<p>Our task draws near to a conclusion; and we hope that those who have
followed our teachings will thirst after further knowledge; that they
will henceforward regard the great Book of Nature as the work of an
Almighty Hand, and endeavour to find, for everything that Nature
does, the <i>Reason Why</i>.</p>
<p>A high perception of the wisdom of the Divine Being, must necessarily
be the result of an intelligent contemplation of the Divine works. To
the ignorant, the name of God is an unmeaning word; it may inspire
fear, but it does not develope love. To the dark mind of the untaught
man, God is no more than one of those mysterious existences that awe
the superstitious, and deter the wicked. There is no grafting of
the soul of the man upon the eternal love. But knowledge brings man
into communion with that Almighty wisdom which is the fountain of
all truth and happiness. To the enlightened man, God is the sun of
all goodness, around whom the attributes of Power, Wisdom, and Love,
radiate and fill the universe. As man's physical eye cannot withstand
the light of the sun, neither can man's spiritual eye see the whole
glory of God. But as we can rejoice in the sunshine, and interpret
the mission of the sunbeam, so can we find happiness in the Divine
presence, and gather wisdom by the contemplation of the Creator's
<p>Nature is a great teacher. What a lesson may be gathered from the
germination of a seed; how uniformly the germs obey their destiny.
However carelessly a seed may be set in the ground, the germ which
forms the root, and that which is the architect of the stem, will
seek their way—the one to light, the other to darkness—to fulfil
their duty. The obstruction of granite rocks, cannot force the
rootlet upward, nor drive the leaflet down. They may kill the germs
by exhausting their vital powers in an endeavour to find the proper
elements; but no obstruction can make a single blade of grass do
aught but strive to fulfil the end for which it was created. Would
that man were equally true to the purpose of his existence, and
suffered neither the rocks of selfishness, nor the false light of
temptation, to force or allure him from duty to his God.</p>
<p class="center p2">THE END.</p>
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<p>Na Motu is the quaint title of a handsome volume of voyage and
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<p class="center"><i>SAM SLICK'S YANKEE COURTSHIP.</i></p>
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<p class="center font-larger">WISE SAWS;</p>
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<p class="center p1">Extract from the Preface:</p>
<p>* * * * "Fun has no limits. It is like the human race and face; there
is a family likeness among all the species, but they all differ. New
combinations produce new varieties. A man who has an eye for fun sees
it in everything. * * * There is a work called 'The Horse,' and another
'The Cow,' and 'The Dog,' and so on; why should'nt there be one on 'The
Galls?' They are about the most difficult to choose and to manage of
any created critter, and yet there aint any dependable directions about
pickin' and choosin' of them. Is it any wonder then so many fellows get
taken in when they go for to swap hearts with them? Besides; any one
can find a gentleman that keeps a livery stable to get him a horse to
order, but who can say, 'This is the Gall for your money!'"</p>
<p class="center p1">CONTENTS.</p>
<div class="ml-30">
<div style="float: left; width: 50%;">
<ul class="no-style">
<li class="chap">Introductory Letter,</li>
<li class="chap">Chat with the President,</li>
<li class="chap">Stealing a Speech,</li>
<li class="chap">Everything in General, and Nothing in Particular,</li>
<li class="chap">The black Hawk: or Life in a Fore-and-After,</li>
<li class="chap">Old Blowhard,</li>
<li class="chap">The Widow's Son,</li>
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<div class="transnote p3">
<h3>Transcriber's Note:</h3>
<li>Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note.</li>
<li>Punctuation and spelling were made consistent when a predominant
form was found in this book; otherwise they were not changed.</li>
<li>Ambiguous hyphens at the ends of lines were retained.</li>
<li>Mid-paragraph illustrations have been moved between paragraphs
and some illustrations have been moved closer to the text that
references them.</li>
<li>Each page starts with a biblical quotation. They were moved
between paragraphs when needed.</li>
<span style="margin-left: 1.5em;>">Other Notes:</span>
<li>p. ix: LESSON XI follows LESSON XII. This was not changed.</li>
<li>p. 151: Two consecutive questions are labeled 666. This was not changed.</li>
<li>p. 177: Question 892 was mislabeled. Changed to 802.</li>
<li>pp. 199 and 201 each have a question 869. This was not changed.</li>
<li>p. 232. "F. The muscle situated underneath, ..." This muscle is shown above
in Fig. 61.</li>
<li>p. 251: "... that required to be removed..." changed to "... that are
required to be removed"....</li>
<li>p. 253: "... destruction of the optic,..." changed to "... destruction of the optic
<li>p. 286: "... that minerals, and animals..." changed to "... animals..."</li>
<li>p. 293: Two consecutive questions are labeled 1167. This was not changed.</li>
<div style="break-after:column;"></div><br />