corollary, the immanence
of God, makes the divinity of man a fact in nature.</p>
<div class="footnotes">
<div class="footnote"><p><SPAN name="Footnote_B_2" id="Footnote_B_2"></SPAN><SPAN href="#FNanchor_B_2"><span class="label">[B]</span></SPAN> Raymond: or Life and Death.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_28" id="Page_28">[28]</SPAN></span><br/>
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_29" id="Page_29">[29]</SPAN></span></p>
<h2><span class="norm">CHAPTER IV.</span><br/> LIFE AFTER BODILY DEATH</h2>
<p>One of the really remarkable facts of modern life is
the disinclination to accept at apparent value the scientific
and other evidence there is to prove that consciousness
persists after the death of the physical body. There
is in existence a large amount of such evidence and much
of it is offered by scientists of the highest standing; and
yet the average man continues to speak of the subject
as though nothing about it had yet been definitely learned.
It is the tendency of the human mind to adjust itself very
slowly to the truth, as it is discovered. Sometimes a
generation passes away between the discovery and the
general acceptance of a great truth. When we recall the
intense opposition to the introduction of steam-driven
boats and vehicles, and the slowness with which the
world settles down to any radical change in its methods
of thinking, it will perhaps seem less remarkable that the
truth about the life after bodily death has waited so
long for general recognition.</p>
<p>The evidence upon which a belief in the continuity of
consciousness is based is of two kinds—that furnished
by physical science and that furnished by psychic science.
Together they make a very complete case.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_30" id="Page_30">[30]</SPAN></span></p>
<p>The printed evidence of the first division—physical
science—is voluminous. In addition to that gathered by
the Society for Psychical Research there are the researches
and experiments by the scientists of England,
France and Italy, among whom are Crookes, Lodge,
Flammarion and Lombroso. Crookes was a pioneer in
the work of studying the human consciousness and tracing
its activities beyond the change called death. All of
that keenness of intellect and great scientific knowledge,
which has enabled him to make so many valuable discoveries
and inventions, and has won for him world-wide
fame, were brought to bear upon the subject, and for a
period of four years he patiently investigated and experimented.
Many illustrated articles prepared by him,
fully describing his work, were published at the time in
<cite>The Journal of Science</cite> of which he was then the editor.</p>
<p>Three vital points in psychic research were established
by Sir William Crookes. One was that there is
psychic force. He demonstrated its existence by levitation.
He showed next, that the force is directed by intelligence.
By various clever experiments he obtained
most conclusive evidence of that fact. He then demonstrated
that the intelligence directing the force is not that
of living people. Crookes also went exhaustively into
the subject of materialization and here, again, he was
remarkably successful. He was the first scientist to
photograph the materialized human form and engage in
direct conversation with the person who thus returned
from the mysterious life beyond. This evidence from the
camera must be regarded as particularly interesting. It
was received with much amazement at the time, but that<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_31" id="Page_31">[31]</SPAN></span>
was before we had revised our erroneous ideas about the
nature of matter and before the day of liquid air. Materialization
is no longer a startling idea, for that is precisely
what liquid air is—a condensation of invisible
matter to the point where it becomes tangible and can
be weighed, measured, seen and otherwise known to the
physical senses.</p>
<p>All these things Sir William Crookes did upon his
own premises and under the most rigid scientific conditions.
All the methods and mechanism known to modern
science were employed and he finally announced his
complete satisfaction and acceptance of the genuineness
of the phenomena observed.</p>
<p>As Sir William Crookes was the earliest, Sir Oliver
Lodge is the latest of the famous scientists who have
taken up the investigation of the continuity of consciousness.
In a lecture upon the subject, before the Society
for the Advancement of Science, he declared not only
that the subject of life after physical death was one which
science might legitimately and profitably investigate but
that the existence of an invisible realm had been established.
He declared the continent of an invisible world
had been discovered, and added, "already a band of daring
investigators have landed on its treacherous but
promising shores."</p>
<p>Different scientists make a specialty of certain kinds
of psychic investigation and while Crookes made a detailed
and careful study of materialization Lodge has
given equally painstaking efforts to investigations by the
use of that class of sensitives known as "mediums." A
medium is not necessarily a clairvoyant, and usually is<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_32" id="Page_32">[32]</SPAN></span>
not clairvoyant. A person in whose body the etheric
matter easily separates from the physical matter is a
medium and can readily be utilized as a sort of telephone
between the visible and the invisible planes. A medium
is an abnormal person and is a good medium in proportion
to the degree of abnormality. If the etheric
matter of the body is easily extruded the physical body
readily falls into the trance condition and the mechanism
of conversation can be operated by the so-called "dead"
person who has temporarily taken possession of it. In
such cases it is not the medium who speaks for the living-dead
communicator. He is speaking directly himself,
but he may often do it with great difficulty and not always
succeed in accurately expressing the thought he has in
mind. He may have to contend with other thoughts,
moods and emotions than his own and to those who understand
something of his difficulties it is not strange
that such communications are frequently unsatisfactory.
It is not often that an analogy can be found that will
give a physical plane comprehension of a superphysical
condition, but perhaps a faint understanding may be
had by thinking of a "party line" telephone that any one
of a dozen people may use at any moment he can succeed
in getting possession of it. A listener attempting to
communicate with one of them may find that several
others are constantly "switching in," much to his confusion.
If distinction of voices due to sound were eliminated
and then a stenographic record were to be made
of all words reaching the listener he would find that it
would often be fragmentary and trivial. That would not,
however, prove that the conversation did not come from<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_33" id="Page_33">[33]</SPAN></span>
living beings nor that there was not at least one intelligent
person among them. That scientists engaged in
psychic research have similar experiences proves nothing
<p>It seems to be a common opinion that the evidential
value of such psychic communications, even under the
direction of a skilful scientist, cannot be very great. But
there are ways of knowing. It is not at all difficult for
the investigator to confine his work, not only to incidents
unknown to the medium, but to scientific facts which
the medium can not possibly comprehend. It is a matter
of common knowledge that mediums are usually people
without technical scientific knowledge. Some of them
have some degree of education and some of them are
illiterate. Some of the most celebrated belong to the
peasant class of Europe.</p>
<p>Let us suppose that Sir Oliver Lodge is about to
attempt to communicate with a scientist who has passed
on to join the living dead. He will ask technical scientific
questions that nobody but a scientist can answer and
that the medium can by no possibility even understand
when they are answered. Or suppose he gets a communication
from the medium's hand signed by a great author.
The living dead man writes a criticism, let us say, of some
new book and does it in his characteristic style, full
of the power of keen analysis and sound literary judgment.
Surely nobody can believe that the medium is
producing such things on her own account. If she could
do so she would not be earning her living as a medium.
But the scientists do not stop there. We often hear the
expression "cross-correspondence." Just what do they<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_34" id="Page_34">[34]</SPAN></span>
mean by that and in what way does it prove the personal
identity of a dead man who is communicating? The
principle may be illustrated by the hotel clerk's method.
Sometimes a guest leaves a sum of money with the
clerk, and he wishes to be perfectly sure of his identity
when he returns to claim it. He requests the guest to put
his signature on a card. Then he tears the card in two,
gives him one piece and keeps the other. That gives
him a double proof of identity. When he comes for his
money he must first give his name and then produce the
piece of card that fits into the ragged edge of the piece
the clerk has retained, the two together making the whole
and restoring the signature. It's one of the simplest but
most satisfactory proofs possible. Neither piece of that
card alone is intelligible. If one piece should be lost
and others should find it nobody could read it or make
anything of it. Nobody could guess the name unless he
had the other piece. He knows only about the part he
holds. He may be a thief and may earnestly desire to
use what he has found to defraud, but he is helpless
because he has only one of the two parts it requires to
make an intelligible whole. That is the principle involved
in identity by cross-correspondence. Part of a
message is written through one medium and part through
another medium at another time in another place and
neither part presents a complete statement or has coherence
until it is fitted into the other part; and that
prevents a medium who is dishonest from manufacturing
a story that may be more or less plausible.</p>
<p>We are by no means wholly dependent upon scientific
investigation for evidence that the dead still live. Hun<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_35" id="Page_35">[35]</SPAN></span>dreds
of people are sufficiently sensitive to have some
personal knowledge of the matter. The number is far
beyond what it appears to be for two reasons. One is
that the average person fears ridicule and keeps his own
counsel about his occult experience. The other is the
feeling that communications from departed relatives are
too sacred and personal for public discussion. Tens of
thousands of people have seen demonstrations at spiritualistic
seances which, while possessing little evidential
value from the scientific viewpoint, nevertheless have a
legitimate place in the great mass of psychic phenomena.
But more convincing is the evidence furnished in hundreds
of homes where some member of the family acts
as automatic writer or medium.</p>
<p>The most convincing evidence is not always scientific
evidence. What can be more convincing than the
evidence furnished in one's home by members of
the family? There is much such evidence, obtained both
through mediums and by automatic writing.</p>
<p>Automatic writing—that is, the control of the hand
of a living person to record the thoughts of another
who has lost the physical body—is perhaps one of the
least objectionable ways in which communications have
come from the astral world, and to it we are indebted
for some useful books with interesting accounts of the
life in the unseen regions. Here, of course, as elsewhere,
discrimination must be used, for the wise and foolish,
the useful and useless are to be found side by side.
In accepting or rejecting, one must use his common
sense just as he does on this plane in separating the
valuable from the worthless. In such matters we should<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_36" id="Page_36">[36]</SPAN></span>
not lose sight of the fact that the living dead are unchanged
in intellect and morality. The genius here is
the genius there and the living fool is not different from
the dead one. It is often those who know the least who
are the most anxious to tell it and the medium or automatic
writer sometimes gives them the opportunity. Consequently
we get many foolish communications and an
enormous amount of commonplace platitude is delivered
at seances. But it is equally true that unquestionable
proof of personal identity is sometimes secured.</p>
<p>There is much valuable non-scientific evidence that
the consciousness survives the loss of the physical body
and it frequently comes from sources that insure respectful
attention. The two following stories of that kind
are cited as corroboration of the scientific evidence.</p>
<p>Little touches of the personality often constitute the
most convincing of all evidence. It is one thing to show
that people in general live after physical death. It is
quite a different matter to establish the personal identity
of one of them who is communicating, and that is one
of the vital points involved. W. J. Stillman, the eminent
journalist, gives us some valuable evidence on personal
identity. In his earlier years he had studied art in London.
Shortly before the death of Turner, the great artist
had volunteered to give Stillman some advice on painting,
but had not redeemed the promise at the time of
passing away. Stillman had a friend whose daughter
was mediumistic and he decided to experiment. Immediately
on beginning the seance the young girl was taken
possession of by an entity claiming to be Turner. Stillman
asked his question silently, speaking no words, but<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_37" id="Page_37">[37]</SPAN></span>
mentally requesting Turner to write his name. The only
reply was an emphatic shake of the head. He then
asked if he would give some advice on painting. The
response was another decided negative. Stillman felt
that he was foolishly wasting his time and declared the
seance at an end. But the girl sat silent. Then after a
moment she slowly arose with the air of decrepitude,
took a lithograph from the wall and went through the
pantomime of stretching a sheet of paper on a drawing
board, sharpening a pencil, tracing the outline, the washing-in
of a drawing, etc., and then proceeded to show a
simple but surprising method of taking out the lights.
"Do you mean to say that Turner got his effects in that
way?" asked the incredulous young artist. The answer
was an emphatic affirmative. Stillman then asked if the
central passage of sunlight and shadow through rain in
the well known drawing "Llanthony Abbey" by Turner,
had been done in that way and was answered by another
emphatic affirmative. So sure was the young artist that
this could not be true that he gave it up in disgust and
abruptly left. A few weeks later Stillman was calling
upon Ruskin and related the experience. Ruskin, who
had known the celebrated dead artist intimately, declared
that the contrariness of the medium at the beginning of
the seance was remarkably characteristic of Turner. But
what was much more to the point, in the way of evidence,
was that the drawing in question was in Ruskin's possession
and eagerly it was brought down from the wall
for examination. After close scrutiny the great art
critic and the young artist agreed that, beyond dispute,
the drawing <em>had</em> been done in the way described.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_38" id="Page_38">[38]</SPAN></span></p>
<p>Such evidence has an added value when it comes from
those who are neither spiritualists nor professional investigators,
but who have the things they doubt thrust
upon them in such convincing manner that they feel
impelled to record their experience for the enlightenment
of others. In the last literary work<SPAN name="FNanchor_C_3" id="FNanchor_C_3"></SPAN><SPAN href="#Footnote_C_3" class="fnanchor">[C]</SPAN> done by Carl Schurz,
we are given, quite incidentally, his testimony that at a
seance soon after the Civil War he was told the future
in such detail as to leave no possible room for the explanation
of coincidence. It was in July, 1865, when
Schurz was on his way to Washington, whither he had
been summoned by President Johnson, that he stopped in
Philadelphia at the home of his friend, Dr. Tiedemann.
The doctor's daughter, about fifteen years old, could do
automatic writing. As a matter of interest and amusement
in the family circle the girl gave an exhibition of
her psychic abilities. When Schurz was invited to ask
for a communication he not unnaturally requested one
from the recently deceased President Lincoln, for he
had been personally acquainted with him. The girl wrote
a message purporting to come from Lincoln. It related
to politics and proved, in time, to have been an accurate
prophecy of most unexpected facts which would not
transpire for more than three years! Schurz lived in
Wisconsin at the time and had no intention of changing
his residence, nor did he do so until two years later.
The message which the girl wrote asserted that Schurz
would be elected to the United States senate <em>from Missouri</em>.
He did not regard the message as authentic and<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_39" id="Page_39">[39]</SPAN></span>
naturally enough considered the prophecy absurd. In
1867 he took up his residence in St. Louis and in January,
1869, he was elected United States senator by the
Missouri legislature.</p>
<p>So far as the scientific evidence is concerned, it will
be understood, of course, that no attempt is here
made to present that. The intention is merely to call
attention to some of the eminent scientists who
have done notable work and to mention a few of the
more interesting discoveries made. Those who desire to
come into possession of the evidence in full will find upon
examination that it is voluminous.</p>
<p>From the viewpoint of physical science alone the
evidence of the continuity of consciousness is not only
convincing but conclusive. Yet occult science has much
more to offer. To those who have no personal knowledge
of the existence of occult faculties, such evidence
can be offered only upon the inherent reasonableness of
the statements made.</p>
<p>The truth of clairvoyance, like all other truths, must
slowly win its way to general acceptance. While large
numbers of people still scoff at it, even as the world not
so very long ago scoffed at hypnotism as a fantastic
theory with no foundation in fact, there is nevertheless
a large and rapidly growing number who personally know
the truth about clairvoyance. There is every conceivable
grade of clairvoyant power and some degree of superphysical
sensitiveness is becoming rather common.</p>
<p>There are two distinct kinds of clairvoyance and that
which is most in evidence with the public is not calculated
to inspire confidence. It is employed almost ex<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_40" id="Page_40">[40]</SPAN></span>clusively
in what is known as "fortune telling" and is
often practiced by those who are interested only in the
money they can earn by it. As a matter of course, trickery
and fraud are found associated with it among such people,
and those amongst them who are both capable and
honest suffer on account of it.</p>
<p>The fortune telling clairvoyant is usually one who
was born with "second sight," as the Scotch have named
it, and almost without an exception they do not in the
least understand its rationale. They find certain facts
in their consciousness that could not be known to them by
the physical senses, but why or how they get the information
they do not know. That form of clairvoyance is a
sensitiveness related to the sympathetic nervous system,
the center of which is the solar plexus. It has no relationship
whatever to the mind, no association with intelligence,
and will often—indeed, commonly—be possessed
by the most ignorant and uncouth. It is much
more common among Indians and negroes than among
more highly evolved people. It is vestigial and will
slowly disappear from the race. It belongs to the realm
of emotion, not thought.</p>
<p>The higher clairvoyance, the only true "clear seeing,"
is associated with the cerebro-spinal nervous system and
its seat is in the brain. It is not a "natural gift"<SPAN name="FNanchor_D_4" id="FNanchor_D_4"></SPAN><SPAN href="#Footnote_D_4" class="fnanchor">[D]</SPAN> like the<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_41" id="Page_41">[41]</SPAN></span>
other, although it is latent in all human beings. It has
been highly developed in some who have had the unusual
opportunity of long training under the direct supervision
of great psychic scientists. Such clairvoyants are never
to be found among the fortune tellers. Only people with
serious views of life and intense devotion to human service
would have the patience and endurance to undergo
such training and only those of singular purity of life
would have any possibility of success. Such clairvoyants
are people of keen intelligence. By special training and
tremendous effort, not possible to most of us, they have
pressed forward in evolution and attained a development
that the race will be many a century in reaching.</p>
<p>It is by the use of this exalted order of clairvoyance
that invisible realms are explored, and additional knowledge
is accumulated to the ancient wisdom. Such a
clairvoyant is not a medium. The medium surrenders
his physical mechanism for the use of another, who
speaks through it, and at the close of the seance the
medium knows nothing of what has occurred. The clairvoyant
is always in possession of his senses and is fully
aware of what is occurring. He is the explorer and discoverer.
He deals with the facts of the life after bodily
death in a different way than the physical scientist does
but it is soon found by the student that the physical scientist
and the psychic scientist corroborate each other.
Together they bring overwhelming evidence to support
the hypothesis that life is eternal; that the consciousness
we have at this moment will never cease to be; that our
individuality, with all its present memories, will eternally
persist; that what we call death is in reality but a forward<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_42" id="Page_42">[42]</SPAN></span>
step in an orderly evolutionary journey and an entrance
upon a more joyous phase of life, which is not remarkably
different from that we live today. The sum total of
the knowledge that we have gained through the combined
work of the physical scientists and the occult scientists
leads us to the conclusion that the death of the
physical body means neither the annihilation of consciousness
nor a radical change in consciousness. It is, in fact,
but the release of consciousness from its confinement to
the physical form, as a song-bird is released from a cage
to the joyous freedom of a wider world, where woods
and stream and field and sky give new impulse to its
innate characteristics.</p>
<div class="footnotes">
<div class="footnote"><p><SPAN name="Footnote_C_3" id="Footnote_C_3"></SPAN><SPAN href="#FNanchor_C_3"><span class="label">[C]</span></SPAN> Reminiscences of Carl Schurz, Vol. III, p. 154.</p>
<div class="footnote"><p><SPAN name="Footnote_D_4" id="Footnote_D_4"></SPAN><SPAN href="#FNanchor_D_4"><span class="label">[D]</span></SPAN> There are, of course, really no natural gifts.
Nature does not favor some and ignore others. When
a few possess what others do not have, they earned
it by giving special attention to its development
or as in the case of the psychic sensitiveness of the
sympathetic nervous system, it is vestigial, and has
been possessed by the race in earlier ages.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_43" id="Page_43">[43]</SPAN></span></p>
<h2><span class="norm">CHAPTER V.</span><br/> THE EVOLUTIONARY FIELD</h2>
<p>In a treatise on elementary theosophy the solar
system may be reckoned as our universe and we shall
have no need of considering more than a small fragment
of even that. It is septenary in constitution,
as may be seen in its vibrations expressed in color
and sound. Beyond the seven colors of the prism
we have only tints and outside the seven notes we
can get only overtones or undertones. There are
likewise seven planes in the system but less than
half of them require our attention, for the evolutionary
field of the human soul is the three lower planes,
known as the physical, astral and mental. When the
human being has outgrown them in evolution he
passes on to superhuman evolution.</p>
<p>The word "plane," so often encountered in theosophical
literature, should perhaps have some definition.
It has a wide application and is used as a
synonym for region, place, sphere or world. In referring
to the physical plane the term embraces all
we know of earth and sky and life through the
physical senses.</p>
<p>There are seven planes in our solar system because<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_44" id="Page_44">[44]</SPAN></span>
of the seven different combinations of its ultimate
atoms. Each plane consists of a totally different
grade of matter than the next plane, but all have for
their base the ultimate atom of the solar system.
When modern science discovered, to its astonishment,
that the physical atom was a composite body it confirmed
the theosophical teaching that the ultimate
physical atom was <em>not</em> the final point of division.
Theosophy teaches that when the ultimate physical
atom is disintegrated its particles become the coarsest
matter of the next plane or region above it—the astral
plane. The process repeated with astral matter results
in driving its ultimate atom from the highest
level of the astral plane or world to the lowest of the
mental plane. That scientist who said that the atom
is the brick of the universe stated a great truth, for
of its combinations all forms are built; and if the idea
be applied to the ultimate atom of the solar system
it will then be true that of such "bricks" all the planes
are built.</p>
<p>The relationship of the planes to each other is that
of interpenetrating spheres of matter. The physical
plane, consisting of the earth and its atmosphere, is
surrounded and interpenetrated by the astral plane,
or world, which is an enormously larger globe of exceedingly
tenuous matter. This vast sphere of invisible
matter is <em>within</em> the earth as well as beyond it,
interpenetrating every atom of physical matter to the
earth's center. Its grossest grade of matter is so rare,
and its vibrations so intense, that they cannot affect
the physical senses and therefore we remain uncon<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_45" id="Page_45">[45]</SPAN></span>scious
of it while that matter moves freely through
all physical objects. We are unconscious of its life
and activities for precisely the same reason that we
know nothing of the messages of intelligence carried
on the vibrations of the wireless telegraph, although
they pass through the room where we sit. We have
no sense organs with which it is possible to register
such vibrations. Messages conveying intelligence of
tremendous import, involving the movements of vast
armies, the fall of empires and the destinies of great
nations, flow through the very space we occupy but
we are wholly unconscious of them. Even so we remain
blind and deaf to the stupendous activities of
life and consciousness in the astral world, notwithstanding
the fact that it surrounds and permeates us
while its forms, unseen and unfelt, move through the
physical world as freely as water flows through a
<p>The mental world constitutes a region of our earth
still more vast than the astral portion of it. As the
astral sphere encloses the physical globe, the mental
encompasses both, enclosing them and also interpenetrating
them to the earth's center. The term "mental
world" may seem confusing to some because we are
accustomed to think of the mental and the material as
being opposites. The mental world, or sphere, or
plane, of theosophy, is a world of <em>matter</em>, not merely
thought. It is matter, however, of such remarkable
tenuosity that it may properly be called mind-stuff,
and in its rarest levels it is said to be "formless" so<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_46" id="Page_46">[46]</SPAN></span>
far as the existence of what the physical senses know
as form is concerned.</p>
<p>All three of these worlds, or planes—the physical,
astral and mental—are, then, worlds of matter, of
form, of activity, of thought and of enterprise. They
are concentric globes, the physical enclosed by the
astral, and both physical and astral enclosed by the
mental. Within and without all physical matter are
both astral and mental matter. Every physical atom
is surrounded and permeated by astral and mental
matter. The relationship is precisely that which
exists between the ether and the lower grades of
physical matter.</p>
<p>If the relationship of the three worlds—physical,
astral and mental—is fully understood later confusion
of thought will be avoided. Physical language is not
capable of fully expressing much with which students
of the occult must deal. Because there is nothing
better for the purpose, words must be used that express
but a part of the truth and may sometimes prove
misleading unless the constitution and relationship
of the three spheres is kept in mind. Thus, it is necessary
to speak of higher and lower worlds, or planes,
inner or outer, and of the soul coming "down" into
the material world when, as a matter of fact, <em>no movement
in space</em> is under consideration. The astral is
commonly spoken of as an inner plane and while it
truly is so because it can be known only to astral
senses by a withdrawal of the consciousness from
its exterior, material body, it is also true that the
astral world is outside the physical because it en<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_47" id="Page_47">[47]</SPAN></span>velops
it as the sea does a sponge. We usually
speak of coming down from higher planes to lower
and that may be true not only in the sense of changing
the state of consciousness from higher vibrations
to lower ones but it <em>could</em> mean a journey in space
from a point in the astral plane above the physical
globe to a point at its surface. "Up" and "down"
are relative, not absolute. "Down" for us is toward
the earth's center and "up" is the opposite direction.
A spire in the Occident and a spire in the Orient are
both said to be pointing upward but they are pointing
in opposite directions. On most parts of the
earth's surface we have four directions, while at the
poles there is, of course, but one direction—south or
north, as the case may be. East, west and north
disappear at the north pole. Reflection upon such
facts leads one to at least faintly comprehend the possibility
of space itself disappearing from the inner
planes—space as we know it.</p>
<p>The matter of each of the planes consists of seven
classes. We are familiar with the solids, liquids and
gases of the physical plane, and to them must be added
four grades of the ether. The seven grades of matter
of the astral and mental worlds constitute an important
part of the mechanism for the soul's evolution,
for they determine the state of consciousness in the
life beyond the physical plane. But a study of those
states of consciousness belongs to a later chapter.</p>
<p>A difficulty which the student of theosophy should
make an early effort to eliminate, is the tendency to
think of invisible realms as unreal. It should not be<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_48" id="Page_48">[48]</SPAN></span>
forgotten that it is only the limitation of the physical
senses that gives rise to the feeling of unreality beyond
the visible. We should keep in mind the fact
that the invisible realms are composed of matter as
certainly as the air is matter, or a stone is matter.
The water in a pan may evaporate, but it does not
cease to be matter because it has passed beyond the
ken of the physical senses. It will some time condense
once more and play its part as the liquid, water,
or as the solid, ice. Only when matter is in certain
forms can we know of its existence through the physical
<p>We frequently hear people who are students of
the occult speak of a deceased person as having left
the earth. But passing into the astral plane, or world,
is not, of course, leaving the earth. Both the astral
world and the mental world are divisions of the earth.
As the atmosphere is invisible and yet is a part of the
earth's physical matter, so the invisible astral and
mental regions are other parts of the earth. They are
properly called worlds because the activities in consciousness
that make up existence there are as remote
from ours as though they were upon another planet.
We have erroneously supposed that with the physical
senses we really see and know the earth, whereas we
have known only that small fragment of the earth that
consists of physical matter. Beyond the limitation of
our poor senses stretch in unsuspected grandeur vaster
regions of our earth, swept by the vibrations of an
intenser life.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_49" id="Page_49">[49]</SPAN></span></p>
<h2><span class="norm">CHAPTER VI.</span><br/> THE MECHANISM OF CONSCIOUSNESS</h2>
<p>The soul is a center of consciousness within the all-consciousness,
or the life of the solar Logos; an individualized
portion of the universal mind. That
fragment of the divine life, with its latent God-like
attributes, is expressed through a mechanism of consciousness
that is formed of the matter of the various
planes. Naturally enough it is expressed more fully
upon the higher planes than upon the lower. At a
very high level it is known as the monad. When
it reaches down into the higher subdivisions of the
mental world it is the ego, a lesser expression of the
same divine life that pours from the Logos through
the monad—lesser because it is then functioning
through the denser matter of a lower level.</p>
<p>The knowledge that has been gained about the
nature of matter in recent years is helpful in understanding
the activities of consciousness. The atom is
found to be a center of force, and we are at the point
where matter, as we have known it, disappears. All
the force and consciousness of the solar system is, of
course, but the life of the Logos, and on higher planes
the distinctions we observe here fade out. Matter be<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_50" id="Page_50">[50]</SPAN></span>comes
a very different thing from the matter we know.
The ether of the physical world is almost inconceivably
tenuous matter. Yet it is gross when compared
to the lowest grade of astral matter. The matter of
the mental world is enormously rarer than the most
tenuous matter of the astral world. In view of these
facts it requires no stress of the imagination to understand
that the matter of the higher planes is responsive
to the vibrations of consciousness.</p>
<p>The outraying energies of the individualized center
of consciousness act upon the matter of the plane and
draw about it a film that slowly grows into a vehicle
through which consciousness can be more fully expressed,
and which serves as a point of vantage from
which its expression can be extended to lower planes.</p>
<p>The seven subdivisions of the mental world fall
naturally into two groups, composed of the three
higher and the four lower grades of matter. The ego,
anchored in the matter of the two planes above the
mental world, descends to the upper levels of the
mental and the vesture of matter with which it
clothes itself is known as the causal body. Sending
its energies downward, or outward, to the lower
levels of the mental world, it establishes itself there
in what slowly becomes a mental body. Again in the
astral world the process is repeated and a vehicle of
consciousness is formed of astral matter. The
physical body is the lowest and last of the vehicles
to be formed and as it is slowly built, in the months
preceding birth, the matter it contains falls into place<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_51" id="Page_51">[51]</SPAN></span>
under the operation of occult laws which permit no
element of chance to enter into its construction.</p>
<p>Each of these bodies serves as a vehicle of consciousness
on the plane to which it belongs. The
soul is evolving simultaneously in each of the worlds,
physical, astral and mental, and these various bodies
enable it to receive the vibrations of the plane they
belong to and thus to be conscious there. The
mental body is the seat of intellectual activity.
Thought arises as a vibration in it and passes through
the astral body into the physical brain. Whenever
we think we are using the mental body. The astral
body is the seat of emotion. With it we feel. All
emotion passes from it to the physical body to be
expressed in the material world. The astral world is
also called the emotional world, as the mental plane
is called the mental world. The physical body is the
soul's instrument of action. It attaches it to the
physical world, enables the consciousness to contact
material objects and to move and express on the
material plane the thoughts and emotions generated
in the mental and astral bodies.</p>
<p>Another part of the mechanism of consciousness is
known as the etheric double. But it is only a link in
the chain and not a body through which the soul can
function. It is composed of the etheric matter of the
physical world and connects the astral body with the
physical body. As every atom of physical matter is
surrounded and permeated by etheric matter, it follows
that the physical body has its duplicate in etheric
matter. "Etheric double" is a very appropriate name<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_52" id="Page_52">[52]</SPAN></span>
since it is a perfect duplicate of the physical body in
etheric matter. It serves the purpose of supplying the
life force to the nervous system and is the medium
through which sensation is conveyed. The action of
an anaesthetic drives out so much of the matter of
the etheric double that the connection is broken and
sensation in the physical body ceases.</p>
<p>One of the difficulties in the way of getting a clear
conception of the constitution of man, and realizing
that he is a soul functioning through various vehicles
of consciousness, is the materialistic modes of thought
common to Occidental civilization. We are accustomed
to thinking of the physical body itself as being
the man, and if there is any thought at all of the consciousness
surviving the death of the body it is very
vague and indefinite as to where it exists and how it
is expressed. Very little thinking should be necessary
to show the absurdity of the belief that the body
is the man. Two bodies may be alike, as in the case
of twins, but the souls, the real men, may be absolutely
unlike. The real man is superphysical. His
intelligence or his stupidity, his genial disposition or
his moroseness, his generosity or his selfishness, are
but the manifestations of himself through the body
by which they are expressed. The body itself is a
mere aggregation of physical atoms, as a planet is,
so organized that they constitute an instrument for a
purpose. The mass of matter constituting the body
is a variable mass. It may increase or diminish
greatly, but the man remains unchanged. There is no
permanent relationship between the man and the<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_53" id="Page_53">[53]</SPAN></span>
physical matter which he uses for his vehicle of consciousness.
According to the physiologists every
atom of the body changes within a period of a few
years. The cells wear out, break down and pass away
to be replaced by new matter. Not a particle of the
physical matter that was in our bodies seven years
ago is there now, and none that is there now will remain.
Within seven years, or less, we shall have
bodies composed of new matter as certainly as an
infant's is.</p>
<p>Of course such reconstruction of the body does
not change its appearance. It is built on the same
lines. It is as it would be with some very old
cathedral. As the centuries pass it must be slowly
rebuilt. The floors wear out and are relaid. The
roof serves its time and is replaced. The walls
crumble first in one place and then another until they
have been completely reconstructed. After a thousand
years has passed there may be none of the original
material in the building, yet its appearance is
unchanged. The bodies we have today shall have
passed away and will be growing in the trees and
blooming in the flowers in a few years. The bodies
we shall then have are now scattered through the
world. They will be brought together during that time
and will come from many parts of the earth.</p>
<p>The physical senses continually deceive us and
nowhere more than in our ideas about the physical
body. It is an unstable mass of matter, in constant
motion, with great gulfs of space between its atoms.
Emerson was very far ahead of his time and it took<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_54" id="Page_54">[54]</SPAN></span>
science a half century to catch up with him and learn
that he had recorded a fact in nature when he wrote:</p>
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Atom from atom yawns as far<br/></span>
<span class="i0">As earth from moon, or star from star.<br/></span></div>
<p>In 1908 the <cite>Scientific American Supplement</cite>, commenting
on our reconstructed ideas about matter, remarked
that the actual mass of the physical body to
the apparent mass was about one to one million!</p>
<p>If the physical body is merely an organized mass
of matter, continually varying, constantly coming and
going, and having no permanent relationship to the
consciousness that functions through it, what reason
is there for believing that it is the man? Does it seem
strange that the center of consciousness should be
able to draw about itself on the higher planes aggregations
of matter and finally to express itself on the
material plane through the mass of matter we call
the body? If that is mysterious quite as miraculous
things are going on constantly about us unnoticed.
Thoreau calls attention to the fact that we become
so accustomed to the marvelous expressions of life all
about us that we are oblivious of the phenomena that
are taking place. Commenting on the magic possible
to nature he says:</p>
<div class="blockquot"><p>"Though I do not believe that a plant will
spring up where no seed has been, I have great
faith in a seed—a, to me, equally mysterious
origin for it. Convince me that you have a seed
there, and I am prepared to expect wonders....
In the spring of 1857 I planted six seeds sent to
me from the Patent Office, and labeled, I think,<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_55" id="Page_55">[55]</SPAN></span>
'Poitrine jaune grosse,' large yellow squash. Two
came up, and one bore a squash which weighed
123½ pounds, the other bore four, weighing together
186¼ pounds. Who would have believed
that there was 310 pounds of poitrine jaune grosse
in that corner of my garden? These seeds were
the bait I used to catch it, my ferrets which I
sent into its burrow, my brace of terriers which
unearthed it.... Other seeds I have which
will find other things in that corner of my garden.
Perfect alchemists I keep who can transmute substances
without end, and thus the corner of my
garden is an inexhaustible treasure-chest. Here
you can dig, not gold, but the value which gold
merely represents; and there is no Signor Blitz
about it. Yet farmer's sons will stare by the hour
to see a juggler draw ribbons from his throat,
though he tells them it is all deception. Surely,
men love darkness rather than light."<SPAN name="FNanchor_E_5" id="FNanchor_E_5"></SPAN><SPAN href="#Footnote_E_5" class="fnanchor">[E]</SPAN></p>
<p>A seed is a center of force through which life, at a
much lower level than the human, flows and gathers
about that center the material mass that serves the
purpose of its lowly evolution. At the human level
consciousness has become self-consciousness and a
marvelously complex mechanism is required to express
it and serve the purpose of its farther evolution.</p>
<p>This complex mechanism of consciousness, composed
of the various bodies through which the ego
expresses itself at different levels, is used as a whole
for functioning on the physical plane. But when the
ego is functioning no farther down than the astral<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_56" id="Page_56">[56]</SPAN></span>
plane, the physical body is, of course, temporarily
discarded. It is then in the condition known as sleep,
or trance. Sleep is the natural withdrawing of the
consciousness from the physical body. When the
separation occurs in the case of the medium it is called
a trance. The cause of the inert condition of the
physical body is the same in both cases—the withdrawal
of the consciousness of the ego. The physical
body is then unoccupied, but the consciousness maintains
magnetic connection with it. In death that tie
is severed and the consciousness can return to the
body no more. Instances in which the apparently
dead are brought back to life are cases where the
magnetic tie is not broken, notwithstanding there is
every appearance of death.</p>
<p>In form and feature the physical body has its exact
duplicate in the astral body, and in it we function
in the astral world whenever the separation between
the two occurs, whether from sleep or death. In
sleep the consciousness, expressing itself in the astral
body in the astral world, may be turned dreamily inward
or it may be turned outward and be vividly
aware of the life and activities of that world. But
there is small chance that any memory of it will come
through into the physical consciousness upon awakening.
Occasionally, however, it does occur and then
it is usually remembered as a very vivid dream. In
illness, and other abnormal conditions, the connection
between the physical and astral consciousness is
much closer. At a comparatively high point in evolution
the two states of consciousness merge. The<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_57" id="Page_57">[57]</SPAN></span>
man is then continuously conscious, and has a full
memory in the physical brain of all his activities in
the astral world during the hours when the physical
body was asleep.</p>
<p>Consciousness is, of course, at its worst when expressed
through the limitation of its lower vehicles.
Any person, whether brilliant or stupid, will be much
abler and keener on the astral plane than on the
physical, because in sleep, and after death, he has lost
the limitations imposed by physical matter. But the
degree of restriction is variable and depends much
upon the <em>kind</em> of matter of which the brain and body
are composed; for the physical atoms vary greatly,
and as they come and go in the passing years the
body may either become purified and refined or it
may grow grosser and coarser. By careful attention
to food and drink, and by control of the emotions,
the limitations of physical matter may be lessened
and a much higher and more efficient state of consciousness
in the physical body can be attained.</p>
<div class="footnotes">
<div class="footnote"><p><SPAN name="Footnote_E_5" id="Footnote_E_5"></SPAN><SPAN href="#FNanchor_E_5"><span class="label">[E]</span></SPAN> The Succession of Forest Trees.—Thoreau.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_58" id="Page_58">[58]</SPAN></span><br/>
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_59" id="Page_59">[59]</SPAN></span></p>
<h2><span class="norm">CHAPTER VII.</span><br/> DEATH</h2>
<p>Perhaps one of the reasons why death is so commonly
associated with a feeling of fear is because we
give so little thought to it. Most people seem never
to think of the subject at all until death invades the
home and threatens some member of the family.
Then terror fills the mind and all but paralyzes the
reasoning faculties.</p>
<p>Such fear of death, so widespread in Occidental
civilization, is eloquent testimony to the materialism
of our times. It is doubt about the future that
causes fear of death. Only when we have a scientific
basis for the hope of immortality will the awful fear
of death disappear. It is feared because it seems like
annihilation. If people really believed in a heavenly
existence beyond the physical life they could not possibly
be filled with terror at the prospect of entering
it. If a man's religion has not given him a genuine
confidence in a future life, and made it as much
of a reality to him as this life is, it has failed to do
what we have a right to demand of religion. If it
does not enable him to look upon the face of his dead
without a doubt, or a fear, there is something wrong,<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_60" id="Page_60">[60]</SPAN></span>
either with his religion or with his comprehension of
it. What possible reason is there for fearing death?
A thing that is universal, that comes to all, can not
be pernicious. To regard death as a disastrous thing
would be an indictment of the sanity of nature.</p>
<p>Death is merely the close of a particular cycle of
experience. It is the annihilation of nothing but the
physical body, in its aspect of an instrument of activity
and a vehicle of the consciousness upon the
physical plane. The atoms of the body, drawn together
in the human form for temporary use, are, in
death, released from the cohesive force of a living
organism and will return whence they came.</p>
<p>In reality there is no such thing as death, unless
it be strictly applied to the form, regarded as a temporary
vehicle of consciousness. As for the consciousness,
there is no death. There is life in a physical
form and life out of it, but no such thing as the death,
or cessation, of the individual intelligence. What we
name "death" is but a change in the orderly evolution
of life, and it is only because the phenomenon is
viewed from the physical plane that such a term
can be applied to it. From this plane it is death, or
departure. But looked at from the astral world it
is birth, or arrival. What we call birth is the beginning
of the expression of the soul through a material
body on the physical plane. It is an arrival.
But from the astral viewpoint it is a departure and
therefore is as logically a "death" there as departure
from a physical body is here. So death and departure
from one plane is simply birth, or arrival, upon an<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_61" id="Page_61">[61]</SPAN></span>other,
although it is not, of course, birth as we know
<p>Every process in nature has a part to play in
evolution and therefore death is as necessary as life
and as beneficial as birth. Death is the destroyer of
the useless. There is a time when each human being
should die—that is to say, a time when the physical
body has fulfilled its mission and completely accomplished
the purpose for which it exists. To continue
life in a physical body beyond that point is to waste
energy and lose time in the evolutionary journey.
Under the action of what we call "diseases" the body
becomes inefficient, or through the gradual breaking
down of old age the senses grow dim and uncertain.
The consciousness can no longer be keenly expressed
through its impaired machine and it is decidedly to
the advantage of the ego to withdraw from it. The
soul is in the position of an artisan obliged to work
with broken and rusted tools. Good results are no
longer possible. It is then that death comes, beneficently
destroying the worn out instrument and releasing
the consciousness from its too-often painful
situation and permitting its escape into a field of
unobstructed activity.</p>
<p>Death is painless. The breaking down of the
body under the ravages of disease may cause pain,
but that belongs to physical life, not death. Distress
may also be caused by groundless fear of death. But
the dying person who does not know that death is
upon him has no terror, and no pain, and sinks quietly
to sleep. Very little observation will convince one<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_62" id="Page_62">[62]</SPAN></span>
that the distress about a death-bed is invariably on
the part of surviving friends, not on the part of the
dying. Those who are left behind remain within the
limitations of the physical senses, and they are therefore
separated from the so-called dead man, but he
is not separated from them. It is because of that
separation that the terror of death exists for them.</p>
<p>But in that very fact is to be seen the great evolutionary
value of death. The separation it causes
intensifies love as nothing else could do. It is only
when our friend is gone that we begin to appreciate
his real value and comprehend how large a part he
really played in our existence. As sudden silence
gives the consciousness a keener realization of the
sound that has just ceased, so death, by its contrast,
gives a vivid, realistic touch to life. We all know
how enormously the heart qualities are quickened by
the death of a close friend. The whole nature is in
some degree purified and spiritualized. Selfishness is
decreased and compassion expands. Sympathy for
others in distress is born, and thus a decided evolutionary
advance is made. We have only to reflect
upon the fact that separation without death produces
the same effects in a minor key, to realize the evolutionary
value of death. In constant association we
grow careless and indifferent. But an absence of a
month or two enables one to get a truer perspective
of personal associations and thereafter life has new
zest. A child regards its mother with a certain degree
of appreciation but a short absence enormously
increases its appreciation. All human beings come<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_63" id="Page_63">[63]</SPAN></span>
into closer and more sympathetic association after a
period of separation, and the completeness of the
separation caused by death renders it peculiarly
efficacious in the development of the spiritual side of
one's nature. It often requires death to turn attention
away from materialistic life. Frequently a
family becomes completely absorbed in material success.
There is no thought at all given to the higher
life. Wealth, position, power, fame, all the vanities
of the world, hold them firmly. They become completely
self-centered. Then suddenly death enters and
breaks the family circle, and the transient character
of all they had been so strenuously striving for suddenly
dawns upon them, and attention is turned to
the nobler things of life. It is a well known fact
that great wars are accompanied or followed with
widespread spiritual awakening, and it is no doubt
largely because the shadow of death has fallen on
tens of thousands of households.</p>
<p>It has sometimes been asked by doubtful critics
if it would not be an improvement on nature's plan
if the sorrow caused by the death of our friends were
softened by direct knowledge of their continued existence.
It is evidently the plan of nature to have the
physical life and the astral life normally separated at
our present level of evolution. Some of the reasons
have already been discussed. There are undoubtedly
others that we are incapable of understanding, and
still others that we can readily comprehend. If the
higher, joyous life of the astral world were open to
our consciousness, then concentration upon the duties<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_64" id="Page_64">[64]</SPAN></span>
of this life would be difficult, if not impossible. Our
life in the physical body may be compared to the
tasks of children in school. They have serious business
before them in the acquiring of knowledge and
the development of the intellect. They can best accomplish
the work when completely isolated from
other phases of life. Introduce into their work-day
consciousness the joys of a child's existence, the circus,
the military parade, the picnic and the dancing
parties, and the purpose for which the school exists
would be defeated. To exactly the extent that the
consciousness is withdrawn from such things will desirable
progress be made with the work of the school-room.
And so it is with the limitation of our physical
senses. It serves a purpose.</p>
<p>But there is a point in human evolution where
such limitation of the senses is no longer of any service
and may be transcended. Some people have attained
it. They are those who have previously been
referred to as the psychic scientists, with the higher
clairvoyance of the cerebro-spinal system developed.
It is an accomplishment to which all may aspire.
None need submit to the separation commonly caused
by death. By hard work in co-operating with nature's
methods of evolution and by a serious and sustained
effort to live the highest and most helpful life of
which one is capable, it is possible in time to attain
a level of consciousness where one has personal
knowledge that the dead still live. But in the very
work of rising to that level, the concentration<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_65" id="Page_65">[65]</SPAN></span>
previously enforced by the limitation of the physical
senses will have been acquired.</p>
<p>One of the common delusions about death is that
some radical change in the nature of a person then
takes place. This is no doubt due in part to the
theological ideas that have come down to us from the
time of the Middle Ages. It is popularly supposed
that at death one comes to some sort of a judgment
that classes him as either a saint qualified for eternal
bliss or a fiend fit only for endless torture! The
belief is based on that erroneous view of human nature
that was common to the melodrama of a past
generation and that will possibly have eternal life in
the cheap novel. It represented the hero as unqualifiedly
good and the villain as absolutely bad. The
one had no flaw of character and the other had not
a redeeming feature. But human nature does not
thus express itself. The spark of divine life is in all,
notwithstanding it is sometimes darkly hidden. On
the other hand we find no perfected beings. The perfect
heroes were merely creations of an imperfect imagination.
At our halfway stage of evolution we find
neither the absolutely good nor the hopelessly bad.</p>
<p>Why should the change we call death transform
a human being? It is merely the loss of one part of
the mechanism of consciousness. The soul, the
thinker, has lost connection with the physical world
because the physical body has ceased to exist. The
mental body and the astral body remain and they
enable him to think and feel. But he can not think
more than he knows, nor feel what he has not evolved.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_66" id="Page_66">[66]</SPAN></span>
All that has happened in death is that contact with
the material world has been lost.</p>
<p>One of the misconceptions is that death brings
great wisdom, and we often hear of people getting
into communication with those who have passed on,
with the hope of obtaining valuable advice. It is
true that death ushers one into a realm of wider consciousness
and that in the astral world one can see a
little further ahead and take a few more things into
consideration. But—and it is a vital point—he would
have no better judgment in determining a course
of action than he had while here in the physical
<p>Both mentally and emotionally he is unchanged.
His grade of morality is neither better nor worse.
His tolerance or narrowness remains what it previously
was. If he was bigoted while here he is still
bigoted there. If he was the unevolved ignoramus
here he remains precisely that in the astral world.
Whether genius or fool, saint or villain, he remains
unchanged and goes on with his evolutionary development,
but in a world where emotion is the determining
<p>Death merely opens the door to a new and wider
realm where the evolution of the soul proceeds. It
would be difficult to say which is the greater misfortune—the
delusions that make death the king of
terrors, or the complacent belief that if death does
not end all, it at least brings the soul to a judgment
that ends all personal responsibility and settles one's
fate forever. Death can no more lessen responsibility<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_67" id="Page_67">[67]</SPAN></span>
or transform the moral nature than sleep can change
character or determine destiny.</p>
<p>The theosophical conception of death is as consoling
as it is scientific. Instead of the fear of death
it gives us knowledge of continued life. Instead of
doubt and despair it gives us confidence and joy, for
it guarantees the companionship once more of those
we have known and loved, and erroneously supposed
we have lost.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_68" id="Page_68">[68]</SPAN></span><br/>
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_69" id="Page_69">[69]</SPAN></span></p>
<h2><span class="norm">CHAPTER VIII.</span><br/> THE ASTRAL WORLD</h2>
<p>When the physical body dies there is an interval between
the loss of consciousness here and the dawning
of the astral consciousness. During that interim a review
of the life scenes takes place. Everything between birth
and death passes again through the consciousness, as
it thus pauses in the etheric double, between the life
activities of two worlds. Then peaceful unconsciousness
follows, from which the man awakes in the astral world.</p>
<p>To those accustomed to thinking of the dying as passing
to some remote heaven, where they become angels,
it will perhaps sound startling to say that a dead man
is not aware at first that the change we call death has
taken place. Yet that is a common experience. Nor is it at
all remarkable that it should be so with many. We have
only to recall the fact that all physical matter is surrounded
and permeated with astral matter to realize that
the physical plane is duplicated in astral matter. Not
only the physical body of the human being but, of course,
every physical object, has its astral duplicate. The
dying man loses consciousness of the physical plane and
awakes as from a sleep to the astral consciousness. He
sees then the exact duplicate, in astral matter, of the<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_70" id="Page_70">[70]</SPAN></span>
familiar scenes he has left behind. He sees, too, his
friends, for their astral bodies are replicas of their
physical forms.</p>
<p>And yet, notwithstanding all this there is a difference,
though not a difference that enables him to comprehend
what has occurred. He may know that only yesterday,
or what seems to him to have been yesterday, he was ill
and confined to his bed, and was perhaps told that he
was about to die; and now he is not ill; indeed, he never
felt so free from aches and pains in all his life. The
pulsing energies and exhilaration of youth are his again!
This mystifies him. He sees his friends and naturally
speaks to them, but gets no reply and finds that he can
not attract their attention. It must be remembered that
he can not see their physical bodies any more than they
can see his astral body. Yet he truly sees them. If a
so-called dead man and a living person look at the same
instant at another living person they will both see him,
but the latter sees the physical body while the former
sees the astral body that surrounds and permeates it.</p>
<p>Under these circumstances it is not strange that the
new arrival in the astral world is seized with a feeling
of baffling mystery. He is in full possession of his
reasoning faculties, and will power, but there is a puzzling
limitation to his efforts to produce expected results.
A partial analogy may be found in the case of a person
suddenly stricken with aphasia over night. He rises in
the morning, dresses, and goes about his accustomed
duties without the slightest suspicion that any change has
come to him until he takes up the morning paper and<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_71" id="Page_71">[71]</SPAN></span>
discovers that he can not read—that the familiar print
simply means nothing to him!</p>
<p>Of course, in time the living dead man gets adjusted
to the new life. He soon meets others in the astral
world who have been there longer and they, sooner or
later, succeed in convincing him that he is not having
an exceptionally vivid dream.</p>
<p>The astral world, as explained in a previous chapter,
has seven subdivisions and the astral body contains matter
belonging to each of them. While we have the
physical body the matter of the astral body is in rapid
circulation, every grade of it being constantly represented
at the surface. But when the connection with the
material plane is broken, a rearrangement of the matter
of the astral body automatically takes place (unless it is
prevented by an exercise of will power) and the grossest
grade of matter thereafter occupies its surface. Consequently
the consciousness of the man is limited to that
subdivision of the astral world represented by the lowest
grade of matter which his astral body contains at the
time of his death. This is a fact the importance of
which it would be difficult to over emphasize, because
his after-death state of consciousness, his joy or sorrow—in
short, his temporary heaven or hell, depends upon
his location in the astral world.</p>
<p>There are three, and only three modes of death,
or release from the physical body—by old age, by disease,
or by violence. Old age is the natural and desirable
close of the chapter of physical plane experience. It is
most desirable to live to ripe old age and accumulate a
large harvest of experience. To live long and actively<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_72" id="Page_72">[72]</SPAN></span>
is excellent fortune. It is not well to pass into the astral
world with strong physical desires. As old age comes
on the desire forces subside. Most of that grade of
astral matter that is capable of expressing them has
slowly disappeared. Old age represents the most gradual
loosening of the life forces from the material plane, and
that has many advantages.</p>
<p>Release from the physical body by disease is next
in order of desirability. It is a quicker and less complete
breaking down of the connection with the physical
world. Nevertheless it is a condition in which much
progress may be made in getting free from physical desires,
as those who have had experience with invalids
are aware. Desires usually grow weaker with the progress
of the disease that finally ends in death.</p>
<p>Release from the physical form by violence is, of
course, the least desirable of the three, not merely because
it is violence, but for the much more important
reason that sudden death finds the man, as a rule, with
a considerable amount of the lower grades of astral
matter in his astral body.</p>
<p>Whether the death by violence is the result of accident,
murder, suicide or legal execution, the astral
plane conditions of consciousness are alike unfortunate,
in that it is sudden death, not the manner of death, that
permits entry upon the astral life before the lower
grades of astral matter have been eliminated from the
astral body. This is one reason why suicide is unfortunate—because
it ushers the man into the astral world
with more of the matter of the lower levels in his astral<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_73" id="Page_73">[73]</SPAN></span>
vehicle than would be there if he had lived out his normal
physical life.</p>
<p>Purgatory is a term often applied to the lowest level
of the astral world. The word is well chosen because
it is there that the moral nature is purged of its impurities.
Strong desires cultivated and indulged during the
life in the physical body are eliminated with the gross
astral matter through which alone they can be expressed
and, freed to that extent, the man passes to the next
subdivision, and into its higher state of consciousness.</p>
<p>In the astral life some people linger long on the
lower levels while others know them not at all, but
awaken to the blissful consciousness of the higher subdivisions.
Nature is everywhere consistent, grouping together
people of a kind. It is, however, the manner in
which one lives during physical life that determines his
happiness or sorrow after death. The astral body, the
seat of the emotions, is, like the physical body, constantly
changing the matter that composes it. An emotion of
any kind expresses itself as a vibration in the matter of
the astral body. If it is a base emotion, such as anger,
hatred, lust or cruelty, it throws into vibration the grossest
of the astral body's matter, for only in that can it be
expressed. If it is an exalted emotion, such as love,
sympathy, devotion, courage or benevolence, it affects
only the rarer grades of astral matter, for in them only
can such feeling be expressed.</p>
<p>With most people there is a constant mingling of a
wide range of emotions, with a gain in one direction
and a loss in another. One who fortunately understands
the law of emotional cause and effect may make absolutely<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_74" id="Page_74">[74]</SPAN></span>
certain of a comfortable sojourn upon the astral plane
after death. He would make it a rule to watch his
emotions and control them, knowing that each time he
indulged a gross one the vibration set up in his astral
body would strengthen and vivify the grossest grade of
matter in it, while pure and exalted emotions would
strengthen the higher grades. Ultimately, the grossest
grade, becoming atrophied for the lack of activity, would
drop away from him.</p>
<p>The descriptions of purgatory given by the psychic
scientists are calculated to induce even the reckless to
avoid it. If we could bring together all the vilest men
and women now living on the physical plane, the crudest
of murderers, the most besotted drunkards, the vilest
degenerates, the most conscienceless and vindictive fiends
of every description, and huddle them together in hovels
reeking with filth, and let them remain without any outward
government, free to prey upon each other, we
should perhaps have a faint comprehension of the reality
of the lowest subdivision of the astral world. But no
physical plane comparison can do it full justice, for we
must remember that it is the emotional world and that
the feelings of its inhabitants make its atmosphere in a
way that would here be impossible. Astral matter instantly
and exactly reproduces emotion, so that the fiend
or the sensualist looks exactly what he feels. Even in
the unresponsive physical matter, the evil in a man is
often sufficiently expressed to fill those who behold him
with terror. In the astral world every cruel thought
and hideous emotion would express itself in visible form
and the multitudinous emotions welling up in the lower<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_75" id="Page_75">[75]</SPAN></span>
level of the astral world would be as a loathsome swarm
of reptiles gliding through its horrible life. Add to all
that the fact that the hopeless despair of its denizens
gives an atmosphere of utter gloom and desolation, and
we have a hell that leaves no need of other torture to
check the course of the erring soul. And yet there is
no suffering that is not self-imposed. It is both consistent
and just that a man should associate with his
kind and look upon himself in others until he grows
sick of his own vileness and cries out in agony of spirit
against his own moral offenses. It must not be assumed
that every person dying with considerable matter belonging
to the lower astral level still within his emotional
body will necessarily pass through such experiences. It
should never be forgotten that we are dealing with a
matter of the utmost complexity and that even the most
exhaustive description in print would present only a
fragment of the truth. The conditions of consciousness
on any subplane vary as individuals vary. Some people
on the lowest astral level are wholly unconscious of
their surroundings. Another variation is that some people
find themselves floating in darkness and largely cut
off from others—a sufficiently undesirable condition, and
yet better than the fate of some. All states of
astral consciousness are reactions from previous good
or evil conduct and are, moreover, temporary conditions
that will in time be left behind.</p>
<p>In a different way and at a higher level there may
be suffering on the astral plane that is purifying the
nature. Not all offenses against nature's laws are of
so gross a type. There is the abuse of desire and the<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_76" id="Page_76">[76]</SPAN></span>
violation of conscience that may result in various
kinds of regret and emotional distress. A desire of
a refined type strongly built up upon the physical plane
lives with an intenser vitality on the astral plane after
the physical body can no longer gratify it. A glutton
and a miser have strong desires of a very different
type. Each of them is likely to suffer on account of it
during the astral life. They need not dwell upon the
lowest level to get a reaction from their folly in the
physical life. We can easily imagine the distress of the
glutton in a world without food. There could be no
distress because of hunger, for the astral body is not,
like the physical body, renewed and maintained by what
it consumes. But hunger and the gratification of the
sense of taste are very different things. It is the latter
that would trouble the gormand, and it is said that
great suffering, as in the case of the drunkard, is his
lot until the desire gradually disappears because of the
impossibility of its gratification.</p>
<p>The miser represents a subtler form of desire, but his
greed for gold may be quite as intense as that of the
glutton for sensual gratification. The accumulation of
money has been the dominant thought of his life. He
has created in his mind a wholly false value for money
and it gives him real pain to part with a dollar of it.
Only dire necessity forces him to spend any portion of
his hoard. It is not difficult to imagine his emotions when
he is obliged to leave it behind and see others spend it
<p>Any kind of a desire that is related to the physical
body is without means of gratification in the astral<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_77" id="Page_77">[77]</SPAN></span>
world and if such desire has been cultivated until it
becomes strong enough to play an important part in one's
life it will certainly give him more or less trouble after
the loss of the physical body. Whether it grows out of
an over-refinement and excess in a natural appetite, as
in the case of the epicure, or is simply an artificial thing
that is unrelated to any natural demand, as in the case
of the smoker, the inability to gratify the desire is
equally distressing. The suffering that results could
hardly be judged by what would follow on the physical
plane when desire is thwarted, for in the astral life
emotion expresses itself much more intensely.</p>
<p>All of the suffering in the astral world, of whatever
type, is the natural result of the thoughts, emotions and
acts during the life on the physical plane. The astral
world is that part of the mechanism for man's evolution
that brings him up with a sharp turn when he is moving
in the wrong direction. He is not being punished. The
injurious forces he has generated are simply reacting
upon him. This reaction, that sets him right, is as
certain as in the case of the infant that picks up a live
coal. It is merely less direct, and not so immediate in
result, and it works itself out in a multiplicity of ways.
One of the methods of reaction that helps to stamp out
a fault is the automatic repetition of the unpleasant
consequences of wrong doing. The murderer will serve
for a general illustration. In the case of a deliberate,
premeditated and cruel murder, the assassin is moved
by such base motives as revenge or jealousy. The results
of these, so far as their frightful consequences to
the victim are concerned, do not in the least tend to<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_78" id="Page_78">[78]</SPAN></span>
deter the assassin from further deeds of violence. He
feels gratified with his success and is quite satisfied with
himself. Only the possibility of detection and punishment
troubles him. If they follow in due course they
will accomplish something in correcting his erroneous
views of life. But they will not be sufficient to register
indelibly, in the very nature of the man, a proper sense
of the horror of which he has been guilty. Such a man
can be impressed and his viewpoint changed only by
consequences to himself. It is in the reaction in the
astral life of the forces he has generated here that he
gets the lesson that forces in upon his consciousness
the horror inseparable from murder. If he escapes the
physical plane consequences of his deed he will nevertheless
come into contact in the astral world with conditions
sufficiently horrible. He has made a tie with his
victim that can not be broken until the scales of justice
are balanced and nature's exaction has been paid to the
uttermost. Just what form of retribution will follow
depends, of course, on the nature of the case. But the
reaction is as certain as it is multiplex. One of its
variants is the gruesome experience of always fleeing
from the corpse of the victim, but with the utter impossibility
of a moment's escape. In the case of a murderer
who has been apprehended, tried, condemned and
executed, the whole of the tragedy and its sequel would
be, not only lived over in imagination but repeated automatically,
in fact, and worked out in full detail in the
plastic matter of the astral region. Probably few people
have the imagination to comprehend what the murderer
feels of apprehension and fear at his trial when<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_79" id="Page_79">[79]</SPAN></span>
his life is in the balance; or what he suffers while
hiding from justice and making futile efforts to escape
the pursuing officers of the law; or what his emotions
are as his hands are tied and he steps upon the death
trap. All this is reproduced in the astral life, repeatedly.
As one whose mind is completely filled with a subject—let
us say something that is the cause of much anxiety—finds
it impossible to turn his attention from it and
think of other things, or go to sleep, and is impelled
against his desire to think the matter over and over,
so the assassin is enmeshed in the emotion web of his
crime and can not escape from living and acting it all
over and over again until a revulsion of feeling arouses
him to full comprehension of the horror of his crime.</p>
<p>Again it should be said that no attempt is here made
to give more than a very fragmentary description, and a
few hints, of the manner in which the retributory laws
of nature work. A writer on the subject should also be
careful that, in pointing out the fact that to certain
classes of offenders against nature's laws severe penalties
accrue, the reader does not get the impression that
suffering is the common lot in the astral life. The truth
of the matter is that people who live clean, moderate lives,
and refrain from generating forces that are injurious to
others, will know nothing whatever of the unfortunate
side of astral existence. In the limitations, the vexations,
the physical aches and ills, the poverty, sorrow and suffering
of the material plane, most of us are as near to
hell-conditions of existence as we ever will be. The
ordinary man of average morality has so little of the
matter of the lowest level of the astral plane lingering in<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_80" id="Page_80">[80]</SPAN></span>
him that as a rule he would begin his postmortem existence
on the next higher subdivision, which is the
counterpart of the earth's surface. He would therefore
have no knowledge of the hell that exists on the
lower level. But that is not at all true of those who
live grossly and freely indulge the emotions of anger,
jealousy, hatred, revenge, and their kindred impulses,
that often lead to violent crimes. It is possible to live
the physical life so sanely, usefully, harmoniously and
unselfishly that at the death of the physical body one will
pass almost immediately to a joyous and useful career
in the astral world. But while that is quite possible the
unfortunate fact is that a great many people so color
all their emotions with selfishness that the astral sojourn
is unpleasantly affected by it. It is the emotions that
determine the astral life and it is said that if they are
directly selfish they bring the man into conditions on the
astral plane that are very unpleasant.</p>
<p>It must be expected that any idea we may form of
the astral life will be incomplete, and inadequate to give
a true conception what it is really like. Perhaps the
most comprehensible of the subplanes is that which
reproduces the physical landscape in astral matter. There
the average man will begin his conscious astral career.
If we think of the world as we know it here and then
imagine all that is material to have vanished from it
we shall gain some comprehension of the situation. Eliminate
the necessity of providing food, clothing and
shelter and nearly all of the labor of the race would
cease. The tilling of the soil, the mining, the building,
the manufacturing, and the transportation and exchange<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_81" id="Page_81">[81]</SPAN></span>
of the products of field and factory, constitute nearly
the whole of human activity. In the astral life no food
is required and one is clothed with astral matter from
which garments are fashioned almost with the ease and
rapidity of thought. No houses are needed for shelter.
The astral body is not susceptible to degrees of heat
and cold, and nothing there corresponds to our temperatures.
There is no division of night and day, objects
being self-luminous and light being perpetual.</p>
<p>If we could drop out of physical life all need of
physical labor, abolish all response to heat or cold, the
need of food and houses, and add unlimited wealth or,
to be more exact, give each person the power to possess
all that wealth can confer and much that it can not,
we would have an approach to a conception of the astral
world from one viewpoint. Each one entering the astral
life has, of course, a fullness of liberty and freedom
from responsibility that is not instantly comprehensible
to the physical mind. There is nothing whatever that
he must do. There is, however, plenty that he can do
if he desires to be active. On the physical plane many
people of wealth travel and amuse themselves with sight
seeing. Thousands of others would do so if it were
possible. In the astral world it is possible and large
numbers of people drift aimlessly about with no particular
plans. Multitudes belonging to various religious sects
organize themselves into congregations, build edifices
and spend much time in religious services. Others amuse
themselves building houses and constructing landscapes.
It is not at all necessary, but the old habits live and
influence activities.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_82" id="Page_82">[82]</SPAN></span></p>
<p>The average person in the astral world gives himself
to idleness and the enjoyment of the intensified emotions
of the astral life just as the majority of people would
do here if it were possible to escape the round of duties
so sternly imposed by their necessities. For a long time
the most of them also make daily visits to the homes
they have left behind on the physical plane. Those who
have a strong tie of affection with some member of
the family frequently spend much time lingering around
and going on little journeys about the premises or elsewhere
with the loved one. They understand that the
dead person is not perceived by the living one, but nevertheless
they desire to be near. They do not have a full
consciousness of all the living person is thinking and
doing, but they are fully aware of the state of feeling,
or emotion, and whether the living friend is pleasantly
or unpleasantly affected by passing events.</p>
<p>As the astral life becomes more and more familiar
to the newly arrived individual he gets well settled in
it and gradually readjusts his viewpoint to a truer perspective
than he has here. As time passes he is less and
less in touch with the affairs of the physical life and
finally loses consciousness of them altogether as he passes
on to the higher levels of the astral world.</p>
<p>But there are many people who have a more serious
view of life and who lose no opportunity of acquiring
knowledge, and the astral world, which is called "the
hall of learning" by students of the occult, presents
remarkably good conditions to them. Here we are limited
in three dimensions of matter and hampered by the very
narrow range of the physical senses. In the astral<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_83" id="Page_83">[83]</SPAN></span>
world matter has four dimensions and new and
marvelous avenues of learning open before the
student. Those who are at all interested in music, or
art of any kind, find both the field and the facilities
enormously extended. Those who study nature, whether
by directly probing into her secrets or by cleverly combining
her principles into new processes and inventions,
have such opportunities as scientist and discoverer has
not dreamed of on this plane. And so for all the thoughtful
and studious there is a life of the most useful and
fascinating kind in the astral world.</p>
<p>But it must not be supposed that the opportunity of
usefulness and progress is only for the studious. There
as here the opportunity for useful work in helping humanity
forward is boundless; for while poverty and
disease have disappeared absolutely there is much philanthropic
work of other kinds to be done. People are
to be taught, for there, as here, the majority are sadly
in need of knowledge of how to take advantage of nature's
laws for our rapid progress, and how to live in
harmony with them in order to get the greatest happiness
from life. But the work to be done is by no means
confined to teaching. The ignorance that makes the
teaching so necessary has brought a great many people
into the unfortunate condition, where immediate assistance
is most urgently needed, and there is such a
variety of helplessness that nobody need be idle.</p>
<p>Because of the false teaching upon the subject of
life hereafter, people are bewildered when they become
conscious in the astral life. Many have had their minds
so vividly impressed with the awful fate that awaits<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_84" id="Page_84">[84]</SPAN></span>
those who are not "saved" before death that they fall
into a state of terror when at last they realize that death
has really occurred. Others, who may or may not be
haunted with any such absurd misconceptions, cling so
tenaciously to the physical life when about to leave it
that there is not complete separation between the etheric
double and astral body. The result is that the unfortunate
person finds himself cut off from the physical world
and yet not arrived in the astral! Wrapped in a cloud
of etheric matter he drifts for a time in terror of the
unknown. Those among the so-called dead who are
kindly enough to rescue the distressed may come to their
relief and give valuable assistance.</p>
<p>Perhaps the commonest thing that engages the attention
of the astral worker is the fear that death brings to
most people. They arrive in the astral world with the feeling
that everything is unknown and uncertain. All preconceived
ideas about the life after death have suddenly
been found unreliable and they are afraid of, they know
not what. They want to cling to anybody who knows
something of the new world. When we remember that
people are arriving in the astral world by the tens of
thousands daily, even under normal conditions, it is
evident that all who wish to be of service can find plenty
to do. No special knowledge of the astral plane is necessary.
Common sense is a sufficient equipment, in such
simple work, for those who desire to be useful instead
of giving the entire time to the pleasures of that world.
The work for the astral helpers ranges upward in complexity,
of course, and there is profitable activity for<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_85" id="Page_85">[85]</SPAN></span>
those with the fullest knowledge and skill. They usually
work in well organized groups and render service of
great practical value.</p>
<p>Life on the astral plane has its end for the same
reason that it comes to a close on the physical plane.
Nature's purpose has been accomplished and the man is
ready to go on farther in his evolution. The length of
the astral life varies just as it does in the physical world.
Some physical lives are very long and sometimes only
when five scores of years, or more, have passed does the
ego withdraw. Other lives are very short and scarcely
well begun when they unexpectedly come to a close.
There is nevertheless a general average to be found. It
is at least possible to make averages for different classes
of people and to say that a majority of those who are
of ordinary health and strength are likely to attain
a stated age, while it is certain that the majority
of those who have such, and such, a physical handicap
will lose their physical bodies when they are much
younger. Such general rules may also be applied to the
astral life.</p>
<p>Here a long and alert life is most desirable because
the purpose of the physical plane is to gather experience
that shall be transmuted into wisdom on a higher plane.
It is a seed time against a later harvest. But the astral
plane is, for the vast majority of the race, related to
the purgative process. In that life the errors of the
physical life are largely worked out and desires that
have grown up like weeds in a garden are rooted out and
the budding virtues are given a chance to grow. It is a
corrective plane, where blunders are checked up and the<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_86" id="Page_86">[86]</SPAN></span>
moral perspective is re-established. Naturally enough
the sooner that can be done the better. The rule of a
long life being most desirable on the physical plane is,
therefore, reversed on the astral plane. It is the shortest
life in the astral world that is the greatest prize, and it
comes to those who have lived the purest and noblest
lives while here. The sooner a man gets through the
astral world and begins the reaping of his harvest on
the mental plane, or heaven world, the better it is for him.</p>
<p>The length of the astral sojourn depends primarily
upon the durability of the astral body and that, in turn,
depends upon the kind of a life he has lived here. Let
us suppose that he has lived a very gross and sensual
life. All of the emotions of that type that he indulged
built more gross matter in his astral body and also
strengthened and vivified the lowest grade of matter that
was already there. Let us also imagine that he had an
ungovernable temper and frequently gave way to outbursts
of fury; further, that he was cruel and revengeful,
seeking and finding many opportunities of inflicting injuries
upon others. Here we have a case for long life
on the lower levels of the astral world.</p>
<p>Let us now consider a different type of man. He
lives peacefully and harmoniously with those about him.
He feels strong affection for wife and children. He has
a host of friends because of his cheerful, helpful and
sympathetic attitude toward others. He lives cleanly
and thinks nobly. His mind is kept free from trivialities
and his tongue is never employed in gossip. He makes
a determined and persistent effort to eliminate pride,
envy and ambition. He cultivates the habit of thinking<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_87" id="Page_87">[87]</SPAN></span>
first of the welfare of others and always last of himself—in
short, tries hard to eliminate selfishness and see all
things impersonally. Such a man could know nothing
whatever of the disagreeable part of the astral life and
would pass quickly through even the higher subdivisions
and reach the ecstatic happiness of the heaven world.</p>
<p>From the lower subdivisions a man rises very gradually
to the higher. He remains on a given level so long
as is required to eliminate the matter of that level from
his astral body. He is then immediately conscious on
the next higher level. The grosser matter falls away because
the man has at last stopped sending his life force
through it. Ungratified desire has finally worn itself out
and he is free. The process can be greatly hastened or
retarded by the man's attitude toward life. If he foolishly
dwells upon his desires, he gives new vitality and prolonged
life to them. If he can resolutely turn his mind
to higher things he hastens his release. His fate is in
his own hands, and he is fortunate indeed if he has a
knowledge of such matters.</p>
<p>One who dies in advanced years will pass more rapidly
through the astral world than he would have done had
he died in the full strength of manhood. As the years
accumulate the emotions that vivify the lowest grades of
astral matter are not so much in evidence and the matter
in which they are expressed loses its vitality. That is
an additional reason why it is desirable to live to old
age in the physical world.</p>
<p>The hold that the material world has upon the mind
is one of the causes which greatly prolong existence
in the astral world. Some people give their time and<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_88" id="Page_88">[88]</SPAN></span>
thought so exclusively to material things that after they
lose the physical body they cannot keep the mind away
from the life that lies behind them. This difficulty
does not necessarily arise wholly from having given one's
energies entirely to personal ambition and material accumulation.
Sometimes the ruler of a country is so
determined to still manage affairs, as far as possible, that
this vivid interest in the physical world stretches out the
period of astral life most unfortunately.</p>
<p>Ordinarily one's sojourn in the astral world is comparatively
short, if we measure it in the terms of physical
life. A person who has lived here seventy years may
have thirty or forty years on the astral plane. But that
will depend not only upon how he lived the physical
life just closed but also upon his general position in
human evolution. A savage of low type would have a
comparatively long astral life while a man at the higher
levels of civilization would have a comparatively short
period there, while the man in the lower levels of civilized
life might be said to come in at about midway
between the two. But it must be remembered that these
are very general estimates and that among civilized peoples
individuals differ enormously. Some will pass very
slowly and, so far as lower levels are concerned, painfully,
through astral life, while the sojourn of others
there is measured in minutes, and they pass happily and
almost instantaneously from physical death to the heaven
world. But such people are the exception, not the rule.</p>
<p>Communication with those who have passed on into
the astral world is possible, but not always desirable, for
a number of reasons. As an evidence of the continuity<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_89" id="Page_89">[89]</SPAN></span>
of consciousness in the hands of the scientific investigator,
such communications have been of the greatest
value. As a consolation to those who have thus come
again in touch with dead friends such messages have
been of inestimable value to the bereaved, particularly
when they have been received in the privacy of the family
circle by some of its members. For a time those who
have lost the physical body are usually within easy reach
through the usual methods employed for the purpose and
perhaps no harm is done by such communications unless
they arouse anew the grief of those who have been left
behind and thus greatly depress the departed. But after
the living dead get farther along, and are practically out
of touch with the material world, then directing their
attention backward may be positively injurious to them.
For that reason careful students of the occult seldom seek
to obtain messages, or at least do it with proper consideration
for all the circumstances of the particular
<p>Due regard for the interests of those who have passed
on, as well as for those who remain, requires that all
the facts be given full weight. The truth of the matter
is that it is our keen sense of loss that gives rise to
the desire for a message of some sort. We long to once
more get into touch with one that seems to be lost to
us. We are not really thinking much about his welfare.
As a matter of fact he has not lost sight of us and does
not have our sense of separation. Not only is he able to
see us at all times and be conscious of our feelings and
emotions, but during the hours when we are asleep he
is in the fullest and freest communication with us and<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_90" id="Page_90">[90]</SPAN></span>
we with him. On awakening we usually have no memory
of this and if we do we think it was a dream. But it
is not so with him. His memory of it is perfect and
the result is that he has not our sense of separation and
loss at all.</p>
<p>The result of knowledge upon the subject, that is
readily gained by a study of the researches of the skilled
occultists, is that one comes to feel that one should
rest satisfied with the fact that we do converse with the
dead nightly, and leave mediumistic communications to
the scientific investigators. The natural order of things
is that the person who passes into the astral world shall
in time fix his mind exclusively upon the inner life and
be completely divorced from physical plane affairs. That
is the mental and emotional condition which permits
of his rapid passage through levels where he should not
linger. It is said that to turn his attention backward at
this time may cause him acute distress.</p>
<p>A reading of the Christian scriptures with a knowledge
of occultism often throws a new light upon the
subject. An instance of this is to be found in the story
of the woman of Endor who is visited by Saul in his
quest for psychic information about the crisis that has
been reached in the affairs of his kingdom. The woman
went into trance and acted as a medium for a communication
from Samuel, who tells Saul just what will occur
in the impending battle. Samuel's first words were
a reproach to Saul. "Why hast thou disquieted me to
bring me up?"<SPAN name="FNanchor_F_6" id="FNanchor_F_6"></SPAN><SPAN href="#Footnote_F_6" class="fnanchor">[F]</SPAN> was his greeting. It is the language of<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_91" id="Page_91">[91]</SPAN></span>
one who is displeased. Drawing his attention forcibly
back to the material world by the strong desire Saul
had to communicate with him was evidently distressing
to the dead king, hence the rebuke, "Why hast thou
<em>disquieted</em> me?"</p>
<p>What is here said on the subject of communication,
however, has reference to general principles only. There
is no intention of suggesting that it is always undesirable
to communicate with those who have passed over. Often
those on the other side seek means of communicating and
they should then find the most willing co-operation from
this side. Sometimes one who has left the physical
plane life has a message of great importance to deliver
and such a case reverses the general rule—he would be
delayed if he could <em>not</em> communicate. It would be decidedly
to his advantage to free his mind of the matter.
Until he has done so he may remain in a restless condition
and his case falls into the category of what the
spiritualists call "earth bound." He may have left
undone something that a message will set right, if he
can get it through, or he may have secreted something
that cannot be found because he died suddenly and had
no opportunity to speak of it. Or it may simply be a
case of desiring to prove to materialistic friends the
fact that the so-called dead are not dead, and are close
at hand. It is sometimes possible for the important
information to come through into physical life in the
form of a dream by the living, and thus the recovery of
valuables has followed.<SPAN name="FNanchor_G_7" id="FNanchor_G_7"></SPAN><SPAN href="#Footnote_G_7" class="fnanchor">[G]</SPAN> In such a case the dream is<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_92" id="Page_92">[92]</SPAN></span>
a memory of facts well known in astral life but hidden
from the waking consciousness by the unresponsive material
<p>It sometimes happens that one who thus most earnestly
desires to communicate but is wholly ignorant
of how to accomplish his purpose causes a good deal of
annoyance. His blundering attempts to use psychic
force may be wholly abortive and result only in meaningless
noises, raps, the tumbling of books or dishes
from shelves or the aimless movement of furniture.
Annoyance is sometimes caused also by intention, on the
part of those who think it is humorous to play pranks.
It must be remembered that passing on to the astral life
does not improve one's common sense. If while living
here, he thought it amusing to astonish or delude somebody,
or trick a friend into seriously accepting some
absurd assertion as a fact, he still regards the same
course as entertaining. This accounts for many of the
foolish, and sometimes startling messages, or answers to
questions, received at seances.</p>
<p>It has often been asked why, if communication between
the physical and astral planes is possible, we do
not receive information that might lead to valuable discoveries
and inventions. The very fact that death does
not confer wisdom explains it in part. But an even more
important fact is that communication is easy with the
lower levels and correspondingly difficult as the higher
levels are reached. All who have had much experience
with seances are familiar with the fact that "guides"
or "controls," that is, the persons in the invisible realms
who direct the seance and frequently speak through<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_93" id="Page_93">[93]</SPAN></span>
the medium, are very often Indians or others at a low
level of evolution. The majority of the inhabitants of
the astral levels with which communication is easy are
not the type capable of furnishing ideas of any great
value. It is on the higher levels that the man of intellectual
power passes most of his astral life. The
scientist or the inventor who has given so much thought
to his work that he has been in some degree successful
here is not likely to have much consciousness on lower
levels. It is the highest of the seven subdivisions of the
astral world that is the habitat of the person who has
followed intellectual pursuits, during physical life, and
with that level it is practically impossible for the ordinary
medium to communicate.</p>
<p>One of the objections to indiscriminate communication
with the astral plane lies in the very fact that the
lowest class of entities are most accessible. That not
only accounts for the commonplace messages in such
abundance, but it is frequently a source of actual danger,
especially where people form "circles" for the purpose
of rendering themselves more sensitive to psychic influences.
In such cases it is common to accept every
message as absolute truth. There is no doubt that as
a rule the astral people in charge of such a gathering
are earnest and honest. But they are neither all-wise
nor all-powerful, and it sometimes comes about that
some of the sitters are partially or wholly obsessed by
astral entities, and that may prove to be an exceedingly
serious matter. Some people have thus lost their sanity
and others their lives.</p>
<p>It is, of course, only the gross type of astral person<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_94" id="Page_94">[94]</SPAN></span>
who has a desire to seize upon the physical body of
another. The purpose is to gratify desires that have
outlived the physical body. The dead drunkard is perhaps
the commonest example of the obsessing entity, and
if the obsession is only partial it may lead to nothing
worse than strong and perhaps irresistible impulses
toward alcoholic stimulation. Obsession may, of course,
occur without the psychic door being opened deliberately.
But no obsession is possible, in any case, unless there is
something within the victim responsive to the moral
defect of the obsessing entity.</p>
<p>Partial obsessions are rather common and there are
frequent inquiries as to the best means of treating such
a case. It may amount only to the slight annoyance
of astral people hanging about and refusing to depart
or to actual persecution. In all such cases the victim is,
of course, in conscious touch and communication with
the intruders. One of the world's greatest authorities
on the subject, who is a constant investigator of the unseen
regions, has given detailed answer to two questioners,
and what he says is of such practical value that
it is well worth reproducing. The second question itself
is enlightening as to the character of the obsessing
entities. The first inquirer asks:</p>
<div class="blockquot"><p>"What is the best way to get rid of an excarnate
human being who persists in occupying one's
<p>The reply follows:</p>
<div class="blockquot"><p>"I should simply and absolutely decline to be so
obsessed. The best and kindest plan would be to
have an explanation with the dead person, to enquire<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_95" id="Page_95">[95]</SPAN></span>
what he wants and why he makes such persistent
attempts. Quite probably, he may be some ignorant
soul who does not at all comprehend his new surroundings,
and is striving madly to get into touch
again with the only kind of life that he understands.
In that case if matters are explained to him, he may
be brought to a happier frame of mind and induced
to cease his ill-directed efforts. Or the poor creature
may have something on his mind—some duty unfulfilled
or some wrong unrighted; if this be so, and
the matter can be arranged to his satisfaction, he
may then be at peace.</p>
<p>"If, however, he proves not to be amenable to
reason, if in spite of all argument and explanation
he refuses to abandon his reprehensible line of
action, it will be necessary gently but firmly to
resist him. Every man has an inalienable right to the
use of his own vehicles, and encroachments of this
nature should not be permitted. If the lawful possessor
of the body will confidently assert himself and
use his own willpower no obsession can take
<p>"When such things occur, it is almost always because
the victim has in the first place voluntarily
yielded himself to the invading influence, and his
first step therefore is to reverse that act of submission,
to determine strongly to take matters into his
own hands again and to resume control over his
property. It is this reassertion of himself that is
the fundamental requirement, and though much help
may be given by wise friends, nothing which they
can do will take the place of the development of
willpower on the part of the victim, or obviate the
necessity for it. The exact method of procedure
will naturally vary according to the details of the
<p>The same authority answers another question on the<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_96" id="Page_96">[96]</SPAN></span>
same subject and he is here dealing with particular
entities that he has evidently seen:</p>
<div class="blockquot"><p>"I have long been troubled by entities who constantly
suggest evil ideas and make use of coarse
and violent language. They are always urging me
to take strong drink, and goading me on to the consumption
of large quantities of meat. I have prayed
earnestly, but with little avail, and am driven to my
wits' end. What can I do?"</p>
<p>To this appeal the psychic scientist replies:</p>
<div class="blockquot"><p>"You have indeed suffered greatly; but now you
must make up your mind to suffer no more. You
must take courage and make a firm stand. The
power of these dead people over you is only in your
fear of them. Your own will is stronger than all
theirs combined if you will only know that it is;
if you turn upon them with vigor and determination
they must yield before you. You have an inalienable
right to the undisturbed use of your own vehicles,
and you should insist on being left in peace. You
would not tolerate an intrusion of filthy and disgusting
beings into your house on the physical plane;
why should you submit to it because the entities
happen to be astral? If an insolent tramp forces
himself into a man's house, the owner does not kneel
down and pray—he kicks the tramp out; and that
is precisely what you must do with these astral
<p>"You will no doubt say to yourself that when I
give you this advice I do not know the terrible power
of the particular demons who are afflicting you.
That is exactly what they would like you to believe—what
they will try to make you believe; but
do not be so foolish as to listen to them. I know
the type perfectly, and mean, despicable, bullying
villains they are; they will torment a weak woman
for months together, but will fly in cowardly terror<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_97" id="Page_97">[97]</SPAN></span>
the moment you turn upon them in righteous anger!
I should just laugh at them, but I would drive them
out, hold not a moment's parley with them. Of
course, they will bluster and show fight, because you
have let them have their own way for so long that
they will not tamely submit to expulsion; but face
them with iron determination, set your will against
them like an immovable rock, and down they will
go. Say to them: 'I am a spark of the divine fire,
and by the power of the God within me I order you
to depart!' Never let yourself think for an instant of
failure or of yielding; God is within you, and God
cannot fail."<SPAN name="FNanchor_H_8" id="FNanchor_H_8"></SPAN><SPAN href="#Footnote_H_8" class="fnanchor">[H]</SPAN></p>
<p>Probably there is no astral subject of more vital
importance to any of us than that of the right attitude
of mind and emotion toward the living dead. It is
commonly said that we can do nothing more for them
when they have passed away from physical plane life,
but a greater error could not easily be made. The
connection with us is by no means severed. Not only are
they emotionally in touch with us but their emotions are
very much keener than when they had a physical body
through which to express them. They are now living
in the astral body, the matter of which is enormously
more responsive to emotional vibrations. A joyous emotion
here would be tremendously more joyous there and
a thing that would produce depression here would be a
hundred times more depressing there. That fact should
give pause to those who are inclined to think in sorrow,
and with something of despair, about their friends who
have passed on. They are not far away in space and
our emotions affect them profoundly and instantly.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_98" id="Page_98">[98]</SPAN></span></p>
<p>We are all familiar with the fact that moods are
communicable. The person who is cheerful cheers up
others in his vicinity, while the one who is gloomy spreads
gloom wherever he goes. It is a simple matter of vibrations.
It is often within the power of a member of the
family who habitually has "the blues" to destroy the
happiness of the entire household. If we think of the
most depressing effect that can be caused by sorrow on
the physical plane, and then multiply its effectiveness
by a hundred, we shall have no exaggeration of the astral
effects of the emotions we indulge in the physical body.
If, then, the sorrow of a weeping relative distresses us
here it is clear that it must bring really keen distress
to the one who is the subject of such grief. His life
may thus be made miserable by the very persons who
would be the last to cause him sorrow if they understood
what they were doing.</p>
<p>We can really help the so-called dead and make them
very much happier by simply changing our mournful
attitude toward them. All violent expressions of grief
should be avoided and a determination to make the best
of the matter should be cultivated. The situation may
indeed be bad, but we make it very much worse by our
mourning. The funeral customs of Occidental civilization
are quite consistent with its materialism. We act
as nearly as possible as though we believe the dead are
lost to us absolutely. We make matters as gloomy as
possible. Yet we are slowly improving. Not so very
long ago when anybody died those present stopped the
ticking of the clock, drew down the window curtains,
moved about on tiptoe, and acted generally in a way<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_99" id="Page_99">[99]</SPAN></span>
calculated to add as much as possible to the awe and the
gloom. We still wear somber and depressing black
and add all we can externally to our inward distress.</p>
<p>A more sensible attitude of mind may be observed at
any theosophical funeral and, with growing frequency,
at the funerals among thinking people. A funeral should
not be the occasion of a final expression of grief, but a
gathering of friends who send kindly thoughts and
helpful good wishes to the comrade whose life work in
the physical world is finished. The general feeling should
be very much like that of a party of friends who go
to the pier to see a well loved traveler off on a long
journey to remote parts of the earth for a sojourn of
many years or possibly a lifetime. There should be
constant thought of his welfare, not of the loss to his
friends. Grief that thinks of itself is an expression of
selfishness and is detrimental to all. One should practice
self control in such a matter just as one would control a
feeling of anger under different circumstances.</p>
<p>Naturally enough the control of grief when one we
love has passed on is none to easy. But any degree
of success is much better than no effort, and will certainly
help the one for whom we mourn. Much can
be accomplished by avoiding unnecessary incidents that
bring vividly back the keen sense of loss. Many people
indulge the foolish custom of regularly visiting the
cemetery where the body has been interred. A little
analysis will show that this is only another evidence of
our materialistic modes of thought, and the custom
serves to perpetuate emotions that should never have
existed. We can not, of course, think too often nor too<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_100" id="Page_100">[100]</SPAN></span>
tenderly of those who have passed on, but we should
do nothing that leads us to think of them as being dead,
or being far away. The fact that they are alive and
well and happy and near should constantly fill the mind;
and all of that, in nearly all cases, will be perfectly true
if we do not foolishly destroy their peace of mind with
our selfish sorrow.</p>
<p>Occasionally a hint on the subject comes from the
astral plane people themselves. In the recent book<SPAN name="FNanchor_I_9" id="FNanchor_I_9"></SPAN><SPAN href="#Footnote_I_9" class="fnanchor">[I]</SPAN>
by Sir Oliver Lodge, on his experiments in psychic research,
there is a message from his son, who was killed
in battle, agreeing to attend the family Christmas dinner
and to occupy the chair placed for him, provided they
will all refrain from gloomy thoughts about him! No
one who is informed on the subject of emotional reaction
on the astral body, after the loss of the physical
body, could be surprised by the conditions named by
the young man.</p>
<p>The advocates of cremation have a strong argument
in the fact that the preservation of the body for a time,
whether in a tomb or a grave, tends to keep grief alive.
When the body is reduced to ashes the delusion that the
body is somehow the man seems to have less of a
material basis. Visits to a tomb or grave are unfortunate,
not alone because they renew grief through thinking
upon it and thus cause great distress to those for whom
we mourn, but also because the environment of a cemetery
is one of the worst possible for the sorrowing. It
is a dismal park of concentrated griefs where each<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_101" id="Page_101">[101]</SPAN></span>
mourner accentuates the emotional distress of all others.
There is but one sensible attitude to take toward those
we have lost by death—to think of them as living a
joyous, busy life and at least calling on us daily even
though most of us are not sensitive enough to be conscious
of the fact. We should try to realize the truth
of the matter and then readjust our habits to fit the
facts. The average person who is afflicted with the
erroneous ideas still so common, is doing an enormous
amount of injury and bringing into the lives of the very
people he loves a depression of which he little dreams,
and which he can change to vivid pleasure by always
thinking cheerfully of them and sending them daily
thoughts of serenity and peace.</p>
<div class="footnotes">
<div class="footnote"><p><SPAN name="Footnote_F_6" id="Footnote_F_6"></SPAN><SPAN href="#FNanchor_F_6"><span class="label">[F]</span></SPAN> 1 Samuel XXVIII—15.</p>
<div class="footnote"><p><SPAN name="Footnote_G_7" id="Footnote_G_7"></SPAN><SPAN href="#FNanchor_G_7"><span class="label">[G]</span></SPAN> Ch. 3, Dreams and Premonitions.—L. W. Rogers.</p>
<div class="footnote"><p><SPAN name="Footnote_H_8" id="Footnote_H_8"></SPAN><SPAN href="#FNanchor_H_8"><span class="label">[H]</span></SPAN> The Inner Life.—Leadbeater, Vol. I. p. 483.</p>
<div class="footnote"><p><SPAN name="Footnote_I_9" id="Footnote_I_9"></SPAN><SPAN href="#FNanchor_I_9"><span class="label">[I]</span></SPAN> Raymond: or Life and Death.—Lodge.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_102" id="Page_102">[102]</SPAN></span><br/>
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_103" id="Page_103">[103]</SPAN></span></p>
<h2><span class="norm">CHAPTER IX.</span><br/> REBIRTH: ITS REASONABLENESS</h2>
<p>Life is the most elusive thing with which science
has to deal but we have learned much about both
life and matter in recent years, and it is a noteworthy
fact that the more we learn the thinner become the
ranks of the materialists. The only scientist of note
who still declares his philosophy of materialism is
Haeckel, and of him a brother scientist has written,
"He is, as it were, a surviving voice from the middle
of the nineteenth century;" and, referring to Haeckel's
almost deserted ground in the scientific world, he
declares that his voice "is as the voice of one crying
in the wilderness, not as the pioneer or vanguard of
an advancing army, but as the despairing shout of a
standard-bearer, still bold and unflinching, but
abandoned by the retreating ranks of his comrades as
they march to new orders in a fresh and more idealistic
<p>Thus is the old ground of scientific materialism
being deserted by all progressive scientists. While
we do not yet know a great deal about life, science
has gone far enough to permit a grasp of facts and
principles from which conclusions may be logically<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_104" id="Page_104">[104]</SPAN></span>
drawn and working hypotheses constructed. Sir
Oliver Lodge, who is president of one of the great
English Universities, and ranks as one of the world's
most eminent scientists, speaking of his conception
of life, says that "It is dependent on matter for its
phenomenal appearance—for its manifestation to us
here and now, and for all its terrestrial activities;
but otherwise I conceive that it is independent, that
its essential existence is continuous and permanent,
though its interactions with matter are discontinuous
and temporary; and I conjecture that it is subject to
a law of evolution—that a linear advance is open to it—whether
it be in its phenomenal or in its occult
state."<SPAN name="FNanchor_J_10" id="FNanchor_J_10"></SPAN><SPAN href="#Footnote_J_10" class="fnanchor">[J]</SPAN></p>
<p>Later in the same work he expresses the opinion
"that life is something outside the scheme of
mechanics—outside the categories of matter and energy;
though it can nevertheless control and direct
material forces...."</p>
<p>In closing his volume on <cite>Life and Matter</cite> this distinguished
scientist says:</p>
<div class="blockquot"><p>"What is certain is that life possesses the power
of vitalizing the complex material aggregates which
exist on this planet, and of utilizing their energies
for a time to display itself amid terrestrial surroundings;
and then it seems to disappear or evaporate
whence it came. It is perpetually arriving and perpetually
disappearing. While it is here, if it is at
a sufficiently high level, the animated material body
moves about and strives after many objects, some<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_105" id="Page_105">[105]</SPAN></span>
worthy, some unworthy; it acquires thereby a certain
individuality, a certain character. It may realize
itself, moreover, becoming conscious of its own
mental and spiritual existence; and it then begins
to explore the Mind which, like its own, it conceives
must underlie the material fabric—half displayed,
half concealed, by the environment, and intelligible
only to a kindred spirit. Thus the scheme
of law and order dimly dawns on the nascent soul,
and it begins to form clear conceptions of truth,
goodness, and beauty; it may achieve something of
permanent value, or a work of art or of literature;
it may enter the region of emotion and may evolve
ideas of the loftiest kind; it may degrade itself below
the beasts, or it may soar till it is almost divine.</p>
<p>"Is it the material molecular aggregate that has
of its own unaided latent power generated this individuality,
acquired this character, felt these emotions,
evolved these ideas? There are some who try to think
that it is. There are others who recognize in this extraordinary
development a contact between this material
frame of things and a universe higher and
other than anything known to our senses; a universe
not dominated by physics and chemistry; but utilizing
the interactions of matter for its own purpose;
a universe where the human spirit is more at home
than it is among these temporary collocations of
atoms; a universe capable of infinite development,
of noble contemplation and of lofty joy, long after
this planet—nay, the whole solar system—shall have
fulfilled its present sphere of destiny, and retired
cold and lifeless upon its endless way."</p>
<p>Such a conception of life carries us very far from
the old popular view of the origin of the race, but
it is a conception that brings science and religion into
perfect agreement and will enable us to understand
human evolution and explain facts in life that would
otherwise remain incomprehensible.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_106" id="Page_106">[106]</SPAN></span></p>
<p>The pre-existence of the soul, as a part of universal
life, was taught and commonly accepted in the
early Christian period. If we accept the fact of evolution
at all, and are not materialists, there is no escape
from the belief of the pre-existence of the soul. Indeed,
not even materialism can save one from the necessity
of accepting the pre-existence of the individualized
consciousness that we call a human being.</p>
<p>Let us consider the human infant as we see it at
birth. Whence came it—how can we account for it
in a universe of law and order? We can understand
it from the physical side. Its tiny body is a concourse
of physical atoms with a prenatal history of a few
months. But its mind, its consciousness, its emotions,
what of them? The average man replies that
God made them and they constitute the soul. But
how and when were they "made"? Even the material
part of this infant did not spring miraculously and
instantaneously into existence. How much less possible
is it that the soul did so! If we say "God made
it" we have explained nothing. But it is not necessary
to deny that God creates the soul in order for
us to move toward an understanding of how the soul
came to be. It is only necessary to say that the
process of its creation was evolutionary. Nobody
denies that the earth was created by evolution, although
men may differ in opinion on the matter of a
divine intelligence guiding its evolutionary development.
The same principle must apply to the human
<p>Lodge wrote <cite>Life and Matter</cite> as a reply to Haeck<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_107" id="Page_107">[107]</SPAN></span>el's
<cite>Riddle of the Universe</cite>, which presented the latter's
philosophy of materialism. But Lodge did more than
demolish Haeckel's premises and leave him with not
an inch of scientific ground to support his theory.
The English scientist raised questions that have not
been answered, and cannot be answered, by the scientific
materialist. He points out that the materialist's
philosophy has no explanation for "the extraordinary
rapidity of development, which results in the production
of a fully endowed individual in the course of
some fraction of a century."<SPAN name="FNanchor_K_11" id="FNanchor_K_11"></SPAN><SPAN href="#Footnote_K_11" class="fnanchor">[K]</SPAN></p>
<p>With those two dozen words Lodge leaves the
scientific materialist speechless; for all scientists are
evolutionists, and it is impossible to account for
"<em>the extraordinary rapidity of development</em>" by the laws
of evolution. It is well known that the evolutionary
age of anything depends upon its complexity. A
simple form is comparatively young while a complex
one has a long evolutionary history behind it. The
earth is simple compared to a human being. If, then,
it has required ages to evolve the earth to its present
stage how long did it take to evolve the wonderfully
complex mental and emotional nature of the human
being that inhabits the earth? And thus Lodge
bottles Haeckel up on his own premises and shows
that the very evolutionary principles to which the
German scientist appeals demolish his theory! He
practically says to Haeckel, "Your philosophy, sir,
fails to show how it is possible for the vacuous mind<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_108" id="Page_108">[108]</SPAN></span>
of the infant to evolve into the genius of the philosopher
in thirty or forty years." In other words, if
the infant is nothing but the form we see it would
be utter absurdity to say that that mass of matter can
evolve a high grade of intelligence within a few years
when it takes centuries to make a slight evolutionary
<p>Look at an infant the day it is born. Study its
face. One might as well search the surface of a
squash for some indication of intelligence. But wait
only a little while and you shall have evidence not
merely of intelligence but of emotions possible only to
the highest order of life. Clearly, here is not something
evolved within a brief period from a mass of
material atoms. Such a theory would be as unscientific
as the popular belief in miraculous creation at
which the scientific materialist scoffs. The swift
change from the vacuity of the infant mind to the
intellectual power of the adult in the "fraction of a
century" is not the creation of something but
its <em>manifestation</em>—<em>the coming through into visible expression
of that which already exists</em>. The soul, the
consciousness, the real man, consisting of the whole
of the mental and emotional nature, which has been
built up through thousands of years of evolution, is
coming once more to rebirth, to visible expression in
a material body.</p>
<p>The body is, of course, but the new physical instrument
of the old soul—an instrument, as certainly
as the violin is the instrument and a vehicle for the
musician's expression. At every turn our material<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_109" id="Page_109">[109]</SPAN></span>istic
conceptions mislead us and prevent the perception
of nature's truth. It is because we think of the
body as being actually the person, that it seems improbable
that an old soul has entered the infant body.
We think of the power and intelligence of an old soul
and then look at the baby and find no indication of
such things. But that is only because the baby body
is such a new and undeveloped instrument that
it is at first useless and only slowly can it be brought
under control of the soul and made to express its intelligence
and power. The body is a growing instrument,
not a completed one.</p>
<p>Let us suppose that musical instruments grow as
physical bodies do. Suppose there was a time when
the piano was keyless, as a baby is toothless. Suppose
that sounding boards have a period of immaturity
and that the whole mechanism of the instrument
is in a state that can only be characterized
as infantile. If a master musician attempts to play
on such a piano his performance would by no means
be an indication of his ability. A competent critic
who could hear the performance but not see the
musician would promptly declare that no really great
musician was touching the keys. And that is precisely
the mistake we make in assuming that the immature
body of an infant is capable of expressing
the intellectual power of the old soul, or, to put it
differently, denying that a returned, old soul is in
possession of the infant body simply because there
is no physical plane evidence of the fact. If pianos
slowly grew to maturity then only when the instru<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_110" id="Page_110">[110]</SPAN></span>ment
was mature could the master musician give a
practical demonstration of his skill; and only when
the physical body has reached its maturity can the
soul that is using it fully express itself.</p>
<p>In the early years of the physical body the soul
is only very partially expressed through it. The
entrance of the consciousness into the physical world
is slow and gradual. It is somewhat like the growth
of a plant, very gradual, but the analogy is not a
good one, for a plant is very little like a human body.
It is impossible to find a material equivalent of the
dawning of consciousness on the physical plane. Beginning
about four and a half months before the
birth of the physical body and continuing for a period
of several years the soul, or consciousness, is engaged
in the process of anchorage in the physical world.
For a long time the center of consciousness remains
above the material plane and during the early years
of childhood the consciousness is divided between
the astral and physical worlds, with the result that
the child is often somewhat confused and brings fragments
of astral consciousness into physical life. When
the physical body is about seven years old the consciousness
may be said to be centered on the physical
plane, but only when the body and brain of the soul's
new instrument are mature has the opportunity come
for the fullest expression.</p>
<p>Some of the difficulties commonly associated in
the mind with the thought of the pre-existence and
rebirth of the soul will disappear if we do not lose
sight of the fact that the soul is a center of con<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_111" id="Page_111">[111]</SPAN></span>sciousness,
which is always consciousness somewhere,
but which very gradually shifts its focus from plane
to plane. Its permanent home is in that body of
filmy matter drawn about the ego in the higher levels
of the heaven world. From that point it sends energies
outward and draws about itself in the lower
levels of the mental world a body, or vehicle of consciousness,
that is not permanent but which will serve
the purpose of functioning for a period on that plane.
Downward again the energies are sent, building about
the center of consciousness on the astral plane a temporary
body of astral matter, temporary in the same
sense that the physical body is temporary, and which
shall serve the consciousness in the astral, or emotional
world, during the whole of the physical plane
life and for some time afterward. Still outward, or
downward, the soul sends its energies till the material
world is reached, when it begins to function partially,
and very feebly, through the infant physical body.</p>
<p>For the time being the soul's evolution lies on the
physical plane where certain lessons are to be learned.
After the early years of childhood are over the consciousness
is firmly anchored here, where the chief
work is to be done, during the hours of the waking
consciousness. During sleep the ego temporarily lays
aside the physical body and functions in the astral
body in the astral world. The material body sleeping
here is merely a deserted and empty vehicle,
magnetically connected with the soul, and awaiting
its return.</p>
<p>As childhood, youth, maturity and old age<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_112" id="Page_112">[112]</SPAN></span>
pass, complex experiences come to the soul thus
functioning here. Other souls functioning through
physical bodies are encountered and various
relationships are established. Out of the complexity
of social, business, religious and political activities
the soul gets a large and varied experience. Sooner
or later the death of the physical body closes the chapter.
The gathering of such experience has ceased,
not because the soul has acquired all possible physical
world knowledge, but because its instrument of consciousness
here has worn out.</p>
<p>Death cuts the soul off from its physical plane connection
and the center of its consciousness is then
shifted to the astral plane. There the purgative
process goes forward, as explained in a previous chapter.
As that proceeds the soul gradually gets free
from one grade of astral matter after another and with
the loss of each the man becomes conscious on a
higher level. The physical body is lost suddenly but
the matter of the astral body gradually wears away
until there is so little left that the soul has lost connection
with the astral world also. This means that
the center of consciousness has shifted to the mental
plane, or heaven world, where the man will function
on the lower levels.</p>
<p>There in the mental world, functioning through
the vehicle of mental matter, a very important process
goes on. The heaven world life is a harvest time in
which assimilation of experience takes place. The
consciousness there deeply broods over the experiences
of life and extracts the essence from them which<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_113" id="Page_113">[113]</SPAN></span>
is transmuted into faculty and power for future
greater expression. It is thus that the soul grows in
wisdom and power through its long evolution.</p>
<p>When the heaven life is finished, when the harvest
of experience has been threshed out and the net gain
has been built into the enduring causal body, the
mental body, like the astral, has been completely dissipated.
The end of a cycle of experience—of a day
in the evolutionary school—has come and the physical,
astral and mental bodies have all perished. Nothing
remains but the soul, the real man, the ego, functioning
through the causal body which persists. From
that the ego again sends the forces outward, in the
first activity toward rebirth, first forming a new
mental body by drawing about itself the matter of the
lower levels of the mental plane, then securing a new
astral body on the astral plane and finally taking possession
of another infant body in process of formation
on the physical plane, into which it will in due course
be reborn.</p>
<p>The period between these successive appearances
of the soul in a succession of physical bodies varies
greatly and depends on a number of things. The
length of time spent upon the astral plane has already
been discussed. The time spent in the heaven world
depends upon the mental and moral forces generated
during the physical and astral life. If there is a great
harvest of experience it will require a longer time to
transmute it, while, of course, one who has thought
little and loved but little will have a shorter period
there, for it is the heart and head forces that have<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_114" id="Page_114">[114]</SPAN></span>
their culmination in the mental world. The question
is a rather complex one and other factors come into
play, including the intensity of the heaven world life.
In general terms, however, it can be said that the
heaven life of the ordinarily intelligent person will
commonly be a period several times the length of his
combined physical and astral life. Some people will
have only two or three hundred years between incarnations
while others may have six or seven centuries
and still others a much longer period.</p>
<p>In getting a right understanding of the subject
of rebirth, or reincarnation, it is necessary to keep in
mind the fact that the soul, or center of individualized
consciousness, is the man and that the physical body
is merely an instrument he uses for a number of years;
that the causal body is his permanent body for the
whole of human evolution; that the mental plane is
his home plane and that from there he sends forth
successive expressions of himself into these lower
planes. With such facts before us there should be
no confusion of thought about the successive personalities
of an individual. Yet we sometimes hear people
speak of the absurdity of supposing that a person
can be one man in one incarnation and another man
at a later rebirth. Of course no such thing occurs.
An individual remains the same individual forever.
"But," objects the critic, "may I not have been Mr.
Jones, in England six hundred years ago, whereas I
am now certainly Mr. Brown, in America at this
moment? If so is that not a case of being two individuals?"</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_115" id="Page_115">[115]</SPAN></span></p>
<p>It is certainly not a case of being two individuals.
It is a case of one individual being expressed through
a physical body six hundred years ago in England,
dying from it, spending a fairly long period in the
astral plane and heaven world, and then again expressing
himself through another physical body in America
at the present time. The confusion of thought on
the part of the questioner arises from thinking of the
physical body as being the man. But it is no more
the man than the clothing he wears. It is true that
he is known at one period as Jones and at another as
Brown, but that no more affects his individuality than
the assumption of an <i>alias</i> by a fleeing criminal
changes him. The name applies exclusively to the
physical body, or personality, as distinguished from
the individuality. That body is but the temporary
clothing of the soul. Let us suppose that a man's
name were applied to his clothing and changed with
his clothing as it does with his body. We might then
know him as Mr. Lightclothes in the summer and
as Mr. Darkclothes in the winter, but neither the
change of clothing or name would in the least degree
make him somebody else. The majority of women
change their names in each incarnation. A man may
know a certain woman as Miss Smith when she is a
slip of a girl, free from care and with little serious
thought of life. Twenty years later she may be Mrs.
Brown, his wife, a thoughtful matron, the mother of
children. She has changed her name and greatly
changed in character, too, but she is the same individual.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_116" id="Page_116">[116]</SPAN></span></p>
<p>It seems probable that a person may change quite
as much between infancy and old age as between one
incarnation and the next. Even the difference between
a youth of twenty years who is an artist and
the same man at three score and ten who has given
forty years to scientific study and research, may be
enormous, but the individuality is, of course, identical.
It has rapidly evolved and greatly improved, and
that is just what occurs to the soul by repeated rebirths—steady
evolutionary development of the
eternal individual.</p>
<p>The reincarnating process by which the soul
evolves is somewhat analogous to the growth of a
young physical body. The process consists of alternating
periods of objective and subjective activity.
How does the body of a child grow? It consumes
food, the objective activity. It then digests and assimilates
it, the subjective activity. These periods
must alternate or there can be no growth, because
neither alone is the complete process. The one is the
complement of the other. So it is in the evolution
of the soul by reincarnation. The experience of life
is the food on which the soul grows. The physical
plane existence is the objective period in which the
food is gathered. At death the man passes into the
invisible realms where the subjective process is carried
on. He digests and assimilates his experiences
and the gist is stored in the causal body and its
growth includes an actual increase in size, just as in
the case of the child's physical body.</p>
<p>The same law governs mental and moral growth<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_117" id="Page_117">[117]</SPAN></span>
as it operates in our daily affairs. A young man is
in college. How does his intellect grow? By precisely
the same process of alternating periods of objective
and subjective activity. In the class room the
instructor puts a mathematical problem on the blackboard
and explains it. With the outward senses of
sight and hearing, aided by pencil and notebook, the
student gathers the food for mental growth. This
period of objective activity comes to an end and he
then retires to the privacy of his room and there the
subjective period begins. He deeply thinks over the
problem. His material, the food for mental growth,
is only a few notes that serve to keep the experience
in his mind. At first all that they signify is not obvious,
but as he turns the various points over and
over in his mind their significance becomes clearer
and fuller. It is the subjective process of digestion.
Little by little new light dawns in the student's mind.
Finally he has complete comprehension of the mathematical
principles involved, and the process of assimilation
is finished. This subjective period is the complement
of the objective period and they must go on
alternating or intellectual growth will stop. When
the process of digestion and assimilation is finished the
student must return to the classroom for further
mental food and when he arrives it is by virtue of
the fact that he did digest the previous lesson that
he is able to take a higher and more difficult one. And
precisely so it is with the reincarnating soul. In the
interval between incarnations it so assimilates the experiences
of the last physical life that it comes to<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_118" id="Page_118">[118]</SPAN></span>
rebirth with added abilities which enable it to take
higher and more difficult lessons than it could previously
<p>In the case of both physical growth by eating and
mental growth by instruction there is no possible
escape from the law of alternating periods of objective
and subjective activity. When the child has digested
and assimilated a meal there is but one possible thing
that can follow—return to his source of supply for
another meal. When the student has digested and
assimilated the lesson given to him the only possibility
of further mental growth lies in his return to
the class-room for more material. And so it is with
the human soul in its work of evolving its latent
powers and possibilities. There is no other road forward
but the cyclic one that brings it back to the
physical life incarnation after incarnation, but always
at a higher point than it previously touched. The
very hunger of the child that insures its return to
the table for more food is analogous to the desire of
the soul for sentient expression that brings it to rebirth.</p>
<p>These alternating periods with the element of
constant return are found everywhere in the economy
of nature. All her evolutionary expressions are
cyclic. But the cyclic movement is not in closed
circles. It represents a spiral. The "evolutionary
ladder" that the soul climbs is a winding stairway.
In its upward progress it makes many rounds but it
is always mounting and never returns to the same
point. In each cycle, that is made up of the journey<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_119" id="Page_119">[119]</SPAN></span>
from the heaven world through the astral plane, into
the physical and then back through the astral plane
into the heaven world, it touches each of them at a
higher point, or in a higher state of development, than
it had previously attained. Each rebirth finds it abler
here to gather a larger harvest of experience and each
return to the mental plane, or heaven world, finds it
abler to digest and assimilate its experiences, and to
comprehend more of the realities of the life of its
home plane.</p>
<p>This round, or cycle, through the physical, astral
and mental regions, is a continuous progressive journey
of the soul which began away back at the dawn
of mind in man and will continue until he is the perfected
mental and moral being. At each incarnation
here he gathers experience in proportion to his alertness
and to the opportunities his previous lives have
made for him. He learns to help others, to be sympathetic,
to be tolerant. Such activities will give him
pleasure in the astral life and joy and wisdom in the
mental region, or heaven world. But he also does
some evil things. He makes enemies, he generates
hatred and he injures others. This will give him distress
in the astral life and no results for soul growth
or general progress in the heaven world. If he does
an equal amount of good and harm his progress will
be slow. If he does much good and little evil his
progress will be rapid and his existence happy. If he
is a man of great energy, and no very great moral
development, and selfishly does much wrong, he will
suffer much in the astral life.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_120" id="Page_120">[120]</SPAN></span></p>
<p>It often puzzles the student of elementary theosophy
to be told that the soul passes through the purgation
of the astral plane and goes on into the heaven
world only to return to another incarnation and later
to again enter the astral purgatory. Why, it is asked,
must one who has thus been purified be again purified?
The astral reactions are the results of the blunders
made in each incarnation. Each of us in any
given incarnation creates by his wrong doing the
purgatory that awaits him after death. If he does no
wrong there cannot possibly be any reaction. As a
matter of occult fact the average good man will find
the astral plane life a happy existence and will soon
pass on to the blissful heaven world. As for the evil
doer the suffering relates only to his evil deeds. Let
us say he has committed murder. When the reaction
of the evil force he has generated is over and he
passes on into the heaven plane it does not mean
that he is incapable of future evil. It means that he
has probably learned thoroughly the lesson that it is
very foolish to take life. But there are many other
lessons he has not learned. When he passes into the
heaven world he leaves all evil behind him. He is
as one who puts his shoes aside to enter a temple.
The astral body, like the physical, has perished and
it is the freed soul that enters the heaven world. But
when he returns through the astral plane to reincarnation
he is clothed again in astral matter and this
new astral body is exactly representative of his attainments
in evolution. In his coming incarnation he
will have other physical plane experiences and learn<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_121" id="Page_121">[121]</SPAN></span>
other lessons. The next time probably he will not
kill, but perhaps he will cheat and steal or be a drunkard.
These errors will react upon him in the astral
life that follows. In a coming incarnation he will
be wise enough to be temperate and neither cheat nor
steal; but perhaps he will be a gossip and work much
evil through slander. This in turn will bring its pain.
And so in time he will learn to generate no evil force
at all but to live in good will and helpfulness toward
everybody. Then his progress will be rapid indeed,
his life on all planes will be happy and the painful
part of human evolution will be over.</p>
<p>The purpose of evolution is no less obvious than
the fact of evolution. Evolution is an unfolding
process in which the latent becomes the active and
the inner life is more and more fully expressed in
outer form. The development and improvement in
form keeps pace with the necessities of the unfolding
life. In the lowest levels of the animal kingdom the
form is but a cell. But as the life comes into fuller
and fuller expression, limbs for locomotion and, in
due course, the organs for hearing, and seeing, and
the other mechanism of the developing consciousness,
are evolved. In the human kingdom the vehicle of
consciousness comes to its highest possible form and
then evolution goes on in the perfecting of the physical
form. In the process of continually changing the
matter of the body it is possible for the brain to be
constantly improved and the whole body to grow
more and more sensitive and gradually to become a
better and truer expression of the evolving life within.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_122" id="Page_122">[122]</SPAN></span>
In each incarnation the physical body thus improves.
The evolution of life and form keep pace. Ultimately
perfection of form, as well as perfection of intellect and
morality, will be reached and human evolution will
be finished.</p>
<p>The purpose of evolution, then, is clear. Man is a
god in the making—not actually, but only potentially
a god, a being to whom all wisdom, perfect compassion
and unlimited power are possible; and by the
process of evolution he changes the latent into the
active. He is at first only an individualized center
of consciousness within the All-Consciousness, a mere
fragment of the divine life. His relationship to God
is something like that of a seed to its plant, a product
of it that has latent within it all the characteristics
of the plant and the power to become a plant. It is
not a plant and neither is man a god; but when it
has sent out a sprout and taken root in the soil it is
a plant in the making; and when the human being
has begun to evolve his latent spiritual qualities he
is a god in the making. The theosophical view is that
man is essentially divine.</p>
<p>Critics sometimes ask why, if man is originally
divine, it is necessary for him to pass through any
evolutionary process. Divinity here indicates merely
the essential nature of the human being, not his possession
of either knowledge or power or any degree
of spiritual perfection. It is as though we should say
that the infant son of a great king is royal. The word
"royal," like the word "divine," indicates a relationship.
The baby royalist is not a king. But he is a<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_123" id="Page_123">[123]</SPAN></span>
king in the making. He has much to learn. He
must be educated in statecraft and he must evolve
diplomacy. After much experience and development
he will, in time, be capable of ruling an empire. At
present this helpless infant bears little resemblance to
a king. Nevertheless, on the day of his birth he was
as much royal as he will ever be. In the same sense
the divinity of man represents potential possibilities
rather than an obvious fact of the moment. Man is an
embryo god and, in time, he shall evolve faculties
and powers that his present limited consciousness can
not even comprehend. He is not an ephemeral creature
of physical origin that lives a brief span to catch
a glimpse of immortality and perish, but the deathless
son of the living God, and by right divine he
walks the upward way of eternal life.</p>
<p>Some people appear to accept evolution as a matter
of course, in a general way, but they appear unwilling
to admit that the race has really made any evolutionary
progress. Even scientific men have sometimes
expressed doubt whether the world is growing
better. In a newspaper interview an English scientist
was quoted as saying a few years ago that the
race is just as wicked today as at any time within
recorded history. But if he was correctly reported
it must have been a hasty expression of opinion which
a little deliberation would have led him to revise. It
is true that things are still bad enough but they are
certainly enormously better than they were some
centuries ago. To say that the world is full of crime
and violence proves nothing; nor does even the fact<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_124" id="Page_124">[124]</SPAN></span>
that a civilized nation has reverted to the wartime
practices of savage life furnish real ground for a pessimistic
view. What we have to do in determining
whether there has been any racial progress in morality
is to take as our standard of measurement something
that tests the collective conscience. How does
the world of today view war and how did the world
in the day of Caesar regard it? There is plenty to
shock us now but the very fact that it does shock us
is the best evidence of moral progress. Atrocities
were expected and taken as a matter of course some
centuries ago. They are not the rule now but the
rare exception and those guilty of them are likely to
make their name a by-word among nations. Well
within the era of recorded history the usages of nations'
condemned prisoners of war to become slaves
for life. Now the rule is to feed and clothe them and
at the close of the conflict to send them home. A
simple thing like public sports may be used as a
measure of public morals. They show what the collective
conscience approves. In these days there is
very little of brutality in public sports. Professional
pugilism still lingers, but barely lingers, in the most
enlightened nations. In less progressive countries
like Spain and Mexico bull fighting is popular. That
is about all we can say against modern popular entertainment.
But if we look backward to the Roman
period we find a cruelty in public sports that is comparatively
shocking. Gladiators were compelled to
fight to the death and offenders were devoured by
starving wild beasts and it all made a Roman holiday.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_125" id="Page_125">[125]</SPAN></span>
Such "sports" would, of course, be utterly impossible
anywhere in the world today. But at that time they
were matters of course in the life of the world's greatest
empire. The fact that the race has evolved morally
and that the collective conscience marks a higher
point on the ethical thermometer than in the past is
too obvious for argument.</p>
<p>Now, how is that evolutionary progress to be accounted
for? It will not do to say that the Christian
religion has wrought the change because, splendid as
are the teachings of the Christ, the world has not accepted
them and shaped its civilization by them. If
it had done so the world war would have been impossible.
Not only have the so-called Christian nations
wrangled and fought over commercial spoils through
all their history but class has been arrayed against
class and every gain in either personal liberty or
economic improvement has been wrested by force
from those who profited by the misfortunes of others.
In other words, the particular improvements that
should have been brought about by religion were
compelled, not freely volunteered. All religious
teaching helps but, allowing all we reasonably may
for the influence of Christianity, we are still unable to
account for the change in the common conscience of
the race, an evolutionary gain that has been going
steadily on since long, long before the coming of the
Christ. How then shall we account for it?</p>
<p>If the hypothesis of reincarnation is sound the
progress of the race in morality becomes simple. The
majority of the great groups of souls that constituted<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_126" id="Page_126">[126]</SPAN></span>
the civilized nations in the time when Rome was
mistress of the world have had several incarnations
in that time and in each sojourn on the astral plane
have had the severe lesson of the painful reaction
from cruelty to others. Thus does nature gradually
change the cruel man to the merciful man. In every
incarnation the soul grows more humane as well as
more intelligent. All of the lessons learned in any
incarnation are carried forward into the next life, and
thus compassion grows until there is ultimately perfect
sympathy with all suffering. Both the progress
of the soul and of the race are comprehensible from
the viewpoint of reincarnation.</p>
<p>Except by that hypothesis how is it possible to
explain such evolutionary progress? Those who do
not believe in the pre-existence of the soul and hold
that it is in some way brought into being at the time
of conception or birth, are put in the very illogical
position of saying that the reason why the world is
better now than it was in the Roman period is because
it pleases God to create a better kind of souls
now than he created then!</p>
<p>The tendency of large groups of people, tribes or
nations, to act in a way that imitates, or nearly duplicates,
what has been done centuries before by other
tribes or nations, is such a common phenomenon that
it has given rise to the declaration that history repeats
itself. The fact of reincarnation shows why it
repeats itself. A nation like the Romans, or the Carthaginians,
are bound together in the subtle ties that
are formed by the intimate relationships of constant<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_127" id="Page_127">[127]</SPAN></span>
association. The group tends to persist and the members
of it are largely drawn together and regrouped
in the following incarnations. All have evolved beyond
the level of the previous centuries but the general
traits and tendencies remain and the same general
policies are likely to shape the national affairs.
There comes a time in the existence of the great group,
or nation, when the old environment will no longer
serve for its further collective evolution as well as
some other country. The majority then reincarnate
elsewhere and the old country comes gradually to be
inhabited by a different great group of souls. Hence
the remarkable difference in the people of a given
nation in different periods. Compare Rome in the
time of Caesar to Rome late in the Middle Ages, or
compare the mighty civilization of ancient Egypt with
modern Egypt. It is high-class egos that make a
great nation and when a country has no more lessons
to teach them, or rather when another country will
serve as a better environment for their further
progress, they return in rebirth to the more advantageous
spot on the earth, and a different set of souls
come into possession of the abandoned environment.
The valley of the Nile, that was once the home of an
energetic people with a flourishing civilization would
not now serve such a purpose. The center of virile
civilization has shifted to central and northern Europe
because only that environment, in full touch with the
great commercial stream of the economic world, can
serve the purpose. As the world is today what could
a pushing, energetic, up-to-date group of souls do if<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_128" id="Page_128">[128]</SPAN></span>
born into Egypt? Nothing but leave it. So they are
not reincarnated there, but other souls that are at the
point in evolution where the primitive life of an isolated
country will give the simpler lessons they must
acquire, inherit the abandoned environment. As an
individual moves continually onward in each return
to incarnation to professional and business environments
that will enable him to put into effect all the
new skill and wisdom he has gained, so a nation goes
on to greater and greater opportunities. Souls that
made the greatness of Greece and Carthage and Rome
are now making the greatness of Europe and America.
Such facts explain many things that have seemed
puzzling. How, for example, was it possible for the
world's greatest civilization to spring up suddenly in
Europe from barbarous peoples? When Rome declined—declined
because her people largely reincarnated
elsewhere—Europe was inhabited by slightly
civilized hordes. To assume that since then, in a
few centuries—a mere passing moment in the great
lapse of time required for race evolution—the civilization
today could arise, would be to ignore the
fundamentals of evolution. But when we understand
that great groups of old souls incarnate in the strong
physical bodies which the more primitive peoples could
bring into the world, the mystery of the rapid rise of
a great civilization in Europe is solved.</p>
<p>The principle of rebirth holds also with the animal
kingdom at a high level in it. The last phase of evolution
in the animal kingdom is the individualizing
of the consciousness. A particularly intelligent cat or<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_129" id="Page_129">[129]</SPAN></span>
dog, for example, may be just finishing animal evolution
and will be reborn at the lowest human level.
Previous to its individualization it evolves in a
group with others of its kind, animated by a
common ensoulment that has not reached the level
of complete self-consciousness. At that group-soul
stage the experience of each animal in the group
adds to the knowledge of all. This theosophical
teaching on one of nature's most interesting facts enables
us to understand many things that would otherwise
remain mysterious. Instinct has never been explained
by science. Some of its best known expressions
are altogether mysterious. Why does a young
wild animal hide from the enemies of its kind but not
from friends, when it has never seen either? A quail
a day old will fall upon its side with a chip or small
stone or bit of grass firmly clutched in its tiny claws
to hide its body, and remain perfectly motionless at
the approach of a human being, but will take no alarm
at the passing of a squirrel or a rabbit. How does a
young chick know the difference between a crow and
a hawk? And why, in remote places like the antarctic
regions, are both young and old birds and animals
unafraid of man? The group-soul is a clear and
simple explanation of all such phenomena. The
youngest have the knowledge of the oldest because
they are attached to the same group-soul, or source of
consciousness. The young quails of this season come
back to rebirth from the group-soul that is the storehouse
of the experiences of the quails that were killed
by men in past seasons, and thus all young things<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_130" id="Page_130">[130]</SPAN></span>
know the common enemy. In the remote regions referred
to the killing proclivities of the human being
have not become known and there is no "instinct" to
<p>An excellent bit of evidence on the subject of the
group-soul is the fact, often chronicled but not
explained, that when telephone or telegraph lines are
built in new countries the birds fly against the wires
and are killed by thousands, the first season. But
when the next season's birds are hatched they are
wise and avoid the wires! If the group-soul were not
a fact in nature it would naturally require a long time
for wire education. No such sudden adjustment
would be possible.</p>
<p>Reincarnation represents continuous evolution
with no waste of time or loss of energy. Death is not
the sudden break in the life program that the popular
belief pictures it. The common view of death is as
erroneous as the common view of birth. If death were
what most people believe it to be it would constitute
a blunder of nature—an irrational interruption of
orderly development. In nature's economy there is
conservation of energy and no loss can arise through
the change called death. If the popular belief that at
death we go far away to a totally different kind of
existence were sound then death would usually mean
an enormous waste. A young man is educated for
some particular work, engineering, architecture or
statecraft, and graduates only perhaps to die soon
afterward. All that time and energy spent in getting
such an education would be largely lost either if death<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_131" id="Page_131">[131]</SPAN></span>
ends all, or is the last he will know of the material
world. But nature does not thus blunder. Her law
of conservation is always operative. All the skill and
wisdom acquired will be brought back in rebirth and
will be used in the future incarnations.</p>
<p>A child in school is a fair analogy for a soul in
evolution. The child cannot get an education in a
term nor in a year. He must return often to the same
school, after the rest of regular vacations. He may
use new books with higher lessons but he returns periodically
to the same environment. Continuous attendance
would be as unthinkable as finishing his
education in a single term. In evolution the soul returns
periodically to the physical world, or plane, for
the same reasons. Continuous life here until all
material experience is gained would be impossible.
Aside from the need of the double process of acquiring
and digesting experience the physical body would
become a hindrance to evolution. Within certain
limits the physical brain can respond to the requirements
of the growing soul, but a new body is in time
an absolute necessity to further evolution.</p>
<p>If we give a little thought to the evolutionary
progress the ordinary person must make to raise him
to mental and moral perfection, the absurdity of a
single lifetime becomes apparent. Consider, a
moment, intellectual perfection. It would mean a development
of the mind to the point of genius in many
directions. If we combine into one mind the attainments
of the mathematical genius, the musical genius,
the inventive genius, the statecraft genius, and so on<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_132" id="Page_132">[132]</SPAN></span>
until every line of intellectual activity is included, we
then have only the perfect mental man. On the moral
side we must add to that the combined qualities of
the saints. Then we have the perfected human being,
with nothing more to be learned from incarnation
here. His further evolution belongs to superphysical
<p>In trying to comprehend the evolution of the soul,
that slowly changes it life after life from the savage
to the civilized state and finally raises it to perfection,
it is helpful to observe how this great work corresponds
to the smaller cycle of a single incarnation.
A great character in history begins with helpless infancy.
Steadily he progresses, unfolding new power
at each step. He passes through the graded schools,
slowly acquiring elementary lessons. College follows
with higher and more difficult mental acquirements.
Then he enters professional life and begins to use his
intellect with more and more initiative. He moves
on into public life with increased duties and responsibilities.
From one post of honor he rises to another
with increasing ability and mastery, until at last he is
the head of a nation and has become a world figure.
Even so it is in the evolution of the soul. Life by
life we rise, evolving new powers and virtues amidst
every increasing opportunities and responsibilities. In
one incarnation we have conditions that evolve courage.
In another we are thrown into situations that
develop tolerance. In still another we acquire
patience and balance. In all of these incarnations we
steadily evolve intellect and strengthen all previously<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_133" id="Page_133">[133]</SPAN></span>
acquired virtues. In each life we find the new conditions
that are necessary for the exercise of our added
abilities and, ultimately, with the powers, the spiritual
insight and the ripened wisdom of the gods themselves,
we move forward to higher fields of evolution.</p>
<div class="footnotes">
<div class="footnote"><p><SPAN name="Footnote_J_10" id="Footnote_J_10"></SPAN><SPAN href="#FNanchor_J_10"><span class="label">[J]</span></SPAN> "Life and Matter," Lodge, p. 119, 120.</p>
<div class="footnote"><p><SPAN name="Footnote_K_11" id="Footnote_K_11"></SPAN><SPAN href="#FNanchor_K_11"><span class="label">[K]</span></SPAN> Life and Matter.—Lodge, p. 121.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_134" id="Page_134">[134]</SPAN></span><br/>
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_135" id="Page_135">[135]</SPAN></span></p>
<h2><span class="norm">CHAPTER X.</span><br/> REBIRTH: ITS JUSTICE</h2>
<p>No matter how much we may differ in our view
of the relationship between God and man there is
general agreement about the attributes of the Supreme
Being. All ascribe to him unlimited power, wisdom,
love and, of course, the perfection of all those desirable
qualities we see in human beings. The theosophical
view is that all we know in man of power,
wisdom, love, justice, beauty, harmony, et cetera, are
faint but actual manifestations of the attributes of
the deity. All who are not materialists, denying the
existence of a Supreme Being, will agree that the
wisdom and justice of God must be perfect. It would
be illogical and inconsistent to limit or qualify His
attributes. Either He is all-wise and absolutely just,
or else the materialist is right. We cannot have a
deity at all unless He represents perfect justice.</p>
<p>Another point on which all but the materialists
must agree is that creation is so ordered that the
common welfare of humanity is best served by just
the conditions of life that surround us. Nothing is
different from what it should be unless it is because
of man's failure to do what he should do for his own<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_136" id="Page_136">[136]</SPAN></span>
welfare. If it were otherwise what would become of
the argument that an omniscient God has ordered it
as it is? If, then, things are as they should be in the
truest interests of man, and we find things in life
that, according to our views of creation, are not right
and just, it necessarily follows that the views we hold
are erroneous.</p>
<p>The popular belief is that human beings constitute
a special creation; that whenever a baby is born God
creates a soul or consciousness for that body and that
after a life of many years, or a few days, or a few
minutes, as the case may be, the body dies and the
consciousness goes to dwell in remote regions for
ever and ever. If the person lived a good life and
also believed in the current religion he will be "saved"
and will be eternally happy. If he did not live a good
life but finally "believed" before death he will be
saved anyway and be just as happy as though he had
lived right from the start. If he did live a good life,
but was not born with the ability to believe easily,
he will be lost and will be eternally miserable. According
to this theory of special creation God makes
people of all sorts. None of them can help being
what they are created. Some are wise and some are
foolish. Those who are smart enough to find the way
of salvation will finally have heaven added to their
original gift of wisdom. Those who are not smart
enough to find it will finally have hell added to their
original lack of sense. This is what some people are
pleased to call divine justice!</p>
<p>It will hardly do to argue that the possibility that<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_137" id="Page_137">[137]</SPAN></span>
all may at last be happy in an endless heaven, makes
it unimportant that there are inequalities now. The
majority of the theologians do not admit that such a
state awaits the whole of the human race, and the
comparatively few who do believe it will hardly venture
to assert that present justice can be determined
by future happiness. Even if we positively knew
that eternal bliss awaited everybody after the close
of this physical life how could that make it just that
one person shall be born a congenital criminal and
another shall be born a poet and philosopher? How
could it make it right that one is born to life-long
illness, suffering and poverty, while another inherits
both wealth and a sound physical body? Not even
the certainty of future happiness would be compensation
for present inequalities. But why should there
be any such inequalities if God represents unlimited
power and perfect justice? Why should there be any
poverty when, if He really created the soul itself instantaneously,
He can as certainly create any necessary
condition for the soul? Why poverty and disease
and suffering at all? There must be a better answer
to such questions than that "it pleased God to have
it so." It is surely little better than blasphemy to
suggest that any kind of hard conditions for man are
pleasing to the deity.</p>
<p>To hold that any future condition of happiness can
make present justice out of the truly terrible inequalities
of life, would be much like a millionaire who has
two sons giving one of them all the advantages of
wealth, travel, skilled instructors and special care,<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_138" id="Page_138">[138]</SPAN></span>
while the other was permitted to wear rags and go
hungry. If the neglected son asked why he was thus
treated while his brother was most carefully provided
for, the father might reply with some indignation,
"You are to have plenty in the future! My will is so
drawn that when I die my great wealth will be equally
divided between you and your brother. You will then
be a millionaire with more money than you can possibly
spend. So don't be foolish about your hardships
now. Learn to starve like a gentleman!" The
father's position in such a case would be just as
reasonable as that of those who think a heaven hereafter
can justify an earthly hell now.</p>
<p>Now let us take some of the particular facts of
life that puzzle us and test them with the hypothesis
of special creation, and also with the hypothesis of
reincarnation, and see which can really explain them
in a satisfactory manner. We will take some facts of
real life. In a Massachusetts prison there is an old
man whose name became familiar to many of us in
our youth. He was then known as Jesse Pomeroy,
the boy murderer. The present generation scarcely
knows him. But forty years or more ago he was
talked about by all the newspapers. For the crime
of murdering his playmates the boy was sent to prison
for life. Why did Pomeroy become a noted criminal
in childhood? If the theory of special creation is
sound he was created and put in the world to fit himself
for a future heaven. But he was created in such
fashion that he was deficient in moral perception and
he began life with an act that led to his expulsion<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_139" id="Page_139">[139]</SPAN></span>
from society. If God created this soul as we first
knew him why was he not created with the moral
balance of a law-abiding citizen so that he could have
lived long and peacefully in civilized society and have
been prepared for heaven at death? What could have
been the purpose of giving him a brain that could not
think soundly and a conscience that welcomed murder?
That leads us inevitably to the question, Why are
criminals created at all? Why are idiots created?
The deeper we look into the facts of life the more
unsatisfactory does the theory of special creation become
because we find a thousand things that contradict
it and show its inconsistency. If the purpose of
God was to create a heaven to be enjoyed by those
who reach it we cannot see why He should create a
humanity the majority of which is incapable of ever
attaining it. If He creates them as they come into
the world at birth why are not all of them created
wise and kind? Why must most of them blunder
through life, making all sorts of mistakes, bringing
suffering to others by their unkindness or cruelty and
only, in the end, to pass from a life of failure to eternal
punishment for that failure? There is no reason, no
justice, no sanity in such a theory.</p>
<p>Now let us turn to the explanation of reincarnation.
According to that, Pomeroy has had many past
incarnations and will have many more. Like all the
rest of us he came up from primitive man. We have
all learned the lessons of civilized life slowly by experience
like children acquiring lessons from their
books. The majority have come along well and de<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_140" id="Page_140">[140]</SPAN></span>veloped
a fair share of intellect in dealing with life's
problems, and some degree of sympathy for others.
Some have evolved rapidly like hard working pupils
and they are called geniuses. Some have lagged behind
and have learned very little. They are like the
truants at school who have broken the rules and run
away from their lessons. These laggards of the
human race are the dullards and the criminals, who
have moved so slowly incarnation after incarnation,
or are so much younger in evolution, that they are
now bringing savage traits into our present civilized
<p>Reincarnation not only explains who and what the
criminal is but it also explains away the hell with
which special creation threatens him. No hell awaits
him except that which he has created himself by what
he has done. By the law of cause and effect all the
cruelty and suffering he has inflicted will react upon
him to his sorrow, but will also serve for his enlightenment.
In his next incarnation the kind of body he
will have and the environment in which he will live
will be determined exactly by the thoughts and emotions
and acts of this and past incarnations. He will
therefore neither go to a heaven for which he is not
fitted nor to a hell which he does not justly deserve.
He will simply come back in another physical body
and have a chance to try it again, but he will have to
make the trial under the conditions which his conduct
has merited.</p>
<p>And what of the idiot? According to special creation
we cannot possibly explain him. It would be<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_141" id="Page_141">[141]</SPAN></span>
blasphemous to believe that God creates a mindless
man. If one soul is given a mind and another is not,
and for no reason whatever, it is the most monstrous
injustice that ever forced itself upon the understanding
of man! Think for a moment of the difference
between the idiot and the normal person. The man
of sound mind has before him the opportunity of
progress, of mental and moral development. The
avenues of business and professional life are open before
him. He is free to try his powers and win his
way. Wealth, power and fame are all possible for
him. All the joys of social life may be his. Think
of him surrounded by his family and friends, successful,
satisfied, happy, and then think of the life of
the idiot. Language cannot express the horror of the
contrast! If there were no other explanation of life
than that of special creation it would change the world
into the hopeless hell of a mad-house. Again reincarnation
saves us from either blasphemy or madness.
The idiot, like the congenital cripple, differs from the
normal man only in the body, which is the instrument
of the soul. Deformity of the body is a limitation of
the ego who functions through it. A withered arm,
a club foot, a deformed back, in this incarnation are
results of unfortunate causes which that soul has generated
in past lives. In idiocy the malformation is in
the brain. Of course this is not an accident. There
is no element of chance which places the limitation
in one body where it causes but little trouble and in
another where it prevents mental activity and thus
produces idiocy. In each case it is the exact work<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_142" id="Page_142">[142]</SPAN></span>ing
out of the law. The body of the idiot is the
physical plane representation of a soul that has made
a serious blunder in the past, possible by limiting
another with cruel restraint, and the gross misuse of
his intellect and power in that way has operated to
prevent his using it at all in the present life. But
such limitations belong to the outer planes. It is the
form that limits and when the form perishes the limitation
disappears. As with the criminal no hell is
needed to punish the idiot. He has made his own hell
by his mistake in the past and in this incarnation he
must live in it and expiate his blunder. Perhaps it
may seem to some that since the idiot is incapable
of realizing the life of the normal person the situation
represents no real misfortune for him. But idiocy
on the physical plane does not mean idiocy in the
soul. Even from the astral plane the ego may keenly
feel the horror of functioning for a lifetime through
such a physical body, as one here would feel the
anguish of incarceration in a dungeon.</p>
<p>The criminal and the idiot are striking illustrations
of the failure of the theory of special creation to satisfactorily
explain the facts of life. But if we turn
to the other extreme and consider the most fortunate
people in the world we shall find there, too, precisely
the same failure to explain. By the hypothesis of
special creation we find a gross injustice done to the
soul born an ignoramus. Yet we find others possessing
enough intelligence for several people. In the
case of Macaulay we have the evidence in his own
handwriting in a letter the date of which proves his<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_143" id="Page_143">[143]</SPAN></span>
age, that he was reading Greek and Latin and studying
mathematics deeply when seven years old. There
are many other cases of the remarkable display of
talents in childhood, but a single instance will serve
for all. It is all the better as an illustration because
it is a contemporaneous case and the facts are known
to scores of living people. It is recorded of William
James Sidis, of Brookline, Massachusetts, that at six
years of age he entered a grammar school and in six
months had completed the work of seven grades. At
the age of seven he had gone so far with his mathematical
studies that his father, Professor Boris Sidis,
could be of little assistance to him. He worked out
the most abstruse and difficult problems with the
greatest ease and invented new systems of computation
which attracted much attention. When eight
years old he entered the Brookline High School and
in six weeks had completed the mathematical course
and began writing a book on astronomy. He then
took up the study of French, German, Latin and Russian.
On leaving school he took up mathematics as
a specialty and invented a system of logarithms based
on the number 12 instead of 10. This was inspected
by several well known mathematicians who pronounced
it perfect in every detail. He applied for
admission to Harvard University but the authorities
refused his petition on account of his youth, only, since
he could have passed the examination with ease. He
tried again the next year and was again refused on
the same ground. But at eleven years of age, having
passed the entrance examination for the Massachu<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_144" id="Page_144">[144]</SPAN></span>setts
Institute of Technology, he was judged to know
enough of chemistry and kindred subjects to make
him eligible for admission to the Harvard medical
school. He then entered upon a special course at
Harvard because the ordinary course in college was
far below the abilities of this boy of eleven years. Professor
James, of Harvard, the famous psychologist,
has pronounced him the greatest mental marvel he
ever knew. It is said the young prodigy could recite
pages of Shakespeare from memory at an age when
the ordinary boy is learning his alphabet.</p>
<p>In the same city where young Sidis was born we
find the idiot. Did God create them both as they
were born or did they come up to their present difference
of mental equipment through a process of evolution
that accounts for it all satisfactorily? If the
theory of special creation is sound why did not the
idiot get at least a little of the intellect that Sidis
could so easily have spared? If they are the work of
special creation it is impossible to find reason or justice
in such terrible inequalities. But if reincarnation is
God's method of creation the explanation of the difference
between them becomes simple. Sidis is not
only an old soul but evidently one who has worked
hard in past lives, throwing off the lassitude of the
dense bodies and evolving the power of will that enabled
him to triumph over obstacles, conquering all
the enemies of intellectual progress and thus earning
the fine physical body and brain he now possesses.
His present abilities are but the sum total of the energies
he has put forth in the past.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_145" id="Page_145">[145]</SPAN></span></p>
<p>The theory of special creation does not explain
the facts of life. It lacks justice, it lacks harmony and
it lacks consistency. It is not in accord with natural
law. Nature knows no such thing as special creation.
To believe in special creation is to ignore all
scientific facts and principles. On the other hand reincarnation
is in harmony with science and with
natural law. Reincarnation is evolution and every
kingdom of nature develops through evolution. The
difference between the shriveled wild grain that
struggles with the rock and soil for life enough to
barely reproduce itself, and the plump wheat of the
cultivated fields that feeds the world, is the work of
evolution. The wild stalk produced the seed and from
that seed came a better stalk. The better stalk produced
a still better kernel and from that better kernel
sprang a superior stalk to yield a higher grade of
wheat than any of its predecessors. The stalk sprouts
from the ground, matures, stores all its gain of
growth within the seed and perishes. But from the
seed springs its reincarnated form, to repeat the
process that changes poor to good, good to better and
better into best. And thus it is with the reincarnating
soul. As the almost worthless grain through
many seasons is slowly changed to perfect worth, the
soul is by that same law of evolution slowly changed
through many incarnations from the chaos of savage
instincts to the law and order of the moral world.
Each incarnation yields some improvement. As the
seed sprouts within the darkness of the soil and, perishing
there, attains its full results in the higher<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_146" id="Page_146">[146]</SPAN></span>
realm of sun and air, drawing from the soil that which,
stored within the grain, gives power to reproduce its
better self, so the soul strikes anchorage in the lower
planes and draws from its varied experiences that
which, transmuted after the body's death, gives the
power to return with greater life.</p>
<p>Attempts have been made to find some explanation
of the mental and moral inequalities that exist
at birth. In the earlier days of the study of evolution
it was usually asserted that the human being inherits
his mentality and morality from his parents.
But even if that were true the injustice of one being
born a genius and another a fool would remain. It
is the fact of inequality that constitutes the injustice,
and it is of no importance whether it comes about
through heredity or otherwise. But as a matter of
fact heredity is confined to the physical side of existence.
As more and more is learned by observation
the old theory of mental and moral heredity has lost
ground until it can be said that it now has no recognition
in the scientific world. Nobody is better qualified
to speak upon the subject than those with practical
experience. Dr. A. Ritter, of the Stanford University
Children's Clinic, that has large numbers of
defective children in charge, treating no less than
sixteen hundred in a single year, says:</p>
<div class="blockquot">
<p>"As to the definite causes of the prevalence of defective
types, I cannot speak with finality or assurance.
I do not agree with social or educational doctrinaires
who assign the causes definitely to liquor,
poverty, infectious diseases, or other social or moral<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_147" id="Page_147">[147]</SPAN></span>
shortcomings. The greatest minds of the world are
hesitant in theorizing about this. There are a complex
of causes which explain many of these cases, but
no generalization fits absolutely. We may find a
case which is not traceable to any of these conditions—<em>a
case in which the antecedents would promise a
perfectly normal child, and yet we are confronted with
a defective child</em>. On the other hand, bright, normal
children, even children of superior intelligence sometimes
spring from such conditions."<SPAN name="FNanchor_L_12" id="FNanchor_L_12"></SPAN><SPAN href="#Footnote_L_12" class="fnanchor">[L]</SPAN></p>
<p>A little reasoning about the facts concerning both
genius and idiocy will make it clear that neither is
inherited. If it were true that genius is inherited
society would present a different appearance. There
would be famous families of geniuses living in the
world, in music, in poetry, in warfare, in invention,
in art, if genius were inherited. The fact is that it is
difficult to find even two geniuses in any family. The
Caesars, Napoleons, Edisons, Lincolns, Wagners,
Shakespeares, stand alone with neither great ancestors
nor great descendants. We search in vain for
great ancestors for such men; but if the theory of
mental heredity were sound we should know their ancestors
for precisely the same reason that we know
<p>Heredity, then, does not explain whence genius
comes; and if anybody had really traced genius from
father, or grandfather, to son or grandson, we should
still have no explanation of what genius is. We could<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_148" id="Page_148">[148]</SPAN></span>
then only regard it as the result of some strange
chance; yet the scientist knows that laws of nature
contain no such element. But the only reason why
genius appears so incomprehensible is because we
have not looked at it in the light of nature's truth.
We have erroneously assumed that this is the only
life we live on the physical plane, and therefore the
time is too short for the evolution of genius. A man
can become an expert in one lifetime but not a
genius. But if we give him many incarnations to develop
along certain lines he can become a genius of
a given type. The soul that works strenuously at
building up a certain faculty through many incarnations
naturally develops qualities in the causal body
that shine out brilliantly upon its return to a physical
body and we have the genius. We evolve our mentality
and morality, and there could be no justice in
life if it were otherwise.</p>
<p>There is no element of chance in getting a new
physical body in the next incarnation. The body is
the material expression of the self. It is as much the
product of the self as the rose is of the bush, the
apple of the tree, or the tulip of the bulb. The
musician can no more get a body suitable to the blacksmith
than the rose bush can produce an apple. We
do not get bodies by lottery, like destitute people
drawing clothing by numbers which might result in
grotesque misfits. We do not get bodies at all, we
evolve them, and in each incarnation the new body
expresses all the soul has come to be up to that point
in its evolution. Such a view of life has a basis of<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_149" id="Page_149">[149]</SPAN></span>
absolute justice. Every soul gets exactly what it has
<p>The common belief in Occidental civilization is
that we live here for only sixty or seventy years and
that then, when we die, we pass on to live eternally
somewhere else, and that the whole of eternity,
whether it is filled with pleasure or is horrible with
pain, is made to depend on how we spent those few
years of the physical life! Such a fate would be unfair
and unjust. If a schoolboy is incorrigible for a
term it would not be fair to condemn him to lose all
opportunity of getting an education. We would give
him another chance at the following term.</p>
<p>A little incident of disobedience from home life
will illustrate the point involved. A quinine capsule
was lying on the table. A three-year-old boy reached
for it. His mother called across the room, "Don't
eat that, dearie, it isn't candy." But in a spirit of
reckless mischief he hurried it into his mouth and
quickly chewed it up! It was a very disagreeable but
salutary lesson for the little fellow. It is an example
of nature's methods. She is always consistent, and
has a balanced relationship between cause and effect.
But suppose in this case we throw her consistency
aside as those who believe that eternal results will
follow temporal effects are obliged to do. An ordinary
lifetime compared to eternity is somewhat like
that instant of disobedience compared to eighty years,
but the illustration is not adequate because eternity
never ends. As nearly as the principle can be applied
it would be by saying to the child, "Because you were<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_150" id="Page_150">[150]</SPAN></span>
disobedient for a second of time you shall taste quinine
for eighty years!" If that punishment is injustice
what must we call the infliction of an eternity of pain
as the result of the errors committed in a lifetime?</p>
<p>Any hypothesis of existence that does not take
into consideration the welfare of humanity is a false
hypothesis. What plan can better serve the common
welfare than a chance to redeem a failure? When a
prisoner is condemned for a crime we do not deprive
him of opportunities. We give him every possible
chance to improve his character. God cannot be less
just or merciful than man. Rebirth is a new chance.
Every incarnation is another opportunity.</p>
<p>If the popular idea of an eternal heaven and hell
is sound, and there be few who find the "narrow way,"
the time will come when the majority of the race will
have used their one opportunity of a brief lifetime,
and have failed. If that were really true, it is easy
to imagine what they would do with another opportunity
if they had it! How long should opportunity
be given? Just as long as it will be used, and to
deprive anybody of it when he is eager to redeem
past errors is to ignore the principles of human welfare.
Therefore such a plan cannot be the true one.
John J. Ingalls personified opportunity and wrote:</p>
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">Master of human destinies am I!<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Fame, Love and Fortune on my footsteps wait;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Cities and fields I walk; I penetrate<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Deserts and seas remote, and passing by<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Hovel and mart and palace, soon or late<br/></span>
<span class="i0">I knock unbidden once at every gate.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">If sleeping, awake; if feasting, rise before<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_151" id="Page_151">[151]</SPAN></span><br/></span>
<span class="i0">I turn away. It is the hour of fate,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And they who follow me reach every state<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Mortals desire, and conquer every foe<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Save Death; but those who doubt or hesitate,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Condemned to failure, penury and woe,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Seek me in vain and uselessly implore;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">I answer not and I return no more.<br/></span></div>
<p>That is true enough from one viewpoint and profitably
emphasizes the importance of promptly acting
when the time for action arrives. But there is another
truth to be expressed on the subject and it is
well done by Walter Malone, who says:</p>
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">They do me wrong who say I come no more,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">When once I knock and fail to find you in;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For every day I stand outside your door,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And bid you awake and rise to fight and win.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Wail not for precious chances passed away;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Weep not for golden ages on the wane;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Each night I burn the records of the day,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">At sunrise every soul is born again.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Laugh like a boy at splendors that are sped;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To vanished joys be blind and deaf and dumb;<br/></span>
<span class="i0">My judgments seal the dead past with its dead,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">But never bind a moment yet to come.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Though deep in mire, wring not your hands and weep,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">I lend my arm to all who say, "I can."<br/></span></div>
<p>What a magnificent view of human evolution!
No ultimate failure possible because there is always
another chance. The failure of one incarnation made
good by the sincere efforts of the next. All the faults
and frailties—the shadow blots of the past—vanishing
in the light of a higher wisdom that has been
won. No endless hell, no eternal torment; not even<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_152" id="Page_152">[152]</SPAN></span>
the ghosts of vanished chances to haunt the mind; but
only the insistent voice of immortal Opportunity, urging
us to wake and rise to strive and win!</p>
<div class="footnotes">
<div class="footnote"><p><SPAN name="Footnote_L_12" id="Footnote_L_12"></SPAN><SPAN href="#FNanchor_L_12"><span class="label">[L]</span></SPAN> Interview in San Francisco Examiner, March 5, 1916.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_153" id="Page_153">[153]</SPAN></span></p>
<h2><span class="norm">CHAPTER XI.</span><br/> REBIRTH: ITS NECESSITY</h2>
<p>There are apparently but three ways in which anybody
has attempted to explain the origin of the race. If
two of these are shown to be impossible we have no
course open to us but to accept the one which remains.
One of the three theories is that of the materialist. Another
is the common belief that God created an original
human pair and continues to create souls for babies.
The third hypothesis is that of the evolution of the soul.</p>
<p>The materialist's position seems to be, briefly, that
the forces of nature, with no directive intelligence, are
sufficient to account for man as we see him; that a continuing
consciousness in the human being is a delusion;
that immortality is a vain dream and that humanity has
neither a past nor a future. Yet the very facts of science
to which the materialist appeals contradict such conclusions.</p>
<p>This materialistic belief regards the human body as
a self-sufficient machine whose brain generates thought.
But the savage has a completely evolved physical body
with eyes, ears and other organs like our own. His
brain under the microscope shows no trace of difference
in its material constitution from the brain of civilized<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_154" id="Page_154">[154]</SPAN></span>
man. Indeed, his physical body is not only as complete
a machine as ours but is likely to be materially sounder.
Why, then, if the brain produces thought, does not this
savage produce the thoughts of a philosopher? If there
is no directing soul back of the brain, why the marvelous
difference in the product of the two brains?</p>
<p>Materialists go too far in the assumption that they
can explain the phenomena of life. They can talk learnedly
about it but they must stop short of the source
of life. Everything about anatomy and physiology they
know, but the life that flows through the human machine
remains unexplained. They can trace the circulation of
the blood from the heart through the arteries, from the
arteries across to the veins, from the veins back to the
heart, but the greatest mind the race has produced cannot
say what makes the heart beat. Life has not been
explained and cannot be explained from the materialist's
viewpoint. Every human being is a miracle. A fingernail
is a mystery of evolution. It is formed from the
same food that makes the flesh and it will continue to
be formed regardless of the variety or quality of the
food. Why do certain particles become flesh or nails?
Who can draw the division line between them? With
marvelous instruments and wondrous skill science has
explored and mapped and charted the "tabernacle of
clay," but it cannot throw a single ray of light upon the
intelligence that animates it.</p>
<p>Materialism fails sadly enough in that direction, but
still worse as a satisfactory interpretation of the panorama
of the life about us. It is a philosophy of the
gloomiest fatalism. It holds that we simply chance to<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_155" id="Page_155">[155]</SPAN></span>
be that which we are; that we are what we are merely
because of fortuitous chemical and mechanical combinations.
Had the combinations chanced to be something
different we should not be in existence. Chance is the
king of the materialist's world.</p>
<p>According to this theory all abilities are the gifts
of nature and all lack of them is the blind award of
chance. No credit whatever is due to anybody for what
he is, nor can anybody be logically blamed for his deficiencies.
All are like men who, with closed eyes, draw
something from a bag under compulsion. It is not to
the credit of one that he got a prize nor to the discredit
of another that he drew a blank. This hypothesis holds
that recently we were not and that presently we shall
cease to be; that we appear by chance, live our brief
period, suffer or enjoy as it may happen and then pass
to the oblivion of eternal silence; that all the thought,
all the toil and the striving, all the effort and endurance
were for nothing, and accomplished nothing. Such a
philosophy will not long survive the progress of our
age. It lacks the balance of nature's principle of conservation.
It lacks the completeness of universal law.
It lacks the element of justice that is enthroned in every
human consciousness and without which life would be
a meaningless mockery and the world a chaos of despair.</p>
<p>But the materialist's philosophy has no monopoly of
bad points or undesirable beliefs. The old popular idea
of a mechanical creation is equally at war with both
fact and reason. That belief is that God created the
world as men build houses, and added the human beings
as men furnish their houses when built. It is the belief<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_156" id="Page_156">[156]</SPAN></span>
that He is still making souls as fast as bodies are being
born in the world, that these souls begin their existence
at birth, live here but one life and then pass on into
either endless bliss or eternal pain.</p>
<p>This idea differs from materialism in the matter
of a governing intelligence and on immortality but it is
remarkably like it in other ways. Like materialism it is
fatalistic because it makes man the helpless subject of
resistless power. It merely puts an intelligent force as
first cause where the materialist postulates blind force.</p>
<p>The materialist says that all human characteristics
are the gift of nature while according to the popular
belief they are the gifts of God. In either case one
class of human beings gets abilities that they have not
earned and others get defects that they do not deserve.
The intellectual man is favored without reason and the
fool is handicapped without mercy. Some come into the
world with salvation assured by being well born while
others are foredoomed to failure. Predestination goes
logically with such ideas.</p>
<p>Happily the world has long been growing away from
the once wide-spread belief in predestination because it
is too shocking to the modern sense of justice. But is
the world at the same time catching the point that if
there is but one life on earth and the soul is created at
birth, then the very essence of predestination remains,
because some are created with the wisdom to attain
salvation and others are created without it?</p>
<p>If the soul has no pre-existence it can have no responsibility
at the time of birth. Neither can it have any
merit. One is born with a sound mind and moral insight.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_157" id="Page_157">[157]</SPAN></span>
These qualities may lead to salvation but the man has
done nothing to earn them. Another is born with cruel
and vicious tendencies and poor intellect. He may therefore
miss salvation, but if he had no pre-existence he
can have done nothing to deserve such a start in life.
If we are really here for the first time then justice can
be done only by giving us equal equipment at the start
and equal opportunities afterward.</p>
<p>Think for a moment of the sweeping difference between
human beings at birth. There is every degree of
vice and virtue from the savage to the saint and every
mental variation from the fool to the philosopher. If
God really creates the soul at birth, then one is created
wise and kind though he did nothing to earn it. Another
is created vicious and depraved. He did nothing to deserve
it. One is showered with natural gifts to which
he is not justly entitled. Another is blighted with a
stupidity he did nothing to incur; and we are asked to
believe that God made them thus! Such a belief is
contrary to reason and to justice.</p>
<p>It is easy to see why, in this old view of the relationship
between God and man, salvation was to be by
faith. It was impossible for a person to be saved by
his merit because, if his qualities were given to him by
God at birth, he had no merit. His very ability to
comprehend spiritual truth and his moral strength to
resist temptation, were conferred upon him, not earned
by him. If this popular view is sound, human beings
should be neither praised nor censured. They are simply
human automata operated by such degree of mental and
moral ability as God chose to assign to them. If this<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_158" id="Page_158">[158]</SPAN></span>
be true, genius should have no credit for its accomplishments,
indolence no frown of disapproval, cowardice
no lash of condemnation, tolerance no need of praise,
cruelty no rebuke, virtue no applause and heroism no
fame for its selfless sacrifice. And yet this absurd
and illogical belief lingers in the minds of millions of
people. It is believed because it always has been believed.</p>
<p>If materialism is an impossible philosophy, then
the popular belief that the soul is created at birth is also
impossible. It is a theory that encumbers its belief
in immortality with conditions that destroy justice and
defy logic. That old form of belief has outlived its
day. It was possible at any time only because there
was too little information and, like the old belief that
the world was flat, it must yield place to the newer
knowledge. The truth of evolution is the stanchest
friend of religion. It is the foundation on which may be
built a scientific belief in a Supreme Being, a rational
faith in immortality and a brotherhood of man that
has a basis in nature itself. The very idea that was
hastily thought to be destructive of a belief in God and
heaven and immortality is rapidly becoming the most
important witness to the truth of them all. While it is
true that in the earliest days of evolution the most
eminent scientists were agnostic, it is equally true that
today the most eminent scientists of the world believe
in the existence of the soul, and in its immortality, and
base that belief upon scientific grounds.</p>
<p>What is the essence of the facts of evolution and
how does it give evidence against materialism and for<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_159" id="Page_159">[159]</SPAN></span>
immortality? Evolution is an orderly unfolding from the
single to the diversified, from the simple to the complex,
in which process life evolves by passing from lower to
higher forms and storing within itself the gist of the
experiences gained in each.</p>
<p>One of the vital facts that evolution establishes is
that slow building is the order of creation. The horse
is an example. He is traced backward with certainty
to a small creature that resembles him very little indeed.
Ages were required to evolve the horse into his present
intelligence and utility. Another profoundly important
fact in evolution is the continuity of life from body to
body. The butterfly is frequently used as an illustration,
but the principle holds with all the higher order of
insects like ants, flies and bees. In the metamorphosis
of the caterpillar we have a phenomenon so common
that most people have personally observed it. Watch, in
imagination, its transformation that contradicts materialistic
philosophy. The worm is a physical body occupied
by an evolving life or intelligence. Its physical body
perishes and becomes part of the dust of the street.
The life enters the grave of the chrysalis. The scientist
takes that chrysalis, packs it in an ice house and leaves
it frozen for a number of years. Now a mere frost
will kill either caterpillar or butterfly, but when the
chrysalis is removed from the ice and brought into a
higher temperature the triumphant life emerges in the
form of the butterfly. This phenomenon proves that
life does survive the loss of the body. The body of the
caterpillar is dead and has turned to dust years ago, but
the caterpillar that lived in it is not dead. It now lives<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_160" id="Page_160">[160]</SPAN></span>
again in the physical world in a physical body of a
higher type.</p>
<p>Here, in an order of existence almost infinitely below
man, we have an individual life existing in a physical
form, passing from it and, after a number of years,
taking possession of another form and living in that.
Who can admit such continuity of life for the insect and
deny it for man? Can there be a deathless something in
a worm and not in a human being? Even without the
mass of physical evidence that exists upon the subject the
logic of nature would lead us to confident conclusions.
The knowledge of evolution which science has so far
accumulated leads to four natural inferences. One is
that man is immortal. Another is that he has, like all
creatures, slowly evolved to what he now is. A third is
that both life, and the forms it uses, are evolving together,
and the fourth is that lower orders evolve into higher
and continually higher ones. The human soul evolves
from the savage to the saint—from animal instincts
to the self-sacrifice of martyrs and heroes. We cannot
escape the conclusion that the race has evolved, is
evolving and will continue to evolve until mental and
moral perfection has been attained.</p>
<p>If neither the theory of the materialist nor the popular
notion that the soul is created at birth is satisfactory,
we have only reincarnation left as a working hypothesis;
and if we accept the evolution of the soul as a natural
truth, then reincarnation becomes a necessity in explaining
the known facts of life.</p>
<p>But there are some students of life who appear to
refuse the hypothesis of reincarnation while wishing<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_161" id="Page_161">[161]</SPAN></span>
to accept the idea of the evolution of the soul. But
how would that be possible? If the soul is evolving it
is under the necessity of developing by the laws of
growth. They were discussed in Chapter IX.</p>
<p>Those who desire to put their ideas about the soul
and its immortality into harmony with the facts of
evolution sometimes ask why it would not be possible
for the soul to leave the material plane forever at the
death of the physical body and then pursue its evolution
on higher planes. In the vast universe there must be
opportunity for all possible development, it is argued.</p>
<p>But why go on into other regions when the lessons
here have not been learned? That would be a violation
of nature's law of the conservation of energy. The
average human being is in the elementary grades, with
scores of incarnations ahead of him before he will be
in a position even to take advantage of his opportunities
and thus make fairly rapid progress. To talk of going
on to higher planes for further evolution is like proposing
that a child shall leave the kindergarten and enter the
<p>We are evolving along two lines, the mental and
moral, and a little consideration of the matter will make
clear two important points—that we have much to learn
and that the physical plane is wonderfully arranged for
our instruction. We have conditions here for developing
mentality that do not exist on higher planes. The absolute
necessity of procuring food is an example. Death
is the penalty for failure to obtain it. Hunger was the
earliest spur to action at the lowest level of evolution
and even now at our high point of attainment it is one<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_162" id="Page_162">[162]</SPAN></span>
of the chief factors of racial activity. In providing
the necessities of life and in gratifying our multitude
of desires mentality is developed. Business and professional
life rests upon these physical plane necessities and,
engaged in solving the problems of civilization, the race
evolves intellect. Such problems do not, of course,
exist on higher planes.</p>
<p>While the mentality is thus being pushed along in
evolution by our material necessities, the heart qualities
are developed by the family ties in a way that could not
be done elsewhere. In the nature of things the entrance
of the soul to the physical plane is attended with helplessness.
From the beginning it must have material necessities
or die, and yet it can do nothing in its new infant
body. Again, as a rule, long before it leaves the physical
plane old age has once more rendered it helpless. Thus
every human being must depend on the assistance of
others at two critical periods of each incarnation. The
help it receives, in infancy and old age, it pays back
to the race, in the care of both the helpless young and
the helpless old, when it is in the vigor of mature physical
life. It is obvious that such experience develops
the qualities of sympathy and compassion as no phase
of business life could. The relationship of parent and
child, husband and wife, evolves the heart qualities in a
way that would be impossible in the totally different
environment of higher planes. Naturally enough, each
plane has a specific work to do in the soul's evolution.
We can no more learn in the highest planes the lessons
the material world is designed to teach us than a pupil
can acquire a knowledge of mathematics from his lessons<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_163" id="Page_163">[163]</SPAN></span>
in geography. Hence the necessity for a periodical return
to this life until its experiences have developed in
us the qualities we lack.</p>
<p>Not only has each plane its special adaptability to
particular needs of the soul in its evolution, but the
two kinds of physical bodies—masculine and feminine—through
which the soul functions, afford special advantages
for acquiring the lessons of life. The soul
on its home plane is, of course, sexless. Sex, as we
know it, is a differentiation arising from the soul's expression
on lower planes. All characteristics of the soul
itself, like intelligence, love, or devotion, are common
to both sexes.</p>
<p>The ego functioning through the masculine body has
the opportunity of certain experiences that would be
impossible in the feminine body, while, of course, the
feminine form enables the ego to get experience that
could not be known through the masculine body. A
consideration of the widely different experiences of
fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, will show how
true this is. The lessons obtained in the masculine
body are largely those of the head while in the feminine
form they are lessons of the heart.</p>
<p>When the ego puts forth its energies and begins
descent into lower planes for another incarnation it is
apparently beginning a cycle of experience in which
either mentality or spirituality shall be the dominant
note for that incarnation, and probably for several others.
If it is to evolve for the time being through those experiences
related to objective activity, with intellect as the<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_164" id="Page_164">[164]</SPAN></span>
guiding factor, the masculine body can best serve the
purpose. But if the dominant note is to be spirituality,
rather than mentality and the soul is, for the time, moving
along the line of the heart side—the subjective, the
intuitive—then the feminine body is the better vehicle
in which such experience can be obtained. But to say
that mentality is the dominant factor of masculine incarnation
does not at all mean that men have a monopoly
of the reasoning faculty. Nor does the fact that other
souls are being expressed through the feminine body mean
that they have a fundamental spiritual advantage. Some
women are better reasoners than some men, while some
men are more spiritual than some women. What it
does mean is that a certain ego can express intellect
better through a masculine body and intuition better
through a feminine body.</p>
<p>Our ordinary language confirms the truth of the
statement that men normally express more the head
qualities and women more the heart qualities. We
speak of men as being reasoners and of women as being
intuitional and depending upon their impressions. The
soul in the masculine body is for the time being getting
experiences of the outer, objective activities. He is the
home builder and protector, the bread winner, the battle
fighter. The soul in the feminine body is, for the time,
getting experience along the line of the inner, subjective
life. She is the wife and mother, and her lessons are
of the heart rather than the head.</p>
<p>As we study nature we are more and more impressed
with her wonderful mechanism for the evolution of the<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_165" id="Page_165">[165]</SPAN></span>
soul. It soon becomes clear to the student that every individual
is, in each incarnation, thrown into precisely the
circumstances required for the greatest possible progress
of that particular ego. If the qualities of initiative and
courage, for example, are to be developed, the masculine
body admirably serves the purpose, while if sympathy
and compassion need stimulation the feminine form is
wonderfully effective for that kind of progress. It requires
little reasoning to see that the soul would not
continue to incarnate in one sex indefinitely. It must
develop all its inner qualities. Both intellect and compassion
must reach perfect expression. Such a consummation
can, of course, be best attained by alternating
sex experiences. But here again there is wide latitude
in the operation of the law. The rule seems to be that
ordinarily there are not less than three nor more than
seven successive incarnations in one sex, and then the
ego begins to express itself through a body of the other
sex. By that rule it would commonly be for a period
of from a few hundred years to some thousands of
years, that the ego expresses itself through one sex before
it changes to the other. One case is mentioned by the
occult investigators in which for about thirty thousand
years a certain ego had expressed itself only through the
masculine form. At least no trace of a feminine incarnation
could be found during that time.</p>
<p>The necessity for rebirth becomes clearer and clearer
as we study the nature of the human being and the
inherent divine qualities he is unfolding. Reincarnation
is the method of evolution at the human level. Only by
physical plane experience can man's potential powers be<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_166" id="Page_166">[166]</SPAN></span>
aroused and so tremendous is the evolutionary work to
be done that only a mere fragment of it can be accomplished
in an ordinary lifetime. The absolute necessity
of many rebirths is obvious.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_167" id="Page_167">[167]</SPAN></span></p>
<h2><span class="norm">CHAPTER XII.</span><br/> WHY WE DO NOT REMEMBER</h2>
<p>The loss of memory between incarnations and the
failure to now recall any of our experiences previous
to the present physical plane life has sometimes been
cited as a negative kind of evidence against the hypothesis
of rebirth. The point could not be made,
however, by one who has studied the matter because
close scrutiny will show that the loss of memory is a
necessary part of reincarnation. The fact that we do
not remember is in perfect harmony with the principles
of evolution. Indeed, the close student of the
subject would be very much surprised if we could
normally remember, because he does not get far until
he sees, not only why we do not remember past incarnations
but why we should not remember them.</p>
<p>The very nature of the evolutionary work to be
done by reincarnation necessitates a sacrifice of
memory. One useful purpose of the confinement of
consciousness in matter, through the use of a physical
body, is that it narrows the scope of consciousness
and thereby increases its efficiency. The consciousness
of the ego sweeps over a vast range, forward and
backward, including all past incarnations. But the<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_168" id="Page_168">[168]</SPAN></span>
limitation of matter which compels consciousness to
be expressed through a physical body, focuses the
attention on the evolutionary work immediately in
hand. The brain becomes the instrument of consciousness
but also, fortunately, the limitation of consciousness.
If there were not loss of memory our
minds would now range over the adventures of thousands
of years in the past. It would encompass a
vast drama with countless loves and hates, of many
lives filled with pathos and tragedy. To thus distract
the mind from the present life would retard our
progress. When one is alone and in a secluded place
one can think better and accomplish more than when
in the midst of turbulent scenes and throngs of people.
When there is less to think about the thinking
is more effective. It is necessary to restrict the consciousness
and limit the mind to the present life in
order to get the most satisfactory results. The same
truth is embodied in that old saying that whoever is
jack of all trades is master of none. Concentration
alone can produce satisfactory results. If we would
master the lessons of this life we must not take other
lives within the field of consciousness. The very
process of reincarnation is a coming out of the general
into the particular, with the consequent narrowing
of consciousness.</p>
<p>We should keep in mind the fact that our true and
permanent life is in the causal body, and on the mental
plane, and that there, alone, is unbroken memory possible.
The descent into matter in each incarnation is
also beyond reach of the brain memory, of course.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_169" id="Page_169">[169]</SPAN></span>
Getting new bodies is the working out of natural law
even as instinct works in animals. The whole animal
kingdom, lacking the reasoning power of man,
nevertheless adapts means to ends with unerring accuracy
and with a depth of wisdom that is beyond our
comprehension. And so is human evolution directed
by impelling forces that are unknown to our waking
consciousness. But our waking consciousness is only
a small part of our consciousness—that fragment of
it that can be expressed through the physical brain.
The physical brain is a limitation of consciousness,
and therefore of memory, as certainly as a mountain
range is a limitation of sight and prevents one's knowing
what lies beyond it. In higher realms we do know
our wider life and vaster consciousness that includes
the memory of our past incarnations. But when we
come downward into another incarnation it is as
though we were descending in a narrow vale within
mountain ranges that stand between us and the wider
world. Memory is dependent on things not within
the control of the will. Memory often fails to establish
facts which we wish to recall. We know, for
example, the name of a certain person. There is no
doubt that we know it and yet it is impossible to remember
it at will. Tomorrow it will flash upon us,
but we cannot remember it now, try as we may. Now,
if memory fails to produce its record even when we
have a mental picture of just how that person looks,
and know just where we have met him, it is certainly
not remarkable that with no such immediate connection
with our last incarnation we fail to recall it. It<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_170" id="Page_170">[170]</SPAN></span>
was perhaps in another part of the world, and in another
civilization, and is separated from us by the
long interval between incarnations. Of course
memory likewise fails to produce that record. But
all of our past experiences are within the soul, just
as the records of all of the experiences of this life are
in the mind whether we can connect them with the
present moment or not.</p>
<p>But it may be asked why it is that, if we do not
remember events that have occurred in past lives and
people we have seen before, we do not at least now
have a knowledge of the facts previously familiar
to us. What the soul gains from incarnation to incarnation
is not concrete facts but something higher
and far more valuable. It gains the essence of facts
which gives the understanding of their true relationship;
and this is the thing we call good judgment or
common-sense. A man does not succeed in business
because he knows a lot of facts, but because he knows
what to do with the facts. An encyclopedia is full
of facts but it cannot run a business. Every theorist
and dreamer is loaded with facts. The successful man
is the one with balance and judgment.</p>
<p>It might seem on first thought that one who has
been a carpenter in a previous incarnation should have
no need to learn the name and use of a saw, or one
who has been a skillful penman to learn slowly to
hold the pen and fashion the letters. But we must
remember that the old soul is now breaking in a new
physical instrument with which to express itself and
that while it will be able to use all the skill it has<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_171" id="Page_171">[171]</SPAN></span>
previously evolved, its full expression must await the
time when the new instrument has been brought into
responsive action.</p>
<p>The situation might be fairly illustrated by the
case of a stenographer who is still using the original
typewriter, in some remote corner of the earth, and
who has not even seen or heard of any of the remarkable
improvements made in such machines in the last
thirty years. If his old machine were suddenly taken
from him and a model of the present year were put in
its place, it is obvious that he could at first make little
use of it—not because he has no knowledge but because
he must become accustomed to the new machine
before he can express himself through it. It would
have mechanism and appliances that he could not
immediately manage. Let us imagine also that all the
characters are in a foreign language which must be
mastered before the machine can be used. But the
difficulties are not great enough yet for a fair illustration.
We must also suppose that it is a living
thing, with moods and emotions, and that it must pass
through stages of growth comparable to infancy and
youth. Under these handicaps it would be certain
that the stenographer would appear to have very little
knowledge and to possess little skill. Yet as a matter
of fact it is merely the conditions that temporarily
prevent him from expressing his wisdom and skill.</p>
<p>The gist of knowledge gained in the past represents
skill that has no dependence whatever upon
brain memory. If a man should suffer a lapse of
memory, as sometimes happens, and wander about<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_172" id="Page_172">[172]</SPAN></span>
unable to give his name or place of residence, such
loss of memory does not prevent him using any skill
he may have evolved. If he is an athlete he may not
know in what gymnasium he evolved his great
strength, but he can use it just as effectively regardless
of the absence of memory.</p>
<p>One who has been a skillful penman brings all his
skill to the new incarnation but of course the new
body must be trained to hold the pen and form the
letters. Every public school teacher knows that one
child will quickly learn that and soon become a
competent penman while another can by no possibility
exhibit skill in that particular art. The reason is
that one has previously evolved his skill and the other
has not, and may not, for several more incarnations.</p>
<p>It is sometimes objected that by the hypothesis of
reincarnation we are required to go over the same
ground again and again and learn what we have
previously learned. But the criticism has no foundation
in fact. There is undoubtedly some necessary
recapitulation in the early part of the incarnation, just
as there may be in the early part of a school term.
But in the main we are thrown into new conditions
which are calculated to develop additional faculties.
We return to the same material world but we find it
with a higher form of civilization than when we were
here before. Never before have we who are now here
seen a civilization like this, with its age of iron and
steam and electricity, with its marvelous opportunities
for developing the mechanical faculty in human nature.
And that is another bit of evidence of the<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_173" id="Page_173">[173]</SPAN></span>
beauty and utility of the evolutionary scheme. We
come back always to greater opportunities than we
have yet known.</p>
<p>It is not only clear that the failure to remember
the past has nothing to do with our ability to use the
skill and wisdom we have previously evolved but it
is equally obvious that it is the best of good fortune
that we cannot remember the past. If we could do
so that memory would keep alive the personal antagonisms
of past reincarnations. Nobody will deny that
we have plenty of them in this incarnation or that the
world would be the better if we could bury some of
the present antagonisms in a like oblivion. If all
quarreling neighbors were to suddenly lose memory
of their feuds it would be an undeniable advantage to
everybody concerned.</p>
<p>Nature's wisdom in veiling the past from us can
be understood by observing the pernicious effects of
remembering too long the blunders people make in
this incarnation. Take the case of a very young man
who has charge of his employer's money and who,
finding himself pressed for ready cash, makes the grave
mistake of "borrowing" a hundred dollars without his
employer's knowledge and consent. The young man
really believes he is borrowing it and knows just
where the money is to come from to replace it soon,
and he thinks nobody but himself will ever know anything
about it. But to his consternation the money
that was due him in a few days cannot be collected in
time and an unexpected examination of his books leads
to his arrest for embezzlement. He is convicted, sent<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_174" id="Page_174">[174]</SPAN></span>
to prison for a year, and returns a marked man.
Thoughtless society closes its doors against him. He
seeks employment in vain. Nobody wants an ex-convict.
He explains that he had no criminal intent
and that he really was guilty of only an indiscretion
and that he paid back the money later. But the world
is too busy to listen. It sees only the court record,
and that was against him. The public forgets, or
never knows, the extenuating circumstances. But it
never forgets two things—the verdict of guilty and
the prison. The young man would almost give his
life for a chance to wipe it all out, but it is impossible.
It stands against him for life. But nature is wise.
She does not permit our vicious traits to extend their
injury too far. If we could remember from incarnation
to incarnation that man's misfortune might
afflict him for thousands of years. But by the wise
plan of closing all accounts at the end of each incarnation
the mischief of remembering the blunders of
others comes to an end. In the next incarnation all
start with clear records again.</p>
<p>One of the objections that one sometimes hears
against reincarnation is that it seems to separate us
for long periods, if not forever, and that even when
we meet those we have previously known and loved,
there is no memory of the past. The answer to the
first point is that the separation is wholly on the lower
planes and that the time spent on the higher planes
is often twenty times that given to the lower. Separation
is, of course, unavoidable on the physical plane,
even where people live together in the same home.<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_175" id="Page_175">[175]</SPAN></span>
The average man spends most of the day at his office
and sleeps about eight hours during the twenty-four.
He is really separated from his family most of the
time. But there is no such separation on higher planes
and there is spent most of the whole period of evolution.
The second point—that we do not now have
the pleasure of knowing that our friends are those we
knew and loved before—is not an important one.
What is really important is that we again have them.
If the ties of affection have been strong between us
in the past there will be instant friendship when we
meet for the first time in this incarnation. Those with
strong heart ties are certain to be drawn into very
close association life after life. It has been observed
through the investigations that egos have been husband
and wife, or parent and child, again and again.
The probability of such close relationships depends
upon the strength of the ties of affection. But if such
real bond between the souls is lacking the mere fact
that they now have family relationships is no guarantee
of such future intimate association. When two
souls have strong ties arising out of past association
the failure to remember that incarnation does not in
the least weaken the ties. But it does mercifully hide
the past contentions that are to be found in nearly
all lives.</p>
<p>The failure to remember previous incarnations will
be more clearly understood if we now give some
thought to the fact that the personality here on the
material plane is only a fragment of the whole consciousness
of the soul. As we come down into lower<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_176" id="Page_176">[176]</SPAN></span>
planes from the mental world each grosser grade of
matter through which the ego expresses itself is a
limitation of consciousness. On the astral plane each
of us, whatever he may be here, is more alive and
enjoys an actual extension of consciousness. On the
mental plane he has enormously greater wisdom than
here, with a still further extension of consciousness
that is quite beyond the present comprehension of the
brain intelligence.</p>
<p>To put it differently, the ego really does not come
into incarnation at all. It merely sends outward a
ray from itself—a mere fragment of itself, as a man
might put his hand down into the water of a shallow
stream to gather bits of ore from which gold can be
obtained. So the ego puts a finger, only, down into
denser matter to get the general experience that can
be transmuted into the gold of wisdom and skill.
That finger of the ego, that we know as the personality,
gathers the experience and then it is withdrawn
into the ego. During the incarnation the personality
has been animated by only a little of the ego's vast
intelligence and that is why it blunders so often. But,
veiled in dense matter, not much of the ego's consciousness
can reach it.</p>
<p>The relationship between the ego and the personality
may be illustrated by that which exists between
the brain consciousness and that of the finger-tip. The
difference, of course, is great. The finger tip cannot
see of hear or taste or smell. It is limited to one
sense—touch. But it is a form of consciousness, and<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_177" id="Page_177">[177]</SPAN></span>
it can get experience and pass it on to the brain consciousness.
A man may be addressing an audience
and see some substance on the table before him. It
may be sand or sugar. Without interrupting his lecture
he can put down his finger and get at the truth
about the matter. The finger-tip gets the information
and passes it on to the brain consciousness.
Meantime there has been no pause in the discourse.
Not a phrase nor a word nor the shading of a thought
has been missed. The intellectual life went on in its
completeness while the ray of intelligence sent down
in the finger-tip got and reported the fact as it was.
Just so the life of the ego—the true self of each of
us—goes forward on its home plane while the personality
here gropes for its harvest of experience.
Some of those experiences will be painful to the personality,
and the event will seem tragic here, but it
will be a passing incident to the ego. In the illustration
just used the substance on the table may prove
to be neither sand nor sugar, but tiny bits of glass.
Some of the sharp points may penetrate the finger and
pain follows. To the finger-tip consciousness it is a
blinding flash of distress that is overwhelming. But
to the brain consciousness it is a trivial incident.
And thus it is with most of our painful experiences
here. They do a useful work in our evolution and
they are trifling incidents to the consciousness of the
<p>The personality finishes its work and perishes, in
the sense that it is drawn up and incorporated in the
ego. Most people identify themselves so fully with<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_178" id="Page_178">[178]</SPAN></span>
the personality that its loss seems like a tragedy to
them. But that feeling will trouble them no longer
when the ego is understood to be the real self. We
might say that the relationship between the ego and
the personality is like that between man and child.
Childhood will perish but only to be merged into
manhood. When we look at that transformation from
the viewpoint of the man it is quite satisfactory. But
if looked at from the viewpoint of the child it may
look appalling. If you should say to your son of three
summers, "My child, the time will come when all these
beautiful toys will be broken and lost and your little
playmates will see you no more," you might cause
him much distress. It would seem to his limited child
consciousness nothing less than a tragic destruction
of what makes life worth while. But when he reaches
manhood he will look back with a smile to the trivial
things of those early days. If there is something in
his childhood of real, permanent value, it will persist
in manhood. All the trivial and transient will have
disappeared and he will be pleased that it is so, for
manhood is the real life of the personality as the ego
is the real self.</p>
<p>As the memory of childhood lives in the brain of
the man, so the memory of all the hundreds of incarnations
persists in the causal body and is an eternal
possession of the ego. When we are sufficiently
evolved to raise the consciousness to the level of the
causal body, while still living on the physical plane,
as some people are now able to do, we shall thus temporarily
recover the memory of past lives. When that<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_179" id="Page_179">[179]</SPAN></span>
time comes, however, the soul is sufficiently advanced
to use such wider knowledge without injury to itself
or others.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_180" id="Page_180">[180]</SPAN></span><br/>
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_181" id="Page_181">[181]</SPAN></span></p>
<h2><span class="norm">CHAPTER XIII.</span><br/> VICARIOUS ATONEMENT</h2>
<p>Back of the old doctrine of vicarious atonement is
a profound and beautiful natural truth, but it has been
degraded into a teaching that is as selfish and brutal
as it is false. The natural truth is the sacrifice of the
solar Logos, or the deity of our system. The sacrifice
consists of limiting Himself in the matter of manifested
worlds and it is reflected in the sacrifice of the Christ
and other great teachers who use their vast consciousness
through a physical brain for the helping of
the world. Compared to the descent of such supermen
into mundane spheres a mere physical death is a trifling
sacrifice indeed.</p>
<p>The help that such great spiritual beings have given
mankind is incalculable and altogether beyond what we
are able to comprehend. But for such sacrifice the race
would be very, very far below its present evolutionary
level. But to assume that such sacrifices relieve man
from the necessity of developing his spiritual nature
or in any degree nullify his personal responsibility is
false and dangerous doctrine. Nobody more than the
theosophist pays to the Christ the tribute of the most<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_182" id="Page_182">[182]</SPAN></span>
reverent gratitude. He also holds with St. Paul that
each must work out his own salvation.</p>
<p>The belief in special creation arose in that period of
our history when our ancestors knew little of nature.
Modern science was then unborn and superstition filled
the western world. Now that we do know the truths of
nature, now that we know that creation is a continuous
process that is still going on, it is time to abandon the
old conceptions and bring religious beliefs and scientific
principles into harmonious relationship.</p>
<p>Wherever it touches the practical affairs of life the
old idea of special creation and special salvation fail to
satisfy our sense of justice and of consistency. Intuitively
we know that any belief that is not in harmony with
the facts of life is a wrong belief. The idea of special
creation is not only inconsistent with the facts as science
has found them, but it does not give us a sound basis
for moral development. Having started with the false
idea of the special creation of the soul, which brings
it into the world free from personal responsibility, it
became a necessity to invent a special salvation to give
any semblance of justice at all.</p>
<p>Now the vital point against this plan of salvation is
that it denies the soul's personal responsibility and
teaches that whatever the offenses against God and
nature have been, they may be cancelled by the simple
act of believing that another suffered and died in order
that those sins might be forgiven. It is the pernicious
doctrine that wrong doing by one can be set right by
the sacrifice of another. It is simply astounding that
such a belief could have survived the Middle Ages and<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_183" id="Page_183">[183]</SPAN></span>
should continue to find millions who accept it in these
days of clearer thinking. But it seems that when people
are taught a thing in childhood the mind accepts it
then without reasoning and afterwards vaguely regards
it as one of the established facts without thinking further
of it at all. But upon reflection we see at once the
impossibility of its being true. We hear of a lingering
practice in a remote province of China, whereby a
man convicted of a crime is permitted to hire a substitute
to suffer the penalty in his stead. The law must have
its victim and its supremacy must be upheld. We laugh
at that and know well enough that punishing the unfortunate
substitute, who sacrifices himself to obtain a
sum of money that will provide for his family, cannot
regenerate the offender. Indeed, we see clearly that his
willingness to shift the responsibility for his crime upon
another only sinks him farther into iniquity. The only
person who can gain in moral strength is the one
who makes the sacrifice.</p>
<p>Let us suppose that that system of vicarious atonement
for wrong doing were to be adopted generally.
Then every murderer who had the means would escape
the consequences of his crime. Every burglar who was
successful enough to have the cash on hand could elude
prison. Every pickpocket could hire a substitute to
suffer for him and thus continue his criminal career.
Every embezzler would have the money to purchase
freedom. Every corruptionist would be safe. Every
thief could laugh at the law. It would make a mockery
of justice. It would place a premium upon crime and
a handicap upon honesty and virtue. However bad the<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_184" id="Page_184">[184]</SPAN></span>
dishonest might be it would make them worse. It would
necessarily lower the standard of their morality by shifting
the burden of their sins to others. It would destroy
personal responsibility, and personal responsibility is the
basis of sound morals and the foundation of civilized
<p>Yet that is precisely the sort of thing that goes with
the belief in special creation and special salvation—the
teaching that we are not responsible for our sins and
that by believing that another assumed them and died
for us we can escape the results of our wrong doing
and thus be saved. What are we to be saved from?
From nothing but ourselves. From our selfishness, from
our capacity to do evil, from our willingness to inflict
pain, from our lack of sympathy with all suffering and
from the heartlessness that is willing to let others suffer
in order that we may escape. Salvation must necessarily
mean capacity to enjoy heaven. The man who is willing
to purchase bliss by the agony of another is unfit for
heaven and could not recognize it if he were there.
What do we think of a person here who shifts his sins
upon another and while that other suffers he goes free
and enjoys the fruits of his baseness?</p>
<p>A heaven that is populated with those who see in
vicarious atonement a happy arrangement for letting
them in pleasantly and easily would not be worth having.
It would be a heaven of selfishness and that would be
no heaven at all. A real heaven can be composed only
of those who have eliminated selfishness; only of those
who want to help others instead of trying to dodge the
consequences of their own acts; only of those who are<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_185" id="Page_185">[185]</SPAN></span>
manly and womanly and generous and just and true.
Nothing less than a recognition of personal responsibility
can lead to a heaven like that. Yet the theory of special
salvation ignores it, waves it aside—in fact denies it!</p>
<p>Reincarnation represents personal responsibility
and therefore absolute justice. It shows that, not merely
in all the vast future, but also in this life and in every
life, and all the time, our degree of happiness depends
upon our present and past course. If reincarnation were
generally understood it would necessarily raise the
average of morality. It furnishes a deterrent for the
evil doer and a tremendous incentive for the man who
desires to obey natural law and be happy. It shows the
one that there is no possible escape from evil deeds;
that he must return life after life to associations and
environments determined by the good or the ill he has
done; that he can no more escape from his evil deeds
than he can escape from himself; that he must ultimately
suffer in turn the pain of every blow and the humiliation
of every insult he has inflicted upon others. It assures
the man of good intentions and right desires that every
good deed shall rise up in the future to bless him; that
all whom he has helped shall become his helpers hereafter;
that even his good intentions that failed in their
purpose through mistaken judgment, shall bring him joy
in the future.</p>
<p>What a splendid thing it is to know that every
thought and act adds permanent value to the character;
that all we learn in any life becomes an eternal possession;
that we can add to our intellect, to our insight, to
our compassion, to our wisdom, to our power, as cer<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_186" id="Page_186">[186]</SPAN></span>tainly
and definitely as a man can add to his bank account
or permanent investments; that whatever we may be in
this incarnation we can return again stronger and wiser
and better.</p>
<p>The hypothesis of reincarnation shows our inherent
divinity and the method by which the latent becomes
the actual. Instead of the ignoble belief that we can
fling our sins upon another it makes personal responsibility
the keynote of life. It is the ethics of self-help. It
is the moral code of self-reliance. It is the religion of
<p>Think of the utility as well as of the common-sense
of a scheme of salvation that really saves us because it
evolves us; that never denies us a chance to retrieve an
error; that gives us an opportunity to right every
wrong; that brings us back life after life until all enemies
have been changed to friends; until all accounts
are closed and balanced; until all our powers have
been evolved, until intellect has become genius; until
sympathy has become compassion and the last moral
battle has been fought and won.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_187" id="Page_187">[187]</SPAN></span></p>
<h2><span class="norm">CHAPTER XIV.</span><br/> THE FORCES WE GENERATE</h2>
<p>Every human being is constantly generating three
classes of forces, and they determine the kind of life
he will lead here, the degree of success or failure that
will characterize it, and the state of his consciousness
on the inner planes after the death of his physical body.
The law of rebirth brings us back to incarnation, but
it is the law of action and reaction under which we
evolve while here.</p>
<p>The three classes of energies which we generate
are those of thought, desire and action. They belong,
in the order named, to the mental world, the astral
world and the physical world. All people are constantly
thinking and desiring and, with varying degrees
of energy, are putting thought and desire into
action. These forces sent out into the worlds of
thought, emotion and action, produce certain reactions,
or consequences, and to them the man is bound
until justice is done and the soul has learned its evolutionary
<p>That thought and desire are forces as certainly as
electricity is, the student of the occult well knows,
but the world is not quite yet at the point where the<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_188" id="Page_188">[188]</SPAN></span>
fact is generally accepted. That, however, is the history
of all human progress. When Franklin began
his experiments with electrical force almost nobody
believed there was any such thing in existence. Yet
today we use it to carry our messages, run our trains
and drive our machinery. Had anybody predicted all
that at the time of the first experiments he would have
been considered extraordinarily foolish. What the
world accepts or rejects at any particular time usually
has very little to do with the facts. The general
public can be expected to come trailing along, about
a half century late, with its acceptance and approval.
Thought is a force or telepathy and hypnotism would
be impossible. Both have been scientifically demonstrated.</p>
<p>The mental body grows by the process of thinking.
The force generated in thinking reacts in the production
of greater faculty for thinking, so that we
literally create our mental abilities. The activities
of thought change the mental body into a better
and constantly better instrument through which the
ego can express itself. But our thoughts also affect
others and we thereby make ties with them that must
work out sooner or later in associated experience.</p>
<p>Desires generate a kind of energy that plays a
most important role in the drama of human evolution.
The law operates to bring together the desirer and the
object that aroused the desire. For the soul can only
judge the wisdom of its desires by observing the
result of gratifying them. Thus do we acquire discrimination.
It is usually a strong desire nature that<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_189" id="Page_189">[189]</SPAN></span>
brings trouble of various kinds and yet the force of
desire it is that pushes all evolution onward. Through
experience the soul finally learns to control desire,
to raise lower desires into higher ones and thus ultimately
to attain non-attachment and liberation.</p>
<p>Actions are the physical expression of thoughts
and desires and, as we are constantly simultaneously
thinking, desiring and acting, very complex results
arise. In the multitudinous activities of life we set
up relationships with other souls, some of the results
of which reach far into the future. The average man,
with no knowledge of the laws under which he is
evolving, is usually making both friends and foes for
future incarnations and is often unwittingly laying
up pain and sorrow for himself that a little occult
knowledge would enable him to avoid. Every injury
that he inflicts will return to him, though not necessarily
in kind. Nature does not punish. She merely
teaches and knows nothing of retaliations. Her great
concern seems to be that all souls shall get on in
evolution and when a lesson is learned her purpose
appears to be accomplished.</p>
<p>The forces we generate in each incarnation shape
and determine the next and succeeding ones. Our
friends, our families, our business associates, our nation,
are determined by what we have thought and
felt and done in the past and by the lessons it is
necessary we shall learn. Our wealth or poverty, our
fame or obscurity, our strength or frailty, our intelligence
or stupidity, our good or bad environment,
our freedom or limitations, all grow out of the thoughts<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_190" id="Page_190">[190]</SPAN></span>
and emotions and acts in the past. From their consequences
there is no possibility of escape.</p>
<p>But that does not mean that we are the helpless
slaves of fate from which there is no release. We
who generated the forces can neutralize them. We
can undo anything we have done. It only means that
for a time we must work within the self-imposed
limitations created by a wrong course in the past.</p>
<p>Those who are interested in the long-time discussion
over free-will and determinism have often been
impressed with the remarkably strong arguments that
can be marshaled by each side to the controversy.
Either side, when presented alone, appears to be conclusive.
The explanation lies in the fact that each
is right, but only to a certain point. Both free will
and necessity are factors and when the theosophical
viewpoint is understood the apparent contradiction
disappears. We are temporarily bound, <em>but we did
the binding</em>, by the desires we indulged and the emotions
we freely harbored in the past.</p>
<p>The condition of temporary restraint in which we
now find ourselves may be likened to that of a party
of gold hunters who go into Alaska to locate mines.
They are all aware that in that remote northern country
navigation closes very early and that after the
last boat leaves there is no possibility of getting out
of that region until navigation opens again in the next
season. Some of them are discreet and reach the landing
in ample time. Others are careless. They continue
their search for gold a little too long, and arrive
at the river a day too late. The boat has sailed and<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_191" id="Page_191">[191]</SPAN></span>
they must become prisoners of the ice king. It's a
great misfortune but they alone are responsible. They
cannot escape from Alaska for many months but
within Alaska they are absolutely free. They can build
a cabin and either waste the time with idle games
or seriously think and study. They are limited but
free within the limitation, and the limitation itself was
of their own making. It is precisely so with us in
the environment of the present incarnation and with
our various fortunes. We made them and, when the
forces with which we did it are exhausted, we shall
be free. Meantime we can do much toward modification
and improvement.</p>
<p>The reactions from the forces we generate naturally
do us exact justice just because they <em>are</em> reactions. We
reap precisely what we sow. The reaction may sometimes
seem harsh but consideration of the matter from
all points of view will show that mercy as well as
justice is always a factor. Let us consider the
method by which nature changes recklessness into caution.
A man is careless, we will say, about lighting a
cigar and throwing the burning match down wherever
it may happen to fall. He may go on doing that a long
time with no serious result, yet all careful people
know that he is a source of danger. Some time ago
a newspaper told the story of such a man, who passed
along the street, lighted a cigaret and carelessly flung
the flaming match from him. A nurse was passing
with her charge in its tiny carriage. The match fell
on some of the light, airy wraps of the infant and they
burst into a blaze. Before the fire could be extin<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_192" id="Page_192">[192]</SPAN></span>guished
the child was so badly burned that it died
the next day.</p>
<p>The moment such a case is stated we realize the
necessity of something that will cure the man of such
fatal carelessness. He is a menace to the lives and
property in his vicinity. No law, however, can be
invoked. He had no criminal intent but he is none
the less dangerous for that, as the incident proved.
We are helpless, however, to prevent his continued
carelessness. But nature is not helpless. Under the
law of action and reaction he must reap as he has
sown. It may be in the latter part of this incarnation,
or it may be in a following one, but sooner or later his
carelessness will react and he will lose his physical
body in pain and distress and come to know personally
just what his recklessness means. In the reaction, a
part only of which is on the physical plane, he gets the
experience that is necessary to set him right. The
folly of his course is so driven in on his consciousness
that he is changed from the careless man to the careful
man. In no other way could his cure be brought
<p>It may be said that if a misfortune comes to us as
the result of our wrong thinking and acting in a past
life we can now know nothing of its cause and therefore
we cannot profit by the reaction. But while we
do not know in the limited consciousness of the physical
brain the soul does know and in the wider consciousness
the lesson is registered.</p>
<p>The principles of justice are never violated in
teaching the soul its evolutionary lessons. Nothing<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_193" id="Page_193">[193]</SPAN></span>
can come to a man that he does not merit and that
which often looks like a misfortune is only the beneficent
working of the law seen from an angle that
makes it illusory. But, it may be objected, how does
theosophy see "beneficent working of the law" in the
burning of a theater where a score of people lose their
lives, including several children? How can theosophy
explain that?</p>
<p>How can it be explained by those who hold that
the soul is created at birth? If God really brings the
soul into its original expression in an infant body,
why does he throw it out again in a few years, or even
months? What can be the purpose? It would be
difficult indeed to explain the death of children if the
soul were created at birth. But let us look at it from
the theosophical viewpoint. The child is an old soul
with a young body. Hark back to the case of the
man whose carelessness caused the death of the baby
in its carriage. He, and others like him, are again in
incarnation and in the burning theater they get the
reaction of the unfortunate forces they have generated.
But why so many in some catastrophes? it may be
asked. A principle is not affected by the number involved.
If we can see justice in the death of one person
we can see justice in the death of a hundred. It is
simply class instruction. People of a kind have been
drawn together.</p>
<p>We should not forget that we see only a small
fragment of any such case from the physical plane. We
form an opinion, however, on that inadequate survey
and are quick to declare our opinion of the justice or<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_194" id="Page_194">[194]</SPAN></span>
injustice involved. But our verdict depends wholly
upon a viewpoint. Let us suppose, for example, that a
man strolls down the street and that, as he turns a
corner, he suddenly comes upon a little tragedy of
life. A young man is lying on the ground, battered
and bleeding, while two others stand over him. What
would the average man, coming suddenly on the scene
say? He would probably indignantly blurt out "The
ruffians!" and he would be inclined to assist the man
who was down. But let us suppose that he had been
a moment earlier. He would then have been in time to
turn around the corner with the other men and would
have seen him rush upon a defenseless woman, push
her down, snatch her purse and dash away, but, fortunately,
in the direction of the men who assaulted
and stopped him. Had the last arrival seen the entire
affair he would have reversed his opinion and said that
the thief got what he deserved. And so it is in our
inadequate physical plane view of what we call a
calamity. It may appear to involve an injustice, but
only because we do not see the entire transaction.</p>
<p>Those who study the occult laws that shape human
destiny may learn to use them for their rapid progress
and for insuring a comfortable, as well as spiritually
profitable, life journey.</p>
<p>But before we can work successfully within the
law we must know that the law really exists. Most
people seem either to believe there is no law that will
certainly bring them the results of their good or evil
thoughts and acts or that if there is such a law they
can in some way dodge it and escape the consequence,<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_195" id="Page_195">[195]</SPAN></span>
and so we see them go along through life always
doing the selfish thing or the thoughtless thing. They
misstate facts, they engage in gossip, they harbor evil
thoughts, they have their enemies and hate them, they
scheme to bring discomfort and humiliation upon those
whom they dislike. And then, when the harvest from
this misdirected energy is ripe and they are misled
by the falsehoods of others to their loss and injury,
when they fall into the company of schemers and are
swindled, when a false story is started about them,
when—through no fault of the moment—they are
plunged into discomfort and humiliation, they merely
call it so much bad luck and go blindly on with their
generation of wrong forces that will in due time bring
another enforced reaping of pain.</p>
<p>There is a law that regulates the pleasure and pain
of daily life as certainly as there is a law that guides
the earth in its orbit about the sun. That law of action
and reaction is just as constant, accurate and
immutable as the law of gravity that keeps our feet
upon the ground while we come and go and think
nothing at all about it.</p>
<p>There is something almost terrifying in the immutability
of all natural laws and their utterly impersonal
aspect. They are the operation of forces
which, in themselves, are not related to what we call
good and bad. They simply are. The law of gravity
will illustrate the point. It operates with no consideration
whatever for character or motives. It holds all
people, good and bad alike, firmly upon the earth while
it whirls through space. If a saint and a fiend stumble<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_196" id="Page_196">[196]</SPAN></span>
over a precipice, it will hurl them both to the bottom
with perfect impartiality. If the fiend, who may just
have murdered a victim, is more cautious than the
saint and avoids the precipice, the law has not favored
him. He has merely reaped the reward of his alertness
in spite of his bad morals. The saintly man
may have come fresh from some deed of mercy but
the law of gravity takes no account of that. When he
stepped over the precipice, and was dashed to death,
he paid the penalty of carelessness regardless of his
benevolence. There is profound wisdom in the words
"God is no respecter of persons," for, of course, all
natural laws are but the expression of the divine will.</p>
<p>But this immutability of natural law is not in the
least terrifying when we come to look more closely at
it. On the contrary it is within that very immutability
that divine beneficence and compassion are hidden. It
is only by the constancy if the changeless law that we
can calculate with absolute certainty and surely attain the
results at which we aim. It is because of the certainty
that the doing of evil brings pain and the doing of good
yields a return of happiness that we can control circumstances
and determine destiny.</p>
<p>Why should there be such a law operating in the
mental and moral realm? Because only thus can we
evolve. We must not only change from ignorance to
wisdom but from selfishness to compassion, from wrong
doing to perfect harmlessness. How would that be
possible without the law of cause and effect, without
action and reaction which brings pleasure for righteousness
and pain for evil deeds? Only under such a<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_197" id="Page_197">[197]</SPAN></span>
law can we learn what is the right and what is the
wrong thing to do. If it is agreed that we are souls,
that evolution is a fact, and that perfection is the goal
of the human race, then the necessity for the law of
action and reaction is as obvious as the reason for a
law of gravity.</p>
<p>The existence and operation of this law of cause and
effect are set forth repeatedly in the Christian scriptures.
"With what measures ye mete it to others it shall be
measured to you," is certainly explicit. In Proverbs<SPAN name="FNanchor_M_13" id="FNanchor_M_13"></SPAN><SPAN href="#Footnote_M_13" class="fnanchor">[M]</SPAN> we
have this definite declaration: "Whoso diggeth a pit
shall fall therein, and he that rolleth a stone, it shall
return upon him." Of course the language is figurative.
No writer of common sense would assert that every time
a workman digs a pit he shall tumble into it nor that
whenever anybody rolls a stone it will roll back upon
him! We dig pits in the moral world whenever we
undermine the character of another with a false story,
whether we originate it or merely repeat it, and into
such a pit we shall ourselves fall, in the reaction of the
law. We have loosened and set rolling the stones of
envy and hatred and they shall return to crush us down
to failure and humiliation in the reaction that follows.
We have ignorantly generated evil forces under the law
when we could have used it for our success and happiness.</p>
<p>"Judge not, that ye be not judged," is another statement
of the law of action and reaction. It is not an
assertion that we should not judge because we are not<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_198" id="Page_198">[198]</SPAN></span>
qualified nor because we may ignorantly wrong another
with such a judgment. It is an explicit statement that
the consequence of judging others is that we, in turn,
shall be judged. If we criticize, we shall be criticized.
If we condemn others for their faults and failures, we
shall be condemned. If we are broad and tolerant and
remain silent about the frailties of others we shall be
tolerantly regarded by others.</p>
<p>All of us who have studied the subject find in our
daily lives the evidence of the truth of such Biblical
declarations. We know perfectly well that anger provokes
anger and that conciliation wins concessions, while
retaliation keeps a feud alive. We know that retort
calls out retort, while silence restores the peace. In
these little things it is usually within the power of either
party to the trouble to have peace instead of turmoil—just
a matter of self control. But in the larger events
it is not always so. They are not invariably within our
immediate control because they are often the results of
causes generated in the past which we can no longer
modify. And this brings us to a wider view of this law
of cause and effect.</p>
<p>If we look at the life history of an individual as it
stretches out from birth to death it presents a remarkable
record of events that appear to have no logical relationship
to each other. In childhood, there may have
been either great happiness or great sorrow and suffering
regardless of the qualities of character we are considering,
and there is nothing in the present life of the child
to explain either. The child itself may be gentle and
affectionate and yet it may be the recipient of gross<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_199" id="Page_199">[199]</SPAN></span>
abuse and cruel misunderstanding. In maturity we may
find still greater mysteries. Invariably there are mingled
successes and failures, pleasures and pains. But when
we come to analyze them we fail to find a satisfactory
reason for them. We see that the successes often arrive
when they are not warranted by anything that was done
to win them, and for the want of any rational explanation
we call it "good luck." We also observe that sometimes
failure after failure comes when the man is not
only doing his very best but when all of his plans will
stand the test of sound business procedure. Baffled
again we throw logic to the winds and call it "bad luck."</p>
<p>Luck is a word we use to conceal our ignorance and
our inability to trace the working of the law. Suppose
we were to ask a savage to explain how it is that a few
minutes' time with the morning paper enables one to
know what happened yesterday in London. He knows
nothing of reporters and cables and presses. He cannot
explain it. He cannot even comprehend it. But if he
is a vain savage and does not wish to admit his ignorance
he might solemnly assert that the reason we know is
because we are lucky; and he would be using the word
just as sensibly as we use it!</p>
<p>If by luck we mean chance, there is no such thing
in this world. Chance means chaos and the absence
of law. From the magnificent, orderly procession of
a hundred million suns and their world systems that
wheel majestically through space down to the very atom,
with all of its electrons, the universe is a stupendous
proclamation of the all-pervading presence of law. It<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_200" id="Page_200">[200]</SPAN></span>
is a mighty panorama of cause and effect. There is no
such thing as chance.</p>
<p>What then <em>is</em> good luck? We know that people do
receive benefits which they apparently have not earned.
There simply cannot be a result without a cause. They
have earned it in other lives when the conditions did
not permit immediate harvesting of the results of the
good forces generated and Nature is paying the debt and
making the balance of her books at a later period. It
may be in the case of one that some specific act is attracting
its reward, or it may be in the case of another
that he is nearing the point in evolution where he no
longer desires things for himself, only to discover that
nature fairly flings her treasures at his feet. He has
put himself in harmony with evolutionary law—with the
divine plan, and nature withholds nothing.</p>
<p>When we eliminate chance, then, we are forced to
seek the cause of unexplained good or bad fortune beyond
the boundaries of this life because there is nothing
else we can do. We have results to explain and we
know they do not come from causes that belong to this
life. They must of necessity arise from causes generated
in a past life.</p>
<p>Now the moment we get away from the narrow view
that we began existence when we were born, all the
mysteries about us disappear and we can fall back on
natural law and logically explain everything. Why does
one person begin life with a good mind while another is
born with small mental capacity? Because one worked
hard at life's problems in past incarnations while the
other led a butterfly existence and merely amused him<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_201" id="Page_201">[201]</SPAN></span>self.
Why does one move serenely through trying circumstances
always maintaining a cheerful view of life
while another loses control of his temper at the slightest
annoyance and wears himself out with the trifling vexations
of existence? Only because one has for a long
period practiced self control while the other has never
given a thought to the matter. Why is one so thoughtful
of others that he wins universal love and admiration
while another is so self centered that he makes no true
friends at all? Again past experience explains it. The
one has studied the laws of destiny and lived by them
while the other has not yet even learned of their existence.</p>
<p>Putting aside the old belief that the soul is created
at birth, and keeping in mind the newer and scientific
view that we have all lived many lives before, all the
difficulties and perplexities at once disappear. We are
no longer puzzled because we find in a man's life some
good fortune when he has apparently done nothing to
deserve it, for we see that he must have set the forces
in motion in a previous life which now culminate in
this result. We are no longer mystified because apparent
causeless misfortunes befall him for we know that
in the nature of things he did generate the causes in the
past. A single incarnation has the same relation to the
whole of the soul's evolution that a single day has to one
incarnation. As the days are separated by the nights
and yet all the days are related by the acts which run
through them, so the incarnations are separated by periods
of rest in the heaven world and yet all the incarnations
are related by the thoughts and acts running through<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_202" id="Page_202">[202]</SPAN></span>
them. What a man does in his youth affects his old
age, and what we did in our last incarnation is affecting
the present one. The one is no more remarkable than
the other. As we mould old age by youth so we are
shaping the coming incarnation by this one. Before we
shall be able to see the utter reasonableness of the truth
that what we are now is the result of our past we must
have a clear understanding of the relationship between
the soul and the body. The physical body in each incarnation
is the material expression of the soul, of its moral
power or weakness, of its wisdom or ignorance, of its
purity or its grossness, just as one's face is, at each moment
the expression of one's thought and emotion in
physical matter. Every change of consciousness registers
itself in matter. A man has emotions. He feels a thrill of
joy and his face proclaims the fact. He becomes angry,
and the change from joy to anger is registered in physical
matter so that all who see his face are aware of the
change in his consciousness, which they cannot see. These
are passing changes like sunshine and shadow and they
are obvious to all. But we know that as the years pass
the constant influence of consciousness moulds even
physical matter into permanent form. A soul of sunny
disposition finally comes to have benevolent features
while one of morose tendency as certainly has a face of
settled gloom. Nobody can contact the soul of another
with any physical sense we possess yet nobody has the
slightest doubt of his ability to distinguish between a
sunny, peaceful soul and a soul that is not in harmony
with life. We know the difference only because consciousness
moulds matter. But this is merely the sur<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_203" id="Page_203">[203]</SPAN></span>face
indication. Consciousness is continually influencing
matter and the major part of its work is not visible to
us. What the consciousness is, the body becomes.
Whether we are now brilliant or stupid, comely or deformed,
is the result of the activities of consciousness,
and the very grain of the flesh and the shape of the
physical body are the registrations in matter of what we,
the soul, thought and did in the past.</p>
<p>Consider a specific thing like deformity and we shall
begin to see just why and how it may have come about.
If in a past life a person was guilty of deliberate cruelty
to another, and on account of it suffered great mental
and emotional distress afterward, it would be no remarkable
thing if the mental images of the injuries inflicted
on his victim are reproduced in himself. In idiocy
we have apparently merely a distorted brain so that the
consciousness cannot function through it. Might not
that distortion of the physical brain easily be the result
of violent reaction from cruelties in a past life? The
consciousness that can be guilty of cruelty is seeing things
crooked—out of proportion. Otherwise it could not be
cruel. This distortion in consciousness must register
a corresponding distortion in matter, for the body is
the faithful and accurate reflection of that consciousness.
It is just because the body is the true and exact expression
of the consciousness in physical matter that the
palmist and phrenologist can sometimes give us such
remarkable delineations of character. The record is
there in hand and head for those who can read it.</p>
<p>This broader outlook on the life journey, extending
over a very long series of incarnations, gives us a wholly<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_204" id="Page_204">[204]</SPAN></span>
different view of the difficulties with which we have to
contend and of the limitations which afflict us. It at
once shows us that in the midst of apparent injustice
there is really nothing but perfect justice for everybody;
that all good fortune has been earned; that all
bad fortune is deserved, and that each of us is, mentally
and morally, what he has made himself. Masefield put
it well when he wrote:</p>
<div class="poem"><div class="stanza">
<span class="i0">All that I rightly think or do,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Or make or spoil or bless or blast,<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Is curse or blessing justly due<br/></span>
<span class="i0">For sloth or effort in the past.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">My life's a statement of the sum<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Of vice indulged or overcome.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">And as I journey on the roads<br/></span>
<span class="i0">I shall be helped and healed and blessed.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">Dear words shall cheer, and be as goads<br/></span>
<span class="i0">To urge to heights as yet unguessed.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">My road shall be the road I made.<br/></span>
<span class="i0">All that I gave shall be repaid.<br/></span></div>
<p>Have we ever heard of a plan more just, of a truth
more inspiring? It is surely a satisfying thought that
every effort shall give increased power of intellect; that
all kindly thought of others is a shield for our own protection
in time of need; that every impulse of affection
shall ripen into the love of comrades; that all noble
thinking builds heroic character, with which we shall return,
in some future time, to play to a still noble part in
the world of men.</p>
<div class="footnotes">
<div class="footnote"><p><SPAN name="Footnote_M_13" id="Footnote_M_13"></SPAN><SPAN href="#FNanchor_M_13"><span class="label">[M]</span></SPAN> Proverbs, XXVI, 27.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_205" id="Page_205">[205]</SPAN></span></p>
<h2><span class="norm">CHAPTER XV.</span><br/> SUPERPHYSICAL EVOLUTION</h2>
<p>If we accept the idea of evolution at all we cannot
escape the conclusion that there is superphysical evolution.
The belief that man is the highest intelligence in
the universe, except God himself, would be utterly inconsistent
with evolutionary facts and principles. Evolution
is a continuous unfolding from within, and it is
only the limitation of our senses that leads us to set
limitations to it. The one great life of the universe
expresses itself in myriad forms and at innumerable
levels of development. One of those levels is humanity.
But as certainly as our consciousness has evolved to its
present stage it shall go on to higher ones.</p>
<p>Orderly gradation is clearly nature's method of expression.
A continuous, unbroken line of life reaches
downward from man. Its successive stages are seen in
the animals, the reptiles, the insects and the microbes.
Even the great kingdoms into which the biologist divides
life fade into each other almost imperceptibly and it
becomes difficult to say where the vegetable kingdom
stops and the animal kingdom begins. Just as that
continuous chain of life runs downward from man it
must also rise above him until it merges in the Supreme<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_206" id="Page_206">[206]</SPAN></span>
Being. There must necessarily be the higher as well
as the lower products of evolution. Man is merely one
link in the evolutionary chain. The human level is the
point where consciousness has become completely individualized
and is capable of turning back upon itself and
studying its own inner processes.</p>
<p>The thought of Occidental civilization has been sadly
fettered with materialism. It has scarcely dared to
think beyond that which could be grasped with the
hands. The physical senses were its outposts of investigation.
What could not be seen or heard or felt
had no existence for it. Modern science explored the
material universe and perfected its methods until the vast
panorama of worlds could be intimately studied, and
its illimitable scope and colossal grandeur be somewhat
comprehended. But there was no study of life comparable
to the vast stretch of worlds; for material science
had made the remarkable blunder of assuming that the
last word on the nature of matter had been said. Then
came the startling discoveries that revolutionized the
accepted views of matter, that proved that the supposedly
indivisible atom was a miniature universe, a tiny
cosmos of force. The old theories about matter had to
be thrown aside. They were as much out of date as
the belief that the earth is flat. Stripped of technical
terms of expression the revised view of matter is, substantially,
that it is the lowest expression of life; and
now modern science is turning tardy attention to a
study of the life side of the universe. The moment that
is done the sense of consistency and the law of correspondence
compel us to postulate a gradation of in<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_207" id="Page_207">[207]</SPAN></span>telligences
rising above man as man does above the
<p>The scientific mind instantly grasps the inherent
reasonableness of the existence of superphysical beings.
Writing on the subject of energy, Nicola Tesla says:</p>
<div class="blockquot">
<p>"We can conceive of organized beings living without
nourishment and deriving all the energy they
need for the performance of their life functions
from the ambient medium.*** There may be ***
individualized material systems of beings, perhaps
of gaseous constitution, or composed of substance
still more tenuous. In view of this possibility—nay,
probability—we cannot apodictically deny the
existence of organized beings on a planet merely because
the conditions on the same are unsuitable for
the existence of life as we conceive it. We cannot
even, with positive assurance, assert that some of
them might not be present here in this our world,
in the very midst of us, for their constitution and
life manifestation may be such that we are unable
to perceive them."<SPAN name="FNanchor_N_14" id="FNanchor_N_14"></SPAN><SPAN href="#Footnote_N_14" class="fnanchor">[N]</SPAN></p>
<p>Alfred Russell Wallace, who was called "the grand
old man of science," wrote in one of his latest books:</p>
<div class="blockquot"><p>"I think we have got to recognize that between
man and the ultimate God there is an almost infinite
multitude of beings working in the universe at large,
at tasks as definite and important as any we have
to perform on earth. I imagine that the universe is
peopled with spirits—that is, with intelligent beings
with powers and duties akin to our own, but vaster.
I think there is a gradual ascent from man upward
and onward."</p>
<p>While the scientist, still lacking the absolutely con<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_208" id="Page_208">[208]</SPAN></span>clusive
evidence, goes only to the point of asserting that
it is reasonable and probable that supermen exist, the
occultist asserts it as a fact within his personal knowledge.<SPAN name="FNanchor_O_15" id="FNanchor_O_15"></SPAN><SPAN href="#Footnote_O_15" class="fnanchor">[O]</SPAN>
So we have the direct testimony of the occultists,
the endorsement of the scientists as to its probability,
and, perhaps the most important of all, the inherent
reasonableness of the idea.</p>
<p>The relationship of the supermen, or great spiritual
hierarchy, to the human race is that of teachers,
guardians and directors. They superintend human
evolution. But this does not mean in the very least
the relationship that is expressed in the term "spirit
guides" so frequently use by the spiritualist. That is
a totally different thing. They seem to imply that the
"spirit guide" gives direct instructions or orders to the
person known as a "medium." If we were all thus controlled
and directed what would become of free will?
Evolution can proceed only if we use our initiative in
the affairs of life. If we were to be directed by the
wisdom and will of others we would not evolve at all.
We would be merely automata directed by others, and
no matter how great they were we could never thus
develop our judgment and self-reliance. It is not thus
that the great spiritual hierarchy directs human evolution.
It is, in part, by working with mankind en masse
and bringing mental and moral forces to play upon them,
thus stimulating latent spiritual forces from within. It
is also by directly, or indirectly placing ideals instead
of commands before the race. In another direction it<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_209" id="Page_209">[209]</SPAN></span>
is actual superintendence, or administration, or teaching,
in a way that does not interfere with one's initiative or
will. If the soul is to evolve it must have liberty—even
the freedom to make mistakes.</p>
<p>It is sometimes asked why, if the supermen exist,
those who are in incarnation do not come out into the
world and give us ocular evidence of the fact. It is
pointed out that they could speedily convince the world
by a display of superphysical force. But they are probably
not in the least interested in convincing anybody
of their existence. They <em>are</em> interested in raising the
general level of morality, of course, but such an exhibition
would not make people morally better. The work
of the supermen can best be done from higher planes
than the physical. As for the very small number of the
supermen who take physical bodies to better do their
special work, they can best accomplish it from secluded
places; and if they sometimes have reason to come out
into the seething vibrations of our modern civilization it
is easy to understand that they would not be conspicuously
different from other men, to the ordinary observer.</p>
<p>It is from the spiritual hierarchy that come all the
religions of the world. There the question may arise,
"Then why do they differ so greatly?" Because the
peoples to whom they are given differ greatly. The
difference of temperament and viewpoint between the
Orient and the Occident is enormous. We are evolving
along the outer, the objective, and our civilization represents
the material conquest of nature. They are
evolving the inner, the subjective. In the Orient the
common trend of conversation is philosophical, just as<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_210" id="Page_210">[210]</SPAN></span>
in the Occident it is commercial. Such different types
of mind require somewhat different statements of ethics,
but the fundamental principles of all religions are identical.</p>
<p>When a new era in human evolution begins a World
Teacher comes into voluntary incarnation and founds a
religion that is suited to the requirements of the new
era. Humanity is never left to grope along alone. All
that it can comprehend and utilize is taught it in the
various religions. World Teachers, the Christs and
saviours of the race, have been appearing at propitious
times since humanity began existence.</p>
<p>Most readers will probably agree that a World
Teacher known as the Christ did come and found a
religion nearly two thousand years ago. Why do they
think so? They reply that God so loved the world that
he sent his Son, the Christ, to bring it light and life.
If that is true how can we avoid the conclusion that
He, or his predecessors, must have come many a time
before? The belief that He came but once is consistent
only with the erroneous notion that Genesis is
history instead of allegory, and that the earth is about
six thousand years old! Science has not determined
its age but we know that it is very old, indeed. Many
eminent scientists have made rough estimates, taking
into consideration all that we have learned from astronomy,
geology and archeology. Phillips, the geologist,
basing his calculations upon the time required for the
depositions of the stratified rocks, put the minimum
age at thirty-eight million years and the maximum age
at ninety-six million years. Sir George Darwin, bas<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_211" id="Page_211">[211]</SPAN></span>ing
his calculation wholly upon astronomical data, puts
the earth's age at a minimum of fifty-six million years.
Joly arrived at his estimate by a calculation of the time
required to produce the sodium content of the ocean,
and concluded that the age of the earth is between
eighty million and one hundred million years. Sollas is
said to have made careful study of the matter and he
finds the minimum to be eighty million, and the maximum
age to be one hundred and fifty million years. But
perhaps the most exhaustive study of the matter, and
that made by the use of the later scientific knowledge,
was by Bosler, of the French scientists. He bases his
calculations upon the radio-activity of rocks and arrives
at a minimum earth age of seven hundred and ten
millions of years. Thus it will be observed that as our
knowledge grows the estimated age of the earth increases.</p>
<p>In the face of such facts what becomes of the assertion
that God so loved the world that he sent His Son
to help ignorant humanity about two thousand years
ago—but never before? What about the hundreds of
millions of human beings who lived and died before that
time? Did He care nothing for them? Did He give
his attention to humanity for a period of only two
thousand years and neglect it for millions of years?
Two thousand years, compared to the age of the earth,
is less than an hour in the ordinary life of a man. Does
anybody believe that God, in his great compassion,
sent just one World Teacher for that brief period?
What would we say of a father who gave one hour of
his whole life to his child and neglected him absolutely<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_212" id="Page_212">[212]</SPAN></span>
before and after that? Countless millions of the people
who lived and died prior to the coming of the Christ
were very much like ourselves. They belonged to
ancient civilizations that often surpassed our own in
many desirable characteristics. They were educated and
cultured in their time and fashion. They were fathers
and sons and mothers and daughters and husbands and
wives, with the same kind of heart ties that we have.
What of them? Were they permitted to grope in the
moral wilderness without a Teacher or a ray of light?
Of course the idea is preposterous. If God so loved
the world that He sent his Son two thousand years
ago He sent Him, or some predecessor, very many times
before. By the same token He will come again. The
only logical escape from such a conclusion is in the
materialist's belief that He never came at all.</p>
<p>All religions crystalize, become materialized, and
lose their spiritual significance. That is precisely what
has happened to the various great religions of the modern
world, including Christianity. It is no longer the dynamic
thing in the lives of the people it once was. That's why
a world war was possible. The fault is not with the
teachings of the Christ. The trouble is that the world has
not lived by them. We need a restatement of the old
teachings in the terms of modern life that shall again
make it a living force in the lives of men. It is when the
World Teacher is most needed that he comes; and when
has the need been greater than now? The world war has
demonstrated the failure of so-called Christian civilization.
We have seen the highest type of that civilization
revert to the law of the jungle, deliberately disregard<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_213" id="Page_213">[213]</SPAN></span>
the usages of civilized warfare, and commit atrocities
that would shame barbarians. We surely need no further
proof that the Christian religion has not accomplished
all that the spiritual hierarchy had a right to
hope for, and that the coming of the Christ again is a
<p>But the spiritual hierarchy sends its great ambassadors
only when the time is propitious, only when the
world is ready to listen. Perhaps such an event can
never be predicted in terms of time, but only in those of
conditions. When the strength of the nations is spent,
when the slain totals appalling numbers, when few
homes of high or low degree are without their terrible
sacrifice, when the heart of the race is filled with anguish,
when famine and disease have done their awful work,
and humanity fully realizes what the reaction from greed,
lust, cruelty and revenge actually means, the world will
be ready to listen as it never listened before, and after
that we may reasonably expect the Christ to again appear
to re-proclaim the ancient truth in terms of modern life.</p>
<p>The supermen are not myths nor figments of imagination.
They are as natural and comprehensive as human
beings. In the regular order of evolution we shall
reach their level and join their ranks while younger humanities
shall attain our present estate. As the supermen
rose we, too, shall rise. Our past has been evolution's
night. Our present is its dawn. Our future
shall be its perfect day. Think of that night from
which we have emerged—a chaos of contending forces,
a world in which might was the measure of right, a civilization
of scepter and sword, of baron and serf, of master<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_214" id="Page_214">[214]</SPAN></span>
and slave. That, we have left behind us. Think of the
grey dawn that our civilization has reached—the dawn
of a public conscience, of individual liberty, of collective
welfare, of the sacredness of life, but with armed force
still dominant, with war the arbiter of national destiny,
with industrial slavery still lingering, with conflict between
the higher aspirations and the lower desires still
raging—a world of selfishness masked by civilized usage,
a world of veneered cruelty and refined brutality. In all
that we now live. But think of the coming results of
evolution!—an era in which love shall replace force,
when saber and cannon shall be unknown, when selfish
desires shall be transmuted into noble service, when,
finally, we shall finish the painful period of human evolution
and join the spiritual hierarchy to direct the
faltering steps of a younger race.</p>
<div class="footnotes">
<div class="footnote"><p><SPAN name="Footnote_N_14" id="Footnote_N_14"></SPAN><SPAN href="#FNanchor_N_14"><span class="label">[N]</span></SPAN> "The Conservation of Energy," Nicola Tesla, Century
Magazine, June 1900.</p>
<div class="footnote"><p><SPAN name="Footnote_O_15" id="Footnote_O_15"></SPAN><SPAN href="#FNanchor_O_15"><span class="label">[O]</span></SPAN> An Outline of Theosophy, C. W. Leadbeater, pp. 6-12.</p>
<div class="tn">
<h4 class="u">Transcriber's Note:</h4>
<p>The following corrections were made:</p>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_6"></SPAN>: pretention to pretension (no pretension is made)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_12"></SPAN>: An to In (In another aspect it is a religion.)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_12"></SPAN>: thesosophy to theosophy (While theosophy is distinctly a science)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_13"></SPAN>: discusison to discussion (A detailed discussion of such methods)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_16"></SPAN>: nevertheelss to nevertheless (is nevertheless just that relationship)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_17"></SPAN>: explicilt to explicit (is certainly very explicit)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_19"></SPAN>: period to semi-colon (who's true to man;)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_34"></SPAN>: communciating to communicating (dead man who is communicating?)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_35"></SPAN>: extra 'the' removed (more convincing than the evidence)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_47">p. 46-47</SPAN>: envelopes to envelops (because it envelops it)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_63"></SPAN>: oftens to often (often requires death)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_74"></SPAN>: repreduces to reproduces (exactly reproduces emotion)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_82"></SPAN>: consciouness to consciousness (finally loses consciousness)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_83"></SPAN>: of to or (or by cleverly combining)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_86"></SPAN>: strengthend to strengthened (strengthened and vivified)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_89"></SPAN>: slight to sight (has not lost sight of us)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_91"></SPAN>: communciate to communicate (had to communicate with him)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_91"></SPAN>: communcation to communication (subject of communication)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_92"></SPAN>: communciate to communicate (desires to communicate)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_93"></SPAN>: influnces to influences (sensitive to psychic influences)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_94"></SPAN>: persist to persists (who persists in occupying)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_95"></SPAN>: confidenty to confidently (will confidently assert himself)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_96"></SPAN>: close quote added (What can I do?")</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_103"></SPAN>: missing comma added (While we do not yet know a great deal about life, science)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_105"></SPAN>: perect to perfect (perfect agreement)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_109"></SPAN>: extra 'and' removed (new and undeveloped)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_115"></SPAN>: thoughtul to thoughtful (a thoughtful matron)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_117"></SPAN>: methematical to mathematical (a mathematical problem)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_120"></SPAN>: If to It (It often puzzles)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_121"></SPAN>: from to form (highest possible form)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_124"></SPAN>: missing apostrophe added (of nations' condemned prisoners)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_128"></SPAN>: extra 'to' removed (civilization today could arise)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_129"></SPAN>: two erroneously reversed lines corrected (consciousness. The young quails of this season come / they are attached to the same group-soul, or source of)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_138"></SPAN>: crminal to criminal (a noted criminal)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_142"></SPAN>: possesing to possessing (we find others possessing)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_146"></SPAN>: blockquote formatted to match others in text</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_158"></SPAN>: meed to need (no need of praise)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_181"></SPAN>: incalcuable to incalculable (is incalculable and altogether beyond)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_185"></SPAN>: responsibilty to responsibility (personal responsibility and therefore)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_191"></SPAN>: hapen to happen (may happen to fall)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_191">p. 191-192</SPAN>: extinquished to extinguished (Before the fire could be extinguished)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_193"></SPAN>: beneficient to beneficent ("beneficent working of the law")</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_193"></SPAN>: phsical to physical (from the physical plane)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_195"></SPAN>: mistate to misstate (misstate facts)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_196"></SPAN>: atain to attain (and surely attain)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_203"></SPAN>: idocy to idiocy (In idiocy we have)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_204"></SPAN>: Maesfield to Masefield (Masefield put it well)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_204"></SPAN>: blest to blessed (I shall be helped and healed and blessed.)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_207"></SPAN>: appodictically to apodictically (cannot apodictically deny)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_209"></SPAN>: superman to supermen (small number of the supermen)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_209"></SPAN>: it to is (it is easy to understand)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_211"></SPAN>: calcualations to calculations (He bases his calculations upon)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_212"></SPAN>: chrystalize to crystalize (All religions crystalize)</li>
<li><SPAN href="#Page_213"></SPAN>: embassadors to ambassadors (sends its great ambassadors)</li>
<p>Irregularities in hyphenation (e.g. wide-spread vs. widespread, class-room vs. classroom) and variant spellings (e.g. cigaret) have not been corrected.</p>
<SPAN name="endofbook"></SPAN>
<div style="break-after:column;"></div><br />