avocado avocado /ˌævəˈkɑːdoʊ/


  1. Of the dull yellowish green of the meat of an avocado  ( avocado )
    of the dull yellowish green of the meat of an avocado


  1. () A pear-shaped tropical fruit with green or blackish skin and rich yellowish pulp enclosing a single large seed  ( aguacate , alligator pear [ N. American] , avocado pear , avocado )
    a pear-shaped tropical fruit with green or blackish skin and rich yellowish pulp enclosing a single large seed
     I love to make avocado toast for breakfast
    I love to make avocado toast for breakfast
  2. Tropical American tree bearing large pulpy green fruits  ( avocado , avocado tree , Persea Americana )
    tropical American tree bearing large pulpy green fruits