intend intend /ˌɪnˈtɛnd/


  1. () Have in mind as a purpose  ( think , mean , intend )
    have in mind as a purpose
     I mean no harm
    I mean no harm
     I only meant to help you
    I only meant to help you
     She didn't think to harm me
    She didn't think to harm me
     We thought to return early that night
    We thought to return early that night
  2. () Design or destine  ( designate , specify , destine , intend )
    design or destine
     She was intended to become the director
    She was intended to become the director
  3. () Mean or intend to express or convey  ( intend , mean )
    mean or intend to express or convey
     You never understand what I mean!
    You never understand what I mean!
     What do his words intend?
    what do his words intend?
  4. Denote or connote  ( intend , stand for , signify , mean )
    denote or connote
     Maison' means house' in French
    maison' means house' in French
     An example sentence would show what this word means
    An example sentence would show what this word means