<h2><SPAN name="TAME_BATS" id="TAME_BATS"></SPAN>TAME BATS.</h2>
<ANTIMG class="drop-cap" src="images/initial_t.jpg" width-obs="58" height-obs="70" alt="" /></div>
<p class="drop-cap">THE Bat is a harmless little animal,
but I doubt if many of us
would care to have a number of
them flying around. The hotter the
climate the more Bats you will find.
As evening draws nigh, even in Italy,
Greece, and Spain, out of their nooks
and corners thousands of them fly,
fluttering over the fields, through the
gardens and streets of the town,
through houses and rooms.</p>
<p>People get used to them there, and
when awakened by the noise of their
wings will get up, chase them from the
room with a stick, and though aware
they will return again when all is quiet,
lie down again and go to sleep.</p>
<p>You would scarcely think to look at
these lively little animals that they
could be tamed and become strongly
attached to their masters, would you?
But indeed they are very intelligent
and many naturalists have made pets
of them, training them to take food
from their hands or search for it in a
glass. They will follow the one they
love all over the house, and show
themselves very amiable and sensible,
<p>One cold spring morning a lady with
a sympathetic heart—a true Christian
lady I should judge, since she loved all
things "both great and small"—saw a
boy tossing in the air a little animal
which she took to be a Mouse. Even
so insignificant a creature should not
be needlessly tortured, so she went at
once to its rescue. Instead of a Mouse
she found it to be a Bat, half-dead
from cold and fright. With tender
hands she placed it upon some cotton
in the bottom of a basket and set it
near the fire. Many times she peeped
into the basket and was at length delighted
to see the little creature hanging
bat-fashion on the side of the basket,
its keen, bright eyes watching
every movement. One of its feet she
found was crushed. With trembling
hands she severed the bit of skin by
which it hung, and applied some healing
salve to the wound. The poor little
creature suffered too much to taste
food, but after a few days accepted a
Fly from her hands, then a bit of meat,
after which it folded its wings to signify
it had enough.</p>
<p>The Bat at length became as tame as
a Mouse and would hang itself to any
convenient portion of its mistress'
dress; would eat whatever of animal
food she gave it, and lick milk off her
fingers. At night it would settle upon
her hair, but never went near other
members of the family; would fly about
the room, and go out of the window in
search of insects, returning in a couple
of hours, and if the window was closed
hang to the window-sill, or to the sash,
until admitted. Thus it lived for two
years, a happy, contented Bat, till one
night it flew out and never returned—a
prey probably to some White Owls
who for years had made their home
in an old belfry near by.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_170" id="Page_170">[Pg 170]</SPAN></span></p>
<table class="sp2 mc w50 p2" title="BROWN AND RED BAT." summary="BROWN AND RED BAT .">
<td colspan="3"><span class="ac w100 figcenter">
<SPAN name="i_023.jpg" id="i_023.jpg"> <ANTIMG style="width:100%"
src="images/i_023.jpg" width="600" height="467" alt="" /></SPAN></span>
<td class="xx-smaller ac w30">From col. Chi. Acad. Sciences.</td>
<td class="x-smaller ac w40">BROWN AND RED BAT.<br/>
¾ Life-size.</td>
<td class="xx-smaller ac w30">Copyright by<br/>
Nature Study Pub. Co., 1898, Chicago.</td>
<hr class="chap" />
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_171" id="Page_171">[Pg 171]</SPAN></span></p>
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